module Effective module Resources module Instance attr_reader :instance # This is written for use by effective_logging and effective_trash def instance @instance || end # called by effective_trash as defaults, and effective_logging sometimes with true or false def instance_attributes(include_associated: true) return {} unless instance.present? attributes = { attributes: instance.attributes } # Collect to_s representations of all belongs_to associations if include_associated belong_tos.each do |association| attributes[] = instance.send( end nested_resources.each do |association| attributes[] ||= {} Array(instance.send( do |child, index| resource = attributes[][index] = resource.instance_attributes end end has_ones.each do |association| attributes[] = instance.send( end has_manys.each do |association| attributes[] = instance.send( { |obj| obj.to_s } end has_and_belongs_to_manys.each do |association| attributes[] = instance.send( { |obj| obj.to_s } end end attributes.delete_if { |_, value| value.blank? } end # used by effective_logging def instance_changes return {} unless (instance.present? && instance.changes.present?) changes = instance.changes.delete_if do |attribute, (before, after)| begin (before.kind_of?(ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone) && after.kind_of?(ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone) && before.to_i == after.to_i) || (before == nil && after == false) || (before == nil && after == ''.freeze) rescue => e true end end # Log to_s changes on all belongs_to associations belong_tos.each do |association| if (change = changes.delete(association.foreign_key)).present? changes[] = [(association.klass.find_by_id(change.first) if changes.first), instance.send(] end end changes end end end end