require 'yaml' module Log class ProgressBar def print(io, str) return if Log.no_bar STDERR.print str Log.logfile.puts str unless Log.logfile.nil? Log::LAST.replace "progress" end attr_accessor :history, :mean_max, :max_history def thr_msg if @history.nil? @history ||= [[0, @start], [@ticks,] ] elsif @last_ticks != @ticks @history << [@ticks,] max_history ||= begin max_history = case when @ticks > 20 count = @ticks - @last_count count = 1 if count == 0 if @max times = @max / count num = times / 20 num = 2 if num < 2 else num = 10 end count * num else 20 end max_history = 30 if max_history > 30 max_history end @history.shift if @history.length > max_history end @last_ticks = @ticks @mean_max ||= 0 if @history.length > 3 sticks, stime = @history.first ssticks, sstime = @history[-3] lticks, ltime = @history.last mean = @mean = (lticks - sticks).to_f / (ltime - stime) short_mean = (lticks - ssticks).to_f / (ltime - sstime) @mean_max = mean if mean > @mean_max end if short_mean thr = short_mean else thr = begin (@ticks || 1) / ( - @start) rescue 1 end end thr = 0.0000001 if thr == 0 if mean.nil? or mean.to_i > 2 str = "#{ Log.color :blue, thr.to_i.to_s } per sec." #str << " #{ Log.color :yellow, mean.to_i.to_s } avg. #{Log.color :yellow, @mean_max.to_i.to_s} max." if @mean_max > 0 else if 1.0/thr < 1 str = "#{ Log.color :blue, (1.0/thr).round(2).to_s } secs each" elsif 1.0/thr < 2 str = "#{ Log.color :blue, (1.0/thr).round(1).to_s } secs each" else str = "#{ Log.color :blue, (1/thr).ceil.to_s } secs each" end #str << " #{ Log.color :yellow, (1/mean).ceil.to_s } avg. #{Log.color :yellow, (1/@mean_max).ceil.to_s} min." if @mean_max > 0 end str end def eta_msg percent = self.percent time = indicator = "" 10.times{|i| if i < percent / 10 then indicator << Log.color(:yellow, ".") else indicator << " " end } indicator << " #{Log.color(:blue, percent.to_s << "%")}" used = time - @start if @mean_max and @mean_max > 0 and @mean > 0 eta = (@max - @ticks) / @mean else eta = (@max - @ticks) / (@ticks/used) end used = Misc.format_seconds(used) eta = [eta/3600, eta/60 % 60, eta % 60].map{|t| "%02i" % t }.join(':') #indicator << " #{Log.color :yellow, used} used #{Log.color :yellow, eta} left - #{Log.color :yellow, ticks.to_s} of #{Log.color :yellow, @max.to_s} #{bytes ? 'bytes' : 'items'}" indicator << " #{Log.color :yellow, eta} => #{Log.color :yellow, used} - #{Log.color :yellow, ticks.to_s} of #{Log.color :yellow, @max.to_s} #{bytes ? 'bytes' : 'items'}" indicator end def report_msg str = Log.color(:magenta, "·") if @ticks == 0 if @max return str << " " << Log.color(:magenta, "waiting on #{@max} #{bytes ? 'bytes' : 'items'}") << Log.color(:magenta, " · " << desc) else return str << " " << Log.color(:magenta, "waiting - PID: #{}") << Log.color(:magenta, " · " << desc) end end str << " " << thr_msg if max str << Log.color(:blue, " -- ") << eta_msg else str << Log.color(:blue, " -- ") << ticks.to_s << " #{bytes ? 'bytes' : 'items'}" end str << Log.color(:magenta, " · " << desc) str end def load(info) info.each do |key, value| case key.to_sym when :start @start = value when :last_time @last_time = value when :last_count @last_count = value when :last_percent @last_percent = value when :desc @desc = value when :ticks @ticks = value when :max @max = value when :mean @mean = value end end end def save info = {:start => @start, :last_time => @last_time, :last_count => @last_count, :last_percent => @last_percent, :desc => @desc, :ticks => @ticks, :max => @max, :mean => @mean} info.delete_if{|k,v| v.nil?} File.write(file, info.to_yaml) end def report(io = STDERR) if Log::LAST != "progress" bars = BARS if Log::LAST == "new_bar" Log::LAST.replace "progress" bar = bars.sort_by{|b| b.depth }.first print(io, Log.color(:magenta ,bar.report_msg) << "\n") else print(io, Log.color(:magenta, "···Progress\n")) bars.sort_by{|b| b.depth }.reverse.each do |bar| if SILENCED.include? bar print(io, Log.color(:magenta, "·\n")) else print(io, Log.color(:magenta ,bar.report_msg) << "\n") end end end else bars = BARS end bars << self unless BARS.include? self print(io, Log.up_lines(bars.length) << Log.color(:magenta, "···Progress\n") << Log.down_lines(bars.length+1)) if Log::ProgressBar.offset == 0 print(io, Log.up_lines(@depth) << report_msg << "\n" << Log.down_lines(@depth - 1)) @last_time = @last_count = ticks @last_percent = percent if max and max > 0 Log::LAST.replace "progress" save if file end def done(io = STDERR) done_msg = Log.color(:magenta, "· ") << Log.color(:green, "done") if @start ellapsed = ( - @start) else ellapsed = 0 end ellapsed_str = [ellapsed/3600, ellapsed/60 % 60, ellapsed % 60].map{|t| "%02i" % t }.join(':') done_msg << " " << Log.color(:blue, (@ticks).to_s) << " #{bytes ? 'bytes' : 'items'} in " << Log.color(:green, ellapsed_str) @last_count = 0 @last_time = @start thr = ellapsed > 0 ? (@ticks / ellapsed).to_i.to_s : 0 done_msg << " - " << Log.color(:blue, thr) << " per second" done_msg << Log.color(:magenta, " · " << desc) print(io, Log.up_lines(@depth) << done_msg << Log.down_lines(@depth)) FileUtils.rm file if file and File.exist?(file) self if @callback end def error(io = STDERR) done_msg = Log.color(:magenta, "· ") << Log.color(:red, "error") if @start ellapsed = ( - @start).to_i else ellapsed = 0 end ellapsed = [ellapsed/3600, ellapsed/60 % 60, ellapsed % 60].map{|t| "%02i" % t }.join(':') done_msg << " " << Log.color(:blue, (@ticks).to_s) << " in " << Log.color(:green, ellapsed) @last_count = 0 @last_time = @start done_msg << " - " << thr_msg done_msg << Log.color(:magenta, " · " << desc) print(io, Log.up_lines(@depth) << done_msg << Log.down_lines(@depth)) File.rm file if file and File.exist?(file) begin self rescue Log.debug "Callback failed for filed progress bar: #{$!.message}" end if @callback end end end