<%# kind: provision name: Katello Atomic Kickstart default %> lang <%= host_param('lang') || 'en_US.UTF-8' %> keyboard <%= host_param('keyboard') || 'us' %> timezone --utc <%= host_param('time-zone') || 'UTC' %> <% subnet = @host.subnet -%> <% if subnet.respond_to?(:dhcp_boot_mode?) -%> <% dhcp = subnet.dhcp_boot_mode? && !@static -%> <% else -%> <% dhcp = !@static -%> <% end -%> network --bootproto <%= dhcp ? 'dhcp' : "static --ip=#{@host.ip} --netmask=#{subnet.mask} --gateway=#{subnet.gateway} --nameserver=#{[subnet.dns_primary, subnet.dns_secondary].select{ |item| item.present? }.join(',')}" %> --hostname <%= @host %><%= " --device=#{@host.mac}" -%> # Partition table should create /boot and a volume atomicos <% if @dynamic -%> %include /tmp/diskpart.cfg <% else -%> <%= @host.diskLayout %> <% end -%> bootloader --timeout=3 text <% if @host.os.name.match /.*fedora.*/i -%> ostreesetup --nogpg --osname=fedora-atomic --remote=fedora-atomic --url=<%= @host.param_true?('atomic-upstream') ? "https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/atomic/#{@host.os.major}/" : "#{@host.operatingsystem.medium_uri(@host)}/content/repo/" %> --ref=fedora-atomic/f<%= @host.os.major %>/<%= @host.architecture %>/docker-host <% elsif @host.os.name.match /.*centos.*/i -%> ostreesetup --nogpg --osname=centos-atomic-host --remote=centos-atomic-host --url=<%= @host.param_true?('atomic-upstream') ? "http://mirror.centos.org/centos/#{@host.os.major}/atomic/#{@host.architecture}/repo/" : @host.operatingsystem.medium_uri(@host) %> --ref=centos-atomic-host/<%= @host.os.major %>/<%= @host.architecture %>/standard <% else -%> ostreesetup --nogpg --osname=rhel-atomic-host --remote=rhel-atomic-host --url=file:///install/ostree --ref=rhel-atomic-host/<%= @host.os.major %>/<%= @host.architecture %>/standard <% end -%> services --disabled cloud-init,cloud-config,cloud-final,cloud-init-local rootpw --iscrypted <%= root_pass %> reboot %post <%= snippet "subscription_manager_registration" %> <%= snippet('remote_execution_ssh_keys') %> ( # Report success back to Foreman curl -s -o /dev/null --insecure <%= foreman_url('built') %> ) 2>&1 | tee /mnt/sysimage/root/install.post.log exit 0 %end