# Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Kouichirou Eto, All rights reserved. # This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU GPL 2. $LOAD_PATH.unshift '..' unless $LOAD_PATH.include? '..' require 'qwik/resolve-tdiary' require 'qwik/act-basic' require 'qwik/common-resolve' require 'qwik/site-resolve' module Qwik class Resolver def self.resolve(site, action, wabisabi) wabisabi ||= [] wabisabi = wabisabi.deep_copy wabisabi.make_index wabisabi = site.resolve_all_ref(wabisabi) wabisabi = action.resolve_all_plugin(wabisabi) return wabisabi end end end if $0 == __FILE__ require 'qwik/test-common' $test = true end if defined?($test) && $test require 'qwik/test-module-public' class TestResolveEtc < Test::Unit::TestCase include TestSession def test_all # test_br ok_wi [:p, 't', [:br], 's'], "t~\ns\n" eq "\342\200\276", '~'.set_sourcecode_charset.to_utf8 # test bug # test_resolve_ref ok_wi [:p, [:a, {:href=>'FrontPage.html'}, 'FrontPage']], '[[FrontPage]]' ok_wi [:p, [:a, {:href=>'FrontPage.html'}, 't']], '[[t|FrontPage]]' page = @site.create_new page.store '*あ' ok_wi [:p, [:a, {:href=>'2.html'}, 'あ']], "[[2]]" ok_wi [:p, [:a, {:href=>'2.html'}, 'あ']], '[[あ]]' # test_resolve_plugin ok_wi [:p, [:em, 't']], "''t''" ok_wi [:p, [:em, '']], "''{{qwik_null}}''" ok_wi [:p, [:strong, 't']], "'''t'''" ok_wi [:p, [:strong, '']], "'''{{qwik_null}}'''" ok_wi [:span, {:class=>"plg_error"}, "nosuch plugin | ", [:strong, "nosuchplugin"]], '{{nosuchplugin}}' ok_wi [:p, 'a ', ''], 'a {{qwik_null}}' ok_wi [:p, 'a ', '', ' b'], 'a {{qwik_null}} b' end end class TestFormatter < Test::Unit::TestCase include TestSession def test_all1b res = session # test_plugin_link ok_wi [:p, [:a, {:href=>".recent"}, ".recent"]], '[[.recent]]' ok_wi "
", '[[RecentList|.recent]]' ok_wi "", '[[.rss]]' # not use for now ok_wi "", '[[.attach]]' ok_wi "", '[[.attach/t.txt]]' ok_wi "", '[[.attach/s t.txt]]' end def test_all2 res = session # test_block ok_wi '', '> t' ok_wi 't
', '>t' ok_wi 't
t | s |
', "''t''" ok_wi 't
', "'''t'''" end def test_all3 res = session # test_link ok_wi 't
', 't' page = @site['FrontPage'] page.store '*title' ok_wi "", '[[FrontPage]]' page = @site.create('t') page.store 't2' ok_wi "", '[[t]]' ok_wi "", '[[t|FrontPage]]' ok_wi "", '[[s|t]]' page = @site.create_new page.store '*あ' ok_wi "", "[[2]]" # test_find_title ok_wi "", '[[あ]]' end end end