require 'active_record/version' require 'active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter' require 'arjdbc/version' require 'arjdbc/jdbc/java' require 'arjdbc/jdbc/base_ext' require 'arjdbc/jdbc/connection_methods' require 'arjdbc/jdbc/driver' require 'arjdbc/jdbc/column' require 'arjdbc/jdbc/connection' require 'arjdbc/jdbc/arel_support' require 'arjdbc/jdbc/callbacks' require 'arjdbc/jdbc/extension' require 'arjdbc/jdbc/type_converter' module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters # Built on top of `ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractAdapter` which # provides the abstract interface for database-specific functionality, this # class serves 2 purposes in AR-JDBC : # - as a base class for sub-classes # - usable standalone (or with a mixed in adapter spec module) # # Historically this class is mostly been used standalone and that's still a # valid use-case esp. since (with it's `arjdbc.jdbc.RubyJdbcConnectionClass`) # JDBC provides a unified interface for all databases in Java it tries to do # it's best implementing all `ActiveRecord` functionality on top of that. # This might no be perfect that's why it checks for a `config[:adapter_spec]` # module (or tries to resolve one from the JDBC driver's meta-data) and if # the database has "extended" AR-JDBC support mixes in the given module for # each adapter instance. # This is sufficient for most database specific specs we support, but for # compatibility with native (MRI) adapters it's perfectly fine to sub-class # the adapter and override some of its API methods. class JdbcAdapter < AbstractAdapter extend ShadowCoreMethods include Jdbc::ArelSupport include Jdbc::ConnectionPoolCallbacks attr_reader :config # Initializes the (JDBC connection) adapter instance. # The passed configuration Hash's keys are symbolized, thus changes to # the original `config` keys won't be reflected in the adapter. # If the adapter's sub-class or the spec module that this instance will # extend in responds to `configure_connection` than it will be called. # @param connection an (optional) connection instance # @param logger the `ActiveRecord::Base.logger` to use (or nil) # @param config the database configuration # @note `initialize(logger, config)` with 2 arguments is supported as well def initialize(connection, logger, config = nil) if config.nil? && logger.respond_to?(:key?) # (logger, config) config, logger, connection = logger, connection, nil end @config = config.respond_to?(:symbolize_keys) ? config.symbolize_keys : config # NOTE: JDBC 4.0 drivers support checking if connection isValid # thus no need to @config[:connection_alive_sql] ||= 'SELECT 1' # # NOTE: setup to retry 5-times previously - maybe do not set at all ? @config[:retry_count] ||= 1 @config[:adapter_spec] = adapter_spec(@config) unless @config.key?(:adapter_spec) spec = @config[:adapter_spec] # NOTE: adapter spec's init_connection only called if instantiated here : connection ||= jdbc_connection_class(spec).new(@config, self) super(connection, logger) # kind of like `extend ArJdbc::MyDB if self.class == JdbcAdapter` : klass = @config[:adapter_class] extend spec if spec && ( ! klass || klass == JdbcAdapter) # NOTE: should not be necessary for JNDI due reconnect! on checkout : configure_connection if respond_to?(:configure_connection) Jdbc::JndiConnectionPoolCallbacks.prepare(self, connection) @visitor = new_visitor # nil if no AREL (AR-2.3) end # Returns the (JDBC) connection class to be used for this adapter. # This is used by (database specific) spec modules to override the class # used assuming some of the available methods have been re-defined. # @see ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::JdbcConnection def jdbc_connection_class(spec) connection_class = spec.jdbc_connection_class if spec && spec.respond_to?(:jdbc_connection_class) connection_class ? connection_class : ::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::JdbcConnection end # Returns the (JDBC) `ActiveRecord` column class for this adapter. # This is used by (database specific) spec modules to override the class. # @see ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::JdbcColumn def jdbc_column_class ::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::JdbcColumn end # Retrieve the raw `java.sql.Connection` object. # The unwrap parameter is useful if an attempt to unwrap a pooled (JNDI) # connection should be made - to really return the 'native' JDBC object. # @param unwrap [true, false] whether to unwrap the connection object # @return [Java::JavaSql::Connection] the JDBC connection def jdbc_connection(unwrap = nil) java_connection = raw_connection.connection return java_connection unless unwrap connection_class = java.sql.Connection.java_class if java_connection.wrapper_for?