format :html do def act_from_context if (act_id = params["act_id"]) Act.find(act_id) || raise(Card::NotFound, "act not found") else card.last_action.act end end # used (by history and recent)for rendering act lists with legend and paging # # @param acts [ActiveRecord::Relation] relation that will return acts objects # @param context [Symbol] :relative or :absolute # @param draft_legend [Symbol] :show or :hide def acts_layout acts, context, draft_legend=:hide bs_layout container: false, fluid: false do html _render_act_legend(draft_legend => :draft_legend) row(12) { act_list acts, context } # row(12) { act_paging acts, context } end end def act_listing act, seq=nil, context=nil opts = act_listing_opts_from_params(seq) opts[:slot_class] = "revision-#{} history-slot list-group-item" context ||= (params[:act_context] || :absolute).to_sym act_renderer(context).new(self, act, opts).render end # TODO: consider putting all these under one top-level param, eg: # act: { seq: X, diff: [show/hide], action_view: Y } def act_listing_opts_from_params seq { act_seq: (seq || params["act_seq"]), action_view: (params["action_view"] || "summary").to_sym, hide_diff: params["hide_diff"].to_s.strip == "true" } end def acts_for_accordion acts, context clean_acts(current_page_acts(acts)).map do |act| with_act_seq(context, acts) do |seq| yield act, seq end end end def with_act_seq context, acts yield(context == :absolute ? nil : current_act_seq(acts)) end def current_act_seq acts @act_seq = @act_seq ? (@act_seq -= 1) : act_list_starting_seq(acts) end def clean_acts acts # FIXME: if we get rid of bad act data, this will not be necessary # The current end def current_page_acts acts acts_per_page end def act_list_starting_seq acts acts.size - (acts_page_from_params - 1) * acts_per_page end def acts_per_page @acts_per_page ||= Card.config.acts_per_page || 10 end def acts_page_from_params @acts_page_from_params ||= params["page"].present? ? params["page"].to_i : 1 end def action_icon action_type, extra_class=nil icon = case action_type when :create then :create_action when :update then :update_action when :delete then :delete_action when :draft then :draft end icon_tag icon, extra_class end private def act_list acts, context act_accordion acts, context do |act, seq| fmt = context == :relative ? self : act.card.format(:html) fmt.act_listing act, seq, context end end def act_accordion acts, context, &block accordion do acts_for_accordion(acts, context, &block).join end end def act_renderer context case context when :absolute Act::ActRenderer::AbsoluteActRenderer when :board Act::ActRenderer::BoardActRenderer else # relative Act::ActRenderer::RelativeActRenderer end end end