empty: src: "" res: "" at_code: src: "some @strange < code@" res: "

some strange < code

" at_code_again: src: "We changed the syntax from @zafu|@ to @zafu|@ to better reflect the fact that we want to *render* a link." res: "/code class='zafu'.*/" at_code_ruby: src: "some @ruby|class << self@" res: "

some class << self

" at_code_and_zazen: src: | This @do='[v_title]'@ and "":332. blah res: "/\[make_link id:\|332\| title:\|\|\]/" code_ruby: src: | some text def hello puts "hello" << " world!" end res: "/some text.*

  src: |
    Text updated in [July 2008].

  res: "

Text updated in [July 2008].


[make_image id:|30| images:true mode:|full| style:||]

" code_params: src: "this def ok ok" res: "


def ok

" gallery: src: "this ![12,13]! gallery" res: "

this [make_gallery [|12|, |13|] ] gallery

" gallery_and_images: src: | !23! ![12]! res: "

[make_image id:|23| images:true style:||]


[make_gallery [|12|] ]

" gallery_children: src: "this ![]! gallery" res: "

this [make_gallery [] ] gallery

" docs: src: "these !{11,12}! docs" res: "

these [list_nodes [|11|, |12|] style:||] docs

" docs_no_ids: src: "these !{}! docs" res: "

these [list_nodes [] style:||] docs

" docs_align: src: "these !<.{11,12}! left" res: "

these [list_nodes [|11|, |12|] style:|<.|] left

" image: src: "look here !12!" res: "

look here [make_image id:|12| images:true style:||]

" image_no_image: src: "look here !12!" res: "

look here [make_image id:|12| images:false style:||]

" image_align: src: "an image !<.12!" res: "

an image [make_image id:|12| images:true style:|<.|]

" image_with_format: src: "!21_mini!" res: "

[make_image id:|21| images:true mode:|mini| style:||]

" image_title: src: "!12/!" res: "

[make_image id:|12| images:true style:|| title:||]

" image_custom_title: src: "!12/this is some text!" res: "

[make_image id:|12| images:true style:|| title:|this is some text|]

" image_custom_title_with_markup: src: "!12/this is *some* text!" res: "

[make_image id:|12| images:true style:|| title:|this is some text|]

" image_with_link: src: "!12_pv!:12" res: "

[make_image id:|12| images:true link:|12| mode:|pv| style:||]

" image_with_link_mode: src: "!12_pv!:20_changes" res: "

[make_image id:|12| images:true link:|20_changes| mode:|pv| style:||]

" image_with_link_mode_and_format: src: "!12_pv!:20_med.data" res: "

[make_image id:|12| images:true link:|20_med.data| mode:|pv| style:||]

" image_with_http_link: src: "!12_pv!:http://www.example.org" res: "

[make_image id:|12| images:true link:|http://www.example.org| mode:|pv| style:||]

" image_with_ref: src: "!http://www.example.org/images/test.jpg!" res: "


" table: src: "|shopping_list|" res: "

[make_table attribute:|shopping_list| style:||]

" table_title: src: "|shopping_list/A list of frequent problems|" res: "

[make_table attribute:|shopping_list| style:|| title:|A list of frequent problems|]

" table_id: src: "|34.shopping_list|" res: "

[make_table attribute:|shopping_list| node:|34| style:||]

" table_pseudo_id: src: "|:art+.shopping_list|" res: "

[make_table attribute:|shopping_list| node:|:art+| style:||]

" table_pseudo_path: src: "|(../some/path).shopping_list|" res: "

[make_table attribute:|shopping_list| node:|(../some/path)| style:||]

" link_with_title: src: '"this is a title":23' res: '

[make_link id:|23| title:|this is a title|]

' link_with_mode: src: 'I like "":20_med' res: '

I like [make_link id:|20_med| title:||]

' link_with_format: src: 'look "here":30.data' res: '

look [make_link id:|30.data| title:|here|]

' link_with_mode_and_format: src: 'look "here":30_med.data' res: '

look [make_link id:|30_med.data| title:|here|]

' link_no_title: src: '"":23' res: '

[make_link id:|23| title:||]

' link_sharp: src: '"hello":23#world of fame' res: "

[make_link id:|23| sharp:|world| title:|hello|] of fame

" link_sharp_same_as_title: src: '"hello":23# I love you' res: "

[make_link id:|23| sharp:|true| title:|hello|] I love you

" link_with_ending_punct: src: "I love \"\":20." res: "

I love [make_link id:|20| title:||].

" link_in_par: src: 'blah ("hello":45)' res: "

blah ([make_link id:|45| title:|hello|])

" complex_link_with_commas: src: "download: \"small\":30_std.data, \"full\":30.data." res: "

download: [make_link id:|30_std.data| title:|small|], [make_link id:|30.data| title:|full|].

" textile_link: src: "See \"trac\":http://dev.zenadmin.org/report/3." res: "

See trac.

" wiki_link: src: "why use ?ruby? ?" res: "

why use [make_wiki_link title:|ruby|] ?

" wiki_link_with_trailing_dot: src: "I love ?ruby?." res: "

I love [make_wiki_link title:|ruby|].

" wiki_link_url: src: "why use ?ruby?:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_%28programming_language%29 ?" res: "

why use [make_wiki_link title:|ruby| url:|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_%28programming_language%29|] ?

" wiki_link_url_ending_punctuation: src: "why use ?ruby?:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_%28programming_language%29, or what ?" res: "

why use [make_wiki_link title:|ruby| url:|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_%28programming_language%29|], or what ?

" erb_recursive_syntax: src: "why this <%= puts \"hello\" %> is ok" res: "/why
.*.*.* is ok
/" wiki_link_partial_url: src: | The syntax is inspired by ?subversion?:Subversion_%28software%29 res: "

The syntax is inspired by [make_wiki_link title:|subversion| url:|Subversion_%28software%29|]

" make_asset: src: "my email: [email]bob@example.com[/email]." res: "

my email: [make_asset asset_tag:|email| content:|bob@example.com| output:|html|].