(connection_class) java_connection.unwrap(connection_class) # java.sql.Wrapper.unwrap elsif java_connection.respond_to?(:connection) # e.g. org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.PooledConnection java_connection.connection # getConnection else java_connection end end # Locate the specialized (database specific) adapter specification module # if one exists based on provided configuration data. This module will than # extend an instance of the adapter (unless an `:adapter_class` provided). # # This method is called during {#initialize} unless an explicit # `config[:adapter_spec]` is set. # @param config the configuration to check for `:adapter_spec` # @return [Module] the database specific module def adapter_spec(config) dialect = (config[:dialect] || config[:driver]).to_s ::ArJdbc.modules.each do |constant| # e.g. ArJdbc::MySQL if constant.respond_to?(:adapter_matcher) spec = constant.adapter_matcher(dialect, config) return spec if spec end end if (config[:jndi] || config[:data_source]) && ! config[:dialect] begin data_source = config[:data_source] ||[:jndi]) connection = data_source.getConnection config[:dialect] = connection.getMetaData.getDatabaseProductName rescue Java::JavaSql::SQLException => e warn "failed to set database :dialect from connection meda-data (#{e})" else return adapter_spec(config) # re-try matching a spec with set config[:dialect] ensure connection.close if connection # return to the pool end end nil end ADAPTER_NAME = 'JDBC'.freeze # @return [String] the 'JDBC' adapter name. def adapter_name ADAPTER_NAME end # @override # Will return true even when native adapter classes passed in # e.g. `jdbc_adapter.is_a? ConnectionAdapter::PostgresqlAdapter` # # This is only necessary (for built-in adapters) when # `config[:adapter_class]` is forced to `nil` and the `:adapter_spec` # module is used to extend the `JdbcAdapter`, otherwise we replace the # class constants for built-in adapters (MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite3). def is_a?(klass) # This is to fake out current_adapter? conditional logic in AR tests if klass.is_a?(Class) && =~ /#{adapter_name}Adapter$/i true else super end end # @deprecated re-implemented - no longer used # @return [Hash] the AREL visitor to use # If there's a `self.arel2_visitors(config)` method on the adapter # spec than it is preferred and will be used instead of this one. def self.arel2_visitors(config) { 'jdbc' => ::Arel::Visitors::ToSql } end # @deprecated re-implemented - no longer used # @see #arel2_visitors def self.configure_arel2_visitors(config) visitors = ::Arel::Visitors::VISITORS klass = config[:adapter_spec] klass = self unless klass.respond_to?(:arel2_visitors) visitor = nil klass.arel2_visitors(config).each do |name, arel| visitors[name] = ( visitor = arel ) end if visitor && config[:adapter] =~ /^(jdbc|jndi)$/ visitors[ config[:adapter] ] = visitor end visitor end # DB specific types are detected but adapter specs (or extenders) are # expected to hand tune these types for concrete databases. # @return [Hash] the native database types # @override def native_database_types @native_database_types ||= begin types = @connection.native_database_types modify_types(types) types end end # Allows for modification of the detected native types. # @param types the resolved native database types # @see #native_database_types def modify_types(types) types end # Abstract adapter default implementation does nothing silently. # @override def structure_dump raise NotImplementedError, "structure_dump not supported" end # JDBC adapters support migration. # @return [true] # @override def supports_migrations? true end # Returns the underlying database name. # @override def database_name @connection.database_name end # @private def native_sql_to_type(type) if /^(.*?)\(([0-9]+)\)/ =~ type tname, limit = $1, $2.to_i ntypes = native_database_types if ntypes[:primary_key] == type return :primary_key, nil else ntypes.each do |name, val| if name == :primary_key next end if val[:name].downcase == tname.downcase && ( val[:limit].nil? || val[:limit].to_i == limit ) return name, limit end end end elsif /^(.*?)