## Rails 8.0.0.rc2 (October 30, 2024) ## * Fix routes with `::` in the path. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Maintain Rack 2 parameter parsing behaviour. *Matthew Draper* ## Rails 8.0.0.rc1 (October 19, 2024) ## * Remove `Rails.application.config.action_controller.allow_deprecated_parameters_hash_equality`. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Improve `ActionController::TestCase` to expose a binary encoded `request.body`. The rack spec clearly states: > The input stream is an IO-like object which contains the raw HTTP POST data. > When applicable, its external encoding must be “ASCII-8BIT” and it must be opened in binary mode. Until now its encoding was generally UTF-8, which doesn't accurately reflect production behavior. *Jean Boussier* * Update `ActionController::AllowBrowser` to support passing method names to `:block` ```ruby class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base allow_browser versions: :modern, block: :handle_outdated_browser private def handle_outdated_browser render file: Rails.root.join("public/custom-error.html"), status: :not_acceptable end end ``` *Sean Doyle* * Raise an `ArgumentError` when invalid `:only` or `:except` options are passed into `#resource` and `#resources`. *Joshua Young* ## Rails 8.0.0.beta1 (September 26, 2024) ## * Fix non-GET requests not updating cookies in `ActionController::TestCase`. *Jon Moss*, *Hartley McGuire* * Update `ActionController::Live` to use a thread-pool to reuse threads across requests. *Adam Renberg Tamm* * Introduce safer, more explicit params handling method with `params#expect` such that `params.expect(table: [ :attr ])` replaces `params.require(:table).permit(:attr)` Ensures params are filtered with consideration for the expected types of values, improving handling of params and avoiding ignorable errors caused by params tampering. ```ruby # If the url is altered to ?person=hacked # Before params.require(:person).permit(:name, :age, pets: [:name]) # raises NoMethodError, causing a 500 and potential error reporting # After params.expect(person: [ :name, :age, pets: [[:name]] ]) # raises ActionController::ParameterMissing, correctly returning a 400 error ``` You may also notice the new double array `[[:name]]`. In order to declare when a param is expected to be an array of parameter hashes, this new double array syntax is used to explicitly declare an array. `expect` requires you to declare expected arrays in this way, and will ignore arrays that are passed when, for example, `pet: [:name]` is used. In order to preserve compatibility, `permit` does not adopt the new double array syntax and is therefore more permissive about unexpected types. Using `expect` everywhere is recommended. We suggest replacing `params.require(:person).permit(:name, :age)` with the direct replacement `params.expect(person: [:name, :age])` to prevent external users from manipulating params to trigger 500 errors. A 400 error will be returned instead, using public/400.html Usage of `params.require(:id)` should likewise be replaced with `params.expect(:id)` which is designed to ensure that `params[:id]` is a scalar and not an array or hash, also requiring the param. ```ruby # Before User.find(params.require(:id)) # allows an array, altering behavior # After User.find(params.expect(:id)) # expect only returns non-blank permitted scalars (excludes Hash, Array, nil, "", etc) ``` *Martin Emde* * System Testing: Disable Chrome's search engine choice by default in system tests. *glaszig* * Fix `Request#raw_post` raising `NoMethodError` when `rack.input` is `nil`. *Hartley McGuire* * Remove `racc` dependency by manually writing `ActionDispatch::Journey::Scanner`. *Gannon McGibbon* * Speed up `ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Scope#[]` by merging frame hashes. *Gannon McGibbon* * Allow bots to ignore `allow_browser`. *Matthew Nguyen* * Deprecate drawing routes with multiple paths to make routing faster. You may use `with_options` or a loop to make drawing multiple paths easier. ```ruby # Before get "/users", "/other_path", to: "users#index" # After get "/users", to: "users#index" get "/other_path", to: "users#index" ``` *Gannon McGibbon* * Make `http_cache_forever` use `immutable: true` *Nate Matykiewicz* * Add `config.action_dispatch.strict_freshness`. When set to `true`, the `ETag` header takes precedence over the `Last-Modified` header when both are present, as specified by RFC 7232, Section 6. Defaults to `false` to maintain compatibility with previous versions of Rails, but is enabled as part of Rails 8.0 defaults. *heka1024* * Support `immutable` directive in Cache-Control ```ruby expires_in 1.minute, public: true, immutable: true # Cache-Control: public, max-age=60, immutable ``` *heka1024* * Add `:wasm_unsafe_eval` mapping for `content_security_policy` ```ruby # Before policy.script_src "'wasm-unsafe-eval'" # After policy.script_src :wasm_unsafe_eval ``` *Joe Haig* * Add `display_capture` and `keyboard_map` in `permissions_policy` *Cyril Blaecke* * Add `connect` route helper. *Samuel Williams* Please check [7-2-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/7-2-stable/actionpack/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.