describe RSpotify::Track do describe 'Track::find receiving id as a string' do before(:each) do # Get Arctic Monkeys's "Do I Wanna Know?" track as a testing sample @track = VCR.use_cassette('track:find:3jfr0TF6DQcOLat8gGn7E2') do RSpotify::Track.find('3jfr0TF6DQcOLat8gGn7E2') end end it 'should find track with correct attributes' do expect(@track.available_markets) .to include *%w(AD AT BE BG CA EE ES FR GR MC TW US) expect(@track.disc_number) .to eq 1 expect(@track.duration_ms) .to eq 272_394 expect(@track.explicit) .to eq false expect(@track.external_ids['isrc']) .to eq 'GBCEL1300362' expect(@track.external_urls['spotify']) .to eq '' expect(@track.href) .to eq '' expect( .to eq '3jfr0TF6DQcOLat8gGn7E2' expect( .to eq 'Do I Wanna Know?' expect(@track.popularity) .to be > 0 expect(@track.preview_url) .to eq '' expect(@track.track_number) .to eq 1 expect(@track.type) .to eq 'track' expect(@track.uri) .to eq 'spotify:track:3jfr0TF6DQcOLat8gGn7E2' end it 'should find track with correct album' do album = @track.album expect(album) .to be_an RSpotify::Album expect( .to eq '5bU1XKYxHhEwukllT20xtk' expect( .to eq 'AM' end it 'should find track with correct artists' do artists = @track.artists expect(artists) .to be_an Array expect(artists.size) .to eq 1 expect(artists.first) .to be_an RSpotify::Artist expect( .to include('Arctic Monkeys') end end describe 'Track::find receiving array of ids' do it 'should find the right tracks' do ids = ['4oI9kesyxHUr8fqiLd6uO9'] tracks = VCR.use_cassette('track:find:4oI9kesyxHUr8fqiLd6uO9') do RSpotify::Track.find(ids) end expect(tracks) .to be_an Array expect(tracks.size) .to eq 1 expect( .to eq 'The Next Day' ids << '7D8BAYkrR9peCB9XSKCADc' tracks = VCR.use_cassette('track:find:7D8BAYkrR9peCB9XSKCADc') do RSpotify::Track.find(ids) end expect(tracks) .to be_an Array expect(tracks.size) .to eq 2 expect( .to eq 'The Next Day' expect( .to eq 'Sunday' end end describe 'Track::search' do it 'should search for the right tracks' do tracks = VCR.use_cassette('track:search:Wanna Know') do'Wanna Know') end expect(tracks) .to be_an Array expect(tracks.size) .to eq 20 expect( .to eq 3565 expect(tracks.first) .to be_an RSpotify::Track expect( .to include('Do I Wanna Know?', 'I Wanna Know', 'Never Wanna Know') end it 'should accept additional options' do tracks = VCR.use_cassette('track:search:Wanna Know:limit:10') do'Wanna Know', limit: 10) end expect(tracks.size) .to eq 10 expect( .to include('Do I Wanna Know?', 'I Wanna Know') tracks = VCR.use_cassette('track:search:Wanna Know:offset:10') do'Wanna Know', offset: 10) end expect(tracks.size) .to eq 20 expect( .to include('They Wanna Know', 'Say I Wanna Know') tracks = VCR.use_cassette('track:search:Wanna Know:limit:10:offset:10') do'Wanna Know', limit: 10, offset: 10) end expect(tracks.size) .to eq 10 expect( .to include('They Wanna Know') tracks = VCR.use_cassette('track:search:Wanna Know:market:ES') do'Wanna Know', market: 'ES') end ES_tracks = { |t| t.available_markets.include?('ES') } expect(ES_tracks.length).to eq(tracks.length) end end end