/ =~ type tname = $1 ntypes = native_database_types if ntypes[:primary_key] == type return :primary_key, nil else ntypes.each do |name, val| if val[:name].downcase == tname.downcase && val[:limit].nil? return name, nil end end end else return :string, 255 end return nil, nil end # @override def active? end # @override def reconnect! @connection.reconnect! # handles adapter.configure_connection @connection end # @override def disconnect! @connection.disconnect! end if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 3 # @private def jdbc_insert(sql, name = nil, pk = nil, id_value = nil, sequence_name = nil) insert_sql(sql, name, pk, id_value, sequence_name) end alias_chained_method :insert, :query_dirty, :jdbc_insert # @private def jdbc_update(sql, name = nil, binds = []) execute(sql, name, binds) end alias_chained_method :update, :query_dirty, :jdbc_update # @private def jdbc_select_all(sql, name = nil, binds = []) select(sql, name, binds) end alias_chained_method :select_all, :query_cache, :jdbc_select_all end # @note Used on AR 2.3 and 3.0 # @override def insert_sql(sql, name = nil, pk = nil, id_value = nil, sequence_name = nil) id = execute(sql, name) id_value || id end def columns(table_name, name = nil) @connection.columns(table_name.to_s) end # Starts a database transaction. # @override def begin_db_transaction @connection.begin end # Commits the current database transaction. # @override def commit_db_transaction @connection.commit end # Rolls back the current database transaction. # @override def rollback_db_transaction @connection.rollback end # Starts a database transaction. # @param isolation the transaction isolation to use # @since 1.3.0 # @override on **AR-4.0** def begin_isolated_db_transaction(isolation) @connection.begin(isolation) end # Does this adapter support setting the isolation level for a transaction? # Unlike 'plain' `ActiveRecord` we allow checking for concrete transaction # isolation level support by the database. # @param level optional to check if we support a specific isolation level # @since 1.3.0 # @extension added optional level parameter def supports_transaction_isolation?(level = nil) @connection.supports_transaction_isolation?(level) end # Does our database (+ its JDBC driver) support save-points? # @since 1.3.0 # @override def supports_savepoints? @connection.supports_savepoints? end # Creates a (transactional) save-point one can rollback to. # Unlike 'plain' `ActiveRecord` it is allowed to pass a save-point name. # @param name the save-point name # @return save-point name (even if nil passed will be generated) # @since 1.3.0 # @extension added optional name parameter def create_savepoint(name = current_savepoint_name(true)) @connection.create_savepoint(name) end # Transaction rollback to a given (previously created) save-point. # If no save-point name given rollback to the last created one. # @param name the save-point name # @since 1.3.0 # @extension added optional name parameter def rollback_to_savepoint(name = current_savepoint_name) @connection.rollback_savepoint(name) end # Release a previously created save-point. # @note Save-points are auto-released with the transaction they're created # in (on transaction commit or roll-back). # @param name the save-point name # @since 1.3.0 # @extension added optional name parameter def release_savepoint(name = current_savepoint_name) @connection.release_savepoint(name) end # Due tracking of save-points created in a LIFO manner, always returns # the correct name if any (last) save-point has been marked and not released. # Otherwise when creating a save-point same naming convention as # `ActiveRecord` uses ("active_record_" prefix) will be returned. # @return [String] the current save-point name # @since 1.3.0 # @override def current_savepoint_name(create = nil) open_tx = open_transactions return "active_record_#{open_tx}" if create sp_names = @connection.marked_savepoint_names unless sp_names.empty? sp_names[ -(sp_names.size - open_tx + 1) ] else "active_record_#{open_tx}" end end # Executes a SQL query in the context of this connection using the bind # substitutes. # @param sql the query string (or AREL object) # @param name logging marker for the executed SQL statement log entry # @param binds the bind parameters # @return [ActiveRecord::Result] or [Array] on **AR-2.3** # @override available since **AR-3.1** def exec_query(sql, name = 'SQL', binds = []) if sql.respond_to?