<%#= README.md.erb is used to auto-generate README.md. %>
<%#= To manually maintain README.md throw away README.md.erb and manually edit README.md %>
###### (Automatically generated documentation)

# <%= name %>

## Description
<%= description %>

## Modeler Description
<%= modelerDescription %>

## Measure Type
<%= measureType %>

## Taxonomy
<%= taxonomy %>

## Arguments

<% arguments.each do |argument| %>
### <%= argument[:display_name] %>
<%= argument[:description] %>
**Name:** <%= argument[:name] %>,
**Type:** <%= argument[:type] %>,
**Units:** <%= argument[:units] %>,
**Required:** <%= argument[:required] %>,
**Model Dependent:** <%= argument[:model_dependent] %>
<% end %>

<% if arguments.size == 0 %>
<%= "This measure does not have any user arguments" %>
<% end %>

<% if outputs.size > 0 %>
## Outputs
<% output_names = [] %>
<% outputs.each do |output| %>
<% output_names << output[:display_name] %>
<% end %>
<%= output_names.join(", ") %>
<% end %>

###### (Manually generated documentation)
## Report Screenshots

* Colors of envelope components match default model rendering by surface type. 
* Colors for equipment and lights use colors similar to OpenStudio Results. 
* Click the blue headings above plots to expand source table. 

#### Heat Gains Summary
*Annual pie chart and monthly stacked bar chart by component.*

![Heat Gains Summary](./docs/htg_gain_summary.png?raw=true)

#### Heat Loss Summary
*Annual pie chart and monthly stacked bar chart by component.*

![Heat Loss Summary](./docs/htg_loss_summary.png?raw=true)

#### Heat Gains By Month Detailed
*Each component type has a table with each contributing object listed by month. There are annual totals for each component, and there is a monthly total with all components of that type aggregated*

![Heat Gains By Month Detailed - a](./docs/htg_gain_detailed_a.png?raw=true)

*Each sub-surface and surface with an outdoor or ground boundary boundary condition is listed. At the end of the surface type a row subtotals the heat gains by outdoor walls, outdoor roofs, and ground boundary surfaces.*
![Heat Gains By Month Detailed - b](./docs/htg_gain_detailed_b.png?raw=true)

#### Heat Losses By Month Detailed
*Each component type has a table with each contributing object listed by month. There are annual totals for each component, and there is a monthly total with all components of that type aggregated*

![Heat Losses By Month Detailed](./docs/htg_loss_detailed.png?raw=true)