# Vagrant Vagrant's slogan is "development environments made easy". They provide an abstraction on top of a VM or cloud provider that allows you to manage hosts and their provisioning. [Their Site](https://www.vagrantup.com/). # Getting Started ### Requirements A prerequisite for using the vagrant hypervisor with beaker is that the **Vagrant 1.7+** package needs to installed - see [downloads.vagrantup.com](http://downloads.vagrantup.com/) for downloads. Currently, we provide a suite of pre-built, publicly available vagrant boxes for use in constructing tests: [Puppet Labs Vagrant Boxes](https://vagrantcloud.com/puppetlabs/). You can use these boxes easily by pulling one of our [Example Vagrant Hosts Files](vagrant_hosts_file_examples.md). ### Setup a Vagrant Hosts File A vm is identified by `box` or `box_url` in the config file. No snapshot name is required as the vm is reverted back to original state post testing using `vagrant destroy --force`. **Example Vagrant hosts file** HOSTS: ubuntu-1404-x64: roles: - master - agent - dashboard - cloudpro platform: ubuntu-1404-x86_64 hypervisor: vagrant box: puppetlabs/ubuntu-14.04-64-nocm box_url: https://vagrantcloud.com/puppetlabs/boxes/ubuntu-14.04-64-nocm CONFIG: nfs_server: none consoleport: 443 VagrantFiles are created per host configuration file. They can be found in the `.vagrant/beaker_vagrant_files` directory of the current working directory in a subdirectory named after the host configuration file. > beaker --hosts sample.cfg > cd .vagrant/beaker_vagrant_files; ls sample.cfg > cd sample.c Below are details of vagrants features as they're supported through beaker. If you'd like to see more examples of vagrant hosts files, checkout our [vagrant hosts file examples doc](vagrant_hosts_file_examples.md). # Vagrant-Specific Hosts File Settings ### Running With a GUI It is possible to have the VirtualBox VM run with a GUI (i.e. non-headless mode) by specifying ``vb_gui`` of any non-nil value in the config file, i.e.: **Example Vagrant hosts file with vb_gui** HOSTS: ubuntu-1404-x64: roles: - master - agent - dashboard - cloudpro platform: ubuntu-1404-x86_64 hypervisor: vagrant box: puppetlabs/ubuntu-14.04-64-nocm box_url: https://vagrantcloud.com/puppetlabs/boxes/ubuntu-14.04-64-nocm vb_gui: true CONFIG: nfs_server: none consoleport: 443 ### Mounting Local Folders When using the Vagrant Hypervisor, beaker can mount specific local directories as synced_folders inside the vagrant box. This is done by using the `mount_folders` option in the nodeset file. **Example hosts file** HOSTS: ubuntu-1404-x64-master: roles: - master - agent - dashboard - database platform: ubuntu-1404-x86_64 hypervisor: vagrant box: puppetlabs/ubuntu-14.04-64-nocm box_url: https://vagrantcloud.com/puppetlabs/boxes/ubuntu-14.04-64-nocm mount_folders: folder1: from: ./ to: /vagrant/folder1 tmp: from: /tmp to: /vagrant/tmp ip: ubuntu-1404-x64-agent: roles: - agent platform: ubuntu-1404-x86_64 hypervisor: vagrant box: puppetlabs/ubuntu-14.04-64-nocm box_url: https://vagrantcloud.com/puppetlabs/boxes/ubuntu-14.04-64-nocm ip: CONFIG: nfs_server: none consoleport: 443 In the above beaker will mount the folders `./` to `/vagrant/folder1` and the folder `/tmp` to `/vagrant/tmp`. ### Forwarding Ports to Guest When using the Vagrant Hypervisor, beaker can create the Vagrantfile to forward specified ports to a specific box. This is done by using the `forwarded_ports` option in the nodeset file. **Example hosts file** HOSTS: ubuntu-1404-x64-master: roles: - master - agent - dashboard - database platform: ubuntu-1404-x86_64 hypervisor: vagrant box: puppetlabs/ubuntu-14.04-64-nocm box_url: https://vagrantcloud.com/puppetlabs/boxes/ubuntu-14.04-64-nocm ip: ubuntu-1404-x64-agent: roles: - agent platform: ubuntu-1404-x86_64 hypervisor: vagrant box: puppetlabs/ubuntu-14.04-64-nocm box_url: https://vagrantcloud.com/puppetlabs/boxes/ubuntu-14.04-64-nocm ip: forwarded_ports: apache: from: 10080 to: 80 tomcat: from: 8080 to: 8080 from_ip: '' to_ip: '' In the above, beaker will forward port 10080 and 8080 on the Host to port 80 and 8080 (respectively) on the Agent guest. # vagrant plugins # You can check more information for some suported vagrant plugins: - [vagrant-libvirt](vagrant_libvirt.md)