(:to_sql) sql = to_sql(sql, binds); to_sql = true end if prepared_statements? log(sql, name, binds) { @connection.execute_query(sql, binds) } else sql = suble_binds(sql, binds) unless to_sql # deprecated behavior log(sql, name) { @connection.execute_query(sql) } end end # Executes an insert statement in the context of this connection. # @param sql the query string (or AREL object) # @param name logging marker for the executed SQL statement log entry # @param binds the bind parameters # @override available since **AR-3.1** def exec_insert(sql, name, binds, pk = nil, sequence_name = nil) if sql.respond_to?(:to_sql) sql = to_sql(sql, binds); to_sql = true end if prepared_statements? log(sql, name || 'SQL', binds) { @connection.execute_insert(sql, binds) } else sql = suble_binds(sql, binds) unless to_sql # deprecated behavior log(sql, name || 'SQL') { @connection.execute_insert(sql) } end end # Executes a delete statement in the context of this connection. # @param sql the query string (or AREL object) # @param name logging marker for the executed SQL statement log entry # @param binds the bind parameters # @override available since **AR-3.1** def exec_delete(sql, name, binds) if sql.respond_to?(:to_sql) sql = to_sql(sql, binds); to_sql = true end if prepared_statements? log(sql, name || 'SQL', binds) { @connection.execute_delete(sql, binds) } else sql = suble_binds(sql, binds) unless to_sql # deprecated behavior log(sql, name || 'SQL') { @connection.execute_delete(sql) } end end # # Executes an update statement in the context of this connection. # @param sql the query string (or AREL object) # @param name logging marker for the executed SQL statement log entry # @param binds the bind parameters # @override available since **AR-3.1** def exec_update(sql, name, binds) if sql.respond_to?(:to_sql) sql = to_sql(sql, binds); to_sql = true end if prepared_statements? log(sql, name || 'SQL', binds) { @connection.execute_update(sql, binds) } else sql = suble_binds(sql, binds) unless to_sql # deprecated behavior log(sql, name || 'SQL') { @connection.execute_update(sql) } end end # Similar to {#exec_query} except it returns "raw" results in an array # where each rows is a hash with keys as columns (just like Rails used to # do up until 3.0) instead of wrapping them in a {#ActiveRecord::Result}. # @param sql the query string (or AREL object) # @param name logging marker for the executed SQL statement log entry # @param binds the bind parameters # @yield [v1, v2] depending on the row values returned from the query # In case a block is given it will yield each row from the result set # instead of returning mapped query results in an array. # @return [Array] unless a block is given def exec_query_raw(sql, name = 'SQL', binds = [], &block) if sql.respond_to?(:to_sql) sql = to_sql(sql, binds); to_sql = true end if prepared_statements? log(sql, name, binds) { @connection.execute_query_raw(sql, binds, &block) } else sql = suble_binds(sql, binds) unless to_sql # deprecated behavior log(sql, name) { @connection.execute_query_raw(sql, &block) } end end # @private # @override def select_rows(sql, name = nil) exec_query_raw(sql, name).map!(&:values) end if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR > 3 # expects AR::Result e.g. from select_all # @private def select(sql, name = nil, binds = []) exec_query(to_sql(sql, binds), name, binds) end else # @private def select(sql, name = nil, binds = []) # NOTE: only (sql, name) on AR < 3.1 exec_query_raw(to_sql(sql, binds), name, binds) end end # Executes the SQL statement in the context of this connection. # The return value from this method depends on the SQL type (whether # it's a SELECT, INSERT etc.). For INSERTs a generated id might get # returned while for UPDATE statements the affected row count. # Please note that this method returns "raw" results (in an array) for # statements that return a result set, while {#exec_query} is expected to # return a `ActiveRecord::Result` (since AR 3.1). # @note This method does not use prepared statements. # @note The method does not emulate various "native" `execute` results on MRI. # @see #exec_query # @see #exec_insert # @see #exec_update def execute(sql, name = nil, binds = nil) sql = suble_binds to_sql(sql, binds), binds if binds if name == :skip_logging _execute(sql, name) else log(sql, name) { _execute(sql, name) } end end # @private documented above def execute(sql, name = nil, skip_logging = false) if skip_logging.is_a?