module Sauce class Connect TIMEOUT = 300 attr_reader :status, :error def initialize(options={}) @ready = false @status = "uninitialized" @error = nil host = options[:host] || '' port = options[:port] || '3000' tunnel_port = options[:tunnel_port] || '80' options.delete(:host) options.delete(:port) options.delete(:tunnel_port) config = args = ['-u', config.username, '-k', config.access_key, '-s', host, '-p', port, '-d', config.domain, '-t', tunnel_port] @pipe = IO.popen((["exec", "\"#{Sauce::Connect.find_sauce_connect}\""] + args).join(' ')) at_exit do Process.kill("INT", while @ready sleep 1 end end { while( (line = @pipe.gets) ) if line =~ /Tunnel host is (.*) (\.\.|at)/ @status = $1 end if line =~/You may start your tests\./ @ready = true end if line =~ /- (Problem.*)$/ @error = $1 end puts line unless options[:quiet] end @ready = false } end def wait_until_ready start = while !@ready and ( < TIMEOUT sleep 0.4 end if !@ready raise "Sauce Connect failed to connect after #{TIMEOUT} seconds" end end def disconnect if @ready Process.kill("INT", while @ready sleep 1 end end end def self.find_sauce_connect File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)))), "support", "sauce_connect") end # Global Sauce Connect-ness @connection = nil def self.connect!(*args) @connection =*args) @connection.wait_until_ready at_exit do @connection.disconnect end end def self.ensure_connected(*args) if @connection @connection.wait_until_ready else connect!(*args) end end end end