module Locomotive module Ecommerce class Cart include ::Locomotive::Ecommerce::EcommerceHelper include Mongoid::Document field :user_id, :type => ::BSON::ObjectId belongs_to :purchase, :class_name => "::Locomotive::Ecommerce::Purchase" has_many :orders, :class_name => "::Locomotive::Ecommerce::Order" def add_product_by_sku(sku) already_existing_order = orders.where(:sku => sku) if already_existing_order.count > 0 order = already_existing_order.first order.quantity += 1 else order = order.sku = sku order.cart = self end! return order end def remove_product_by_sku(sku) order = orders.where(:sku => sku) order.destroy if order end def purchase_total total = 0 orders.each { |order| total += order.price } return total end def estimated_tax purchase_total * ((Engine.config_or_default('estimated_tax_rate').to_f/100)) end def subtotal_est_tax purchase_total + estimated_tax + extras_total end def add_extras_js ext = Engine.config_or_default('edit_extra') return nil unless ext site = Thread.current[:site] cxt = site.plugin_object_for_id('ecommerce').js3_context cxt['purchase_total'] = purchase_total cxt['orders'] = orders cxt['purchase'] = purchase js = cxt.eval(ext) return js end def extras_total ext = 0 arr = add_extras_js # Adding all the values returned by the javascript function if arr arr.values.each do |value| ext += value end end return ext end def extras orders ? arr = add_extras_js : '' # Converting the prices to currency extras_hash = Hash[ {|k,v| [k,as_currency(v) ]}] extras_hash.to_liquid end def update_from_params(params) to_update = Order.find(params[:order_ids]) count = 0 to_update.each do |order| order.quantity = params[:quantity_ids][count] if order.cart_id == id count += 1! end end # merge in contents of another cart def merge(cart) cart.orders.each do |order| (1..order.quantity).each { |c| add_product_by_sku(order.sku) } cart.remove_product_by_sku(order.sku) end end def valid_stock? orders.each { |order| return false if order.out_of_stock? } return true end def to_liquid end # self methods def self.for_user(id) cart = where(:user_id => id).first || create(:user_id => id) end def self.find_or_create(id, session) cart_id = session[:cart_id] if cart_id != nil cart = where(:_id => cart_id).first if cart == nil session[:cart_id] = nil return find_or_create(id, session) end return cart if id == nil session[:cart_id] = nil user_cart = Cart.for_user(id) user_cart.merge(cart) cart.destroy return user_cart end return Cart.for_user(id) if id != nil cart = create! session[:cart_id] = return cart end end class CartDrop < ::Liquid::Drop def initialize(source) @source = source end def line_items @source.orders end def id end def extras @source.extras end [:purchase_total, :estimated_tax, :subtotal_est_tax, :extras_total].each do |method| define_method(method) {"%0.2f" % @source.send(method).round(2)} end delegate :valid_stock?, to: :@source protected attr_accessor :source end end end