module RubyXL::OOXMLObjectInstanceMethods



Public Class Methods

included(klass) click to toggle source
# File lib/rubyXL/objects/ooxml_object.rb, line 213
def self.included(klass)
  klass.extend RubyXL::OOXMLObjectClassMethods
new(params = {}) click to toggle source
# File lib/rubyXL/objects/ooxml_object.rb, line 222
def initialize(params = {})
  @local_namespaces = nil

  obtain_class_variable(:@@ooxml_attributes).each_value { |v|
    instance_variable_set("@#{v[:accessor]}", params[v[:accessor]]) unless v[:computed]


Public Instance Methods

==(other) click to toggle source
# File lib/rubyXL/objects/ooxml_object.rb, line 251
def ==(other)
  other.is_a?(self.class) &&
    obtain_class_variable(:@@ooxml_attributes).all? { |k, v| self.send(v[:accessor]) == other.send(v[:accessor]) } &&
    obtain_class_variable(:@@ooxml_child_nodes).all? { |k, v| self.send(v[:accessor]) == other.send(v[:accessor]) }
before_write_xml() click to toggle source

Subclass provided filter to perform last-minute operations (cleanup, count, etc.) immediately prior to write, along with option to terminate the actual write if false is returned (for example, to avoid writing the collection's root node if the collection is empty).

# File lib/rubyXL/objects/ooxml_object.rb, line 346
def before_write_xml
  #TODO# This will go away once containers are fully implemented.
  child_nodes = obtain_class_variable(:@@ooxml_child_nodes)
  child_nodes.each_pair { |child_node_name, child_node_params|
    self.count = self.send(child_node_params[:accessor]).size if child_node_params[:is_array] == :with_count
index_in_collection() click to toggle source

Prototype method. For sparse collections (Rows, Cells, etc.) must return index at which this object is expected to reside in the collection. If nil is returned, then object is simply added to the end of the collection.

# File lib/rubyXL/objects/ooxml_object.rb, line 334
def index_in_collection
write_xml(xml = nil, node_name_override = nil) click to toggle source

Recursively write the OOXML object and all its children out as Nokogiri::XML. Immediately before the actual generation, +before_write_xml()+ is called to perform last-minute cleanup and validation operations; if it returns false, an empty string is returned (rather than nil, so Nokogiri::XML's << operator can be used without additional nil checking)


  • xml - Base Nokogiri::XML object used for building. If omitted, a blank document will be generated.

  • node_name_override - if present, is used instead of the default element name for this object provided by define_element_name



Creates a new empty Nokogiri::XML, populates it with the OOXML structure as described in the respective definition, and returns the resulting Nokogiri::XML object.


Using the passed-in Nokogiri xml object, creates a new element corresponding to obj according to its definition, along with all its properties and children, and returns the newly created element.

obj.write_xml(seed_xml, 'overriden_element_name')

Same as above, but uses the passed-in node_name_override as the new element name, instead of its default name set by define_element_name.

# File lib/rubyXL/objects/ooxml_object.rb, line 271
def write_xml(xml = nil, node_name_override = nil)
  if xml.nil? then
    seed_xml = Nokogiri::XML('<?xml version = "1.0" standalone ="yes"?>')
    seed_xml.encoding = 'UTF-8'
    result = self.write_xml(seed_xml)
    return result if result == ''
    seed_xml << result
    return seed_xml.to_xml({ :indent => 0, :save_with => Nokogiri::XML::Node::SaveOptions::AS_XML })

  return '' unless before_write_xml

  attrs = {}

  obtain_class_variable(:@@ooxml_attributes).each_pair { |k, v|
    val = self.send(v[:accessor])

    if val.nil? then
      next unless v[:required]
      val = v[:default]

    val = val &&
            case v[:attr_type]
            when :bool   then val ? '1' : '0'
            when :double then val.to_s.gsub(/\.0*\Z/, '') # Trim trailing zeroes
            else val

    attrs[k] = val

  element_text = attrs.delete('_')
  elem = xml.create_element(node_name_override || obtain_class_variable(:@@ooxml_tag_name), attrs, element_text)

  if @local_namespaces.nil? || @local_namespaces.empty? then # If no local namespaces provided in the original document,
    # use the defaults
    obtain_class_variable(:@@ooxml_namespaces).each_pair { |k, v| elem.add_namespace_definition(v, k) }
  else # otherwise preserve the original ones
    @local_namespaces.each { |ns| elem.add_namespace_definition(ns.prefix, ns.href) }

  child_nodes = obtain_class_variable(:@@ooxml_child_nodes)
  child_nodes.each_pair { |child_node_name, child_node_params|
    node_obj = get_node_object(child_node_params)
    next if node_obj.nil?

    if node_obj.respond_to?(:write_xml) && !node_obj.equal?(self) then
      # If child node is either +OOXMLObject+, or +OOXMLContainerObject+ on its first (envelope) pass,
      # serialize that object.
      elem << node_obj.write_xml(xml, child_node_name)
      # If child node is either vanilla +Array+, or +OOXMLContainerObject+ on its seconds (content) pass,
      # serialize its members.
      node_obj.each { |item| elem << item.write_xml(xml, child_node_name) unless item.nil? }

Protected Instance Methods

get_node_object(child_node_params) click to toggle source
# File lib/rubyXL/objects/ooxml_object.rb, line 338
def get_node_object(child_node_params)
init_child_nodes(params) click to toggle source
# File lib/rubyXL/objects/ooxml_object.rb, line 232
def init_child_nodes(params)
  obtain_class_variable(:@@ooxml_child_nodes).each_value { |v|

    initial_value =
      if params.has_key?(v[:accessor]) then params[v[:accessor]]
      elsif v[:is_array] then []
      else nil

    instance_variable_set("@#{v[:accessor]}", initial_value)