(Array) binds, skip_logging = skip_logging, false sql = suble_binds to_sql(sql, binds), binds end if skip_logging || name == :skip_logging _execute(sql, name) else log(sql, name) { _execute(sql, name) } end end if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 3 || ( ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 && ActiveRecord::VERSION::MINOR == 0 ) # We need to do it this way, to allow Rails stupid tests to always work # even if we define a new `execute` method. Instead of mixing in a new # `execute`, an `_execute` should be mixed in. # @deprecated it was only introduced due tests # @private def _execute(sql, name = nil) @connection.execute(sql) end private :_execute # @override def tables(name = nil) @connection.tables end # @override def table_exists?(name) return false unless name @connection.table_exists?(name) # schema_name = nil end # @override def indexes(table_name, name = nil, schema_name = nil) @connection.indexes(table_name, name, schema_name) end # @override def pk_and_sequence_for(table) ( key = primary_key(table) ) ? [ key, nil ] : nil end # @override def primary_key(table) primary_keys(table).first end # @override def primary_keys(table) @connection.primary_keys(table) end # @deprecated Rather use {#update_lob_value} instead. def write_large_object(*args) @connection.write_large_object(*args) end # @param record the record e.g. `User.find(1)` # @param column the model's column e.g. `User.columns_hash['photo']` # @param value the lob value - string or (IO or Java) stream def update_lob_value(record, column, value) @connection.update_lob_value(record, column, value) end if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 && ActiveRecord::VERSION::MINOR == 0 #attr_reader :visitor unless method_defined?(:visitor) # not in 3.0 # @private def to_sql(arel, binds = nil) # NOTE: can not handle `visitor.accept(arel.ast)` right arel.respond_to?(:to_sql) ? arel.send(:to_sql) : arel end elsif ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 3 # AR-2.3 'fake' #to_sql method # @private def to_sql(sql, binds = nil) sql end end protected # @override so that we do not have to care having 2 arguments on 3.0 def log(sql, name = nil, binds = []) unless binds.blank? binds = do |column, value| column ? [, value] : [nil, value] end sql = "#{sql} #{binds.inspect}" end super(sql, name || 'SQL') # `log(sql, name)` on AR <= 3.0 end if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 3 || ( ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 && ActiveRecord::VERSION::MINOR < 1 ) def translate_exception(e, message) # we shall not translate native "Java" exceptions as they might # swallow an ArJdbc / driver bug into a AR::StatementInvalid ... return e if e.is_a?(NativeException) # JRuby 1.6 return e if e.is_a?(Java::JavaLang::Throwable) case e when SystemExit, SignalException, NoMemoryError then e # NOTE: wraps AR::JDBCError into AR::StatementInvalid, desired ?! else super end end # Take an id from the result of an INSERT query. # @return [Integer, NilClass] def last_inserted_id(result) if result.is_a?(Hash) || result.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Result) result.first.first[1] # .first = { "id"=>1 } .first = [ "id", 1 ] else result end end # @private def last_inserted_id(result) if result.is_a?(Hash) result.first.first[1] # .first = { "id"=>1 } .first = [ "id", 1 ] else result end end unless defined? ActiveRecord::Result # Helper to easily override #table_definition (on AR 3.x/4.0) as : # ``` # def table_definition(*args) # new_table_definition(TableDefinition, *args) # end # ``` def new_table_definition(table_definition, *args) # args ignored only used for 4.0 end private :new_table_definition # NOTE: make sure if adapter overrides #table_definition that it will # work on AR 3.x as well as 4.0 if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR > 3 # aliasing #create_table_definition as #table_definition : alias table_definition create_table_definition # ` native_database_types, name, temporary, options` # and ActiveRecord 4.1 supports optional `as` argument (which defaults # to nil) to provide the SQL to use to generate the table: # ` native_database_types, name, temporary, options, as` # @private def create_table_definition(*args) table_definition(*args) end # @note AR-4x arguments expected: `(name, temporary, options)` # @private documented above def new_table_definition(table_definition, *args) native_database_types, *args end private :new_table_definition # # Provides backwards-compatibility on ActiveRecord 4.1 for DB adapters # that override this and than call super expecting to work. # @note This method is available in 4.0 but won't be in 4.1 # @private def add_column_options!(sql, options) sql << " DEFAULT #{quote(options[:default], options[:column])}" if options_include_default?