require "spec_helper" require "rest_client" describe SauceWhisk::RestRequestBuilder do let(:dummy_client) { do extend SauceWhisk::RestRequestBuilder def self.resource "dummy" end end } let(:dummy_client_without_resource) { do extend SauceWhisk::RestRequestBuilder end } let (:mock_auth) {{ :user => ENV["SAUCE_USERNAME"], :password => ENV["SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY"] }} describe "#fully_qualified_resource" do context "with a resource defined" do it "should end with the resource" do expect( dummy_client.fully_qualified_resource ).to eq "#{SauceWhisk.base_url}/#{dummy_client.resource}" end end context "without a resource defined" do it "should return the base url" do expect( dummy_client_without_resource.fully_qualified_resource ).to eq SauceWhisk.base_url end end end describe "#auth_details" do it "should return the env vars" do expect( dummy_client.auth_details ).to eq mock_auth end end describe "#make_request" do before :all do VCR.insert_cassette 'rest_request_retry', :record => :new_episodes end after :all do VCR.eject_cassette end it "should retry 404'd methods n times" do expected_url = "#{SauceWhisk.base_url}/#{dummy_client.resource}" expected_params = {:method => :get, :url => expected_url}.merge mock_auth times = 0 expect( RestClient::Request ).to receive(:execute) do |arg| expect(arg).to eq expected_params raise if(times >= SauceWhisk.rest_retries) times += 1 end dummy_client.get end end describe "#get" do before :all do VCR.insert_cassette 'rest_request', :record => :new_episodes end after :all do VCR.eject_cassette end it "should call the base URL with the resource name" do expected_url = "#{SauceWhisk.base_url}/#{dummy_client.resource}" expected_params = {:method => :get, :url => expected_url}.merge mock_auth expect( RestClient::Request ).to receive(:execute).with(expected_params) dummy_client.get end end describe "#delete", :vcr => {:cassette_name => 'jobs'} do let(:expected_url) {"#{SauceWhisk.base_url}/#{dummy_client.resource}/identifier"} it "calls the base URL with the delete method" do expected_params = {:method => :delete, :url => expected_url}.merge mock_auth expect( RestClient::Request ).to receive(:execute).with(expected_params) dummy_client.delete "identifier" end end begin describe "#post", :vcr => {:cassette_name => 'tunnels'} do let(:expected_payload) {{:tunnel_identifier => "KarlMarx"}} it "calls the base URL" do expected_url = "#{SauceWhisk.base_url}/#{dummy_client.resource}" expect( RestClient::Request ).to receive(:execute).with(hash_including({:url => expected_url})) => expected_payload) end it "uses the correct method" do expect( RestClient::Request ).to receive(:execute).with(hash_including({:method => :post})) => expected_payload) end it "includes the correct payload, in JSON" do expect( RestClient::Request ).to receive(:execute).with(hash_including({:payload => expected_payload.to_json})) => expected_payload) end it "includes the correct content_type" do expect( RestClient::Request ).to receive(:execute).with(hash_including({:content_type => "application/json"})) => expected_payload) end it "includes the correct length" do expected_length = expected_payload.to_json.length expect( RestClient::Request ).to receive(:execute).with(hash_including({:headers => {"Content-Length" => expected_length}})) => expected_payload) end it "includes the authentication parameters" do expect( RestClient::Request ).to receive(:execute).with(hash_including(mock_auth)) => expected_payload) end it "allows for base resource additions" do expected_url = "#{SauceWhisk.base_url}/#{dummy_client.resource}/dummy_res" expect( RestClient::Request ).to receive(:execute).with(hash_including({:payload => expected_payload.to_json, :url => expected_url})) => expected_payload, :resource =>"dummy_res") end end end describe "#put", :vcr => {:cassette_name => 'jobs'} do let(:expected_url) {"#{SauceWhisk.base_url}/#{dummy_client.resource}/something"} it "calls the base URL with the put method" do expect( RestClient::Request ).to receive(:execute).with(hash_including({:url => expected_url})) dummy_client.put "something", "another_thing" end it "includes the right method" do expect( RestClient::Request ).to receive(:execute).with(hash_including({:method => :put})) dummy_client.put "something", "another_thing" end it "includes the content length" do expect( RestClient::Request ).to receive(:execute).with(hash_including(:headers => {"Content-Length" => 13})) dummy_client.put "something", "another_thing" end it "includes authentication details" do expect( RestClient::Request ).to receive(:execute).with(hash_including(mock_auth)) dummy_client.put "something", "another_thing" end it "sends the payload" do expect( RestClient::Request ).to receive(:execute).with(hash_including({:payload => "another_thing"})) dummy_client.put "something", "another_thing" end end end