(options) # must explicitly check for :null to allow change_column to work on migrations sql << " NOT NULL" if options[:null] == false sql << " AUTO_INCREMENT" if options[:auto_increment] == true end public :add_column_options! end # @return whether `:prepared_statements` are to be used def prepared_statements? return @prepared_statements unless (@prepared_statements ||= nil).nil? @prepared_statements = self.class.prepared_statements?(config) end # Allows changing the prepared statements setting for this connection. # @see #prepared_statements? #def prepared_statements=(statements) # @prepared_statements = statements #end def self.prepared_statements?(config) config.key?(:prepared_statements) ? type_cast_config_to_boolean(config.fetch(:prepared_statements)) : false # off by default - NOTE: on AR 4.x it's on by default !? end if @@suble_binds = Java::JavaLang::System.getProperty('arjdbc.adapter.suble_binds') @@suble_binds = Java::JavaLang::Boolean.parseBoolean(@@suble_binds) else @@suble_binds = ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 4 # due compatibility end def self.suble_binds?; @@suble_binds; end def self.suble_binds=(flag); @@suble_binds = flag; end private # @note Since AR 4.0 we (finally) do not "sub" SQL's '?' parameters ! # @deprecated This should go away (hopefully), now here due 1.2.x. def suble_binds(sql, binds) return sql if ! @@suble_binds || binds.nil? || binds.empty? binds = binds.dup; warn = nil result = sql.gsub('?') { warn = true; quote(*binds.shift.reverse) } ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn( "string binds substitution is deprecated - please refactor your sql", caller[1..-1] ) if warn result end # @private Supporting "string-subling" on AR 4.0 would require {#to_sql} # to consume binds parameters otherwise it happens twice e.g. for a record # insert it is called during {#insert} as well as on {#exec_insert} ... # but that than leads to other issues with libraries that save the binds # array and run a query again since it's the very same instance on 4.0 ! def suble_binds(sql, binds) sql end if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR > 3 # @deprecated No longer used, will be removed. # @see #suble_binds def substitute_binds(sql, binds) return sql if binds.nil? || binds.empty?; binds = binds.dup extract_sql(sql).gsub('?') { quote(*binds.shift.reverse) } end # @deprecated No longer used, kept for 1.2 API compatibility. def extract_sql(arel) arel.respond_to?(:to_sql) ? arel.send(:to_sql) : arel end if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR > 2 # Helper useful during {#quote} since AREL might pass in it's literals # to be quoted, fixed since AREL 4.0.0.beta1 : def sql_literal?(value); ::Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral === value; end else # @private def sql_literal?(value); false; end end # Helper to get local/UTC time (based on `ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone`). def get_time(value) get = ::ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone == :utc ? :getutc : :getlocal value.respond_to?(get) ? value.send(get) : value end protected # @return whether the given SQL string is a 'SELECT' like # query (returning a result set) def JdbcConnection::select?(sql) end # @return whether the given SQL string is an 'INSERT' query def self.insert?(sql) JdbcConnection::insert?(sql) end # @return whether the given SQL string is an 'UPDATE' (or 'DELETE') query def self.update?(sql) ! select?(sql) && ! insert?(sql) end unless defined? AbstractAdapter.type_cast_config_to_integer # @private def self.type_cast_config_to_integer(config) config =~ /\A\d+\z/ ? config.to_i : config end end # @private def self.type_cast_config_to_boolean(config) config == 'false' ? false : (config == 'true' ? true : config) end public # @note Used by Java API to convert dates from (custom) SELECTs (might get refactored). # @private def _string_to_date(value) jdbc_column_class.string_to_date(value) end # @note Used by Java API to convert times from (custom) SELECTs (might get refactored). # @private def _string_to_time(value) jdbc_column_class.string_to_dummy_time(value) end # @note Used by Java API to convert times from (custom) SELECTs (might get refactored). # @private def _string_to_timestamp(value) jdbc_column_class.string_to_time(value) end if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 4 # emulating Rails 3.x compatibility JdbcConnection.raw_date_time = true if JdbcConnection.raw_date_time? == nil JdbcConnection.raw_boolean = true if JdbcConnection.raw_boolean? == nil end end end end