# frozen-string-literal: true module Mobility module Backend =begin Implements the {Mobility::Backend::Table} backend for ActiveRecord models. To generate a translation table for a model +Post+, you can use the included +mobility:translations+ generator: rails generate mobility:translations post title:string content:text This will create a migration which can be run to create the translation table. If the translation table already exists, it will create a migration adding columns to that table. @example Model with table backend class Post < ActiveRecord::Base translates :title, backend: :table, association_name: :translations end post = Post.create(title: "foo") # post.title #=> "foo" post.translations #=> [#] Post::Translation.first #=> # @example Model with multiple translation tables class Post < ActiveRecord::Base translates :title, backend: :table, table_name: :post_title_translations, association_name: :title_translations translates :content, backend: :table, table_name: :post_content_translations, association_name: :content_translations end post = Post.create(title: "foo", content: "bar") # post.title #=> "foo" post.content #=> "bar" post.title_translations #=> [#] post.content_translations #=> [#] Post::TitleTranslation.first #=> # Post::ContentTranslation.first #=> # =end class ActiveRecord::Table include Backend autoload :QueryMethods, 'mobility/backend/active_record/table/query_methods' # @return [Symbol] name of the association method attr_reader :association_name # @!macro backend_constructor # @option options [Symbol] association_name Name of association def initialize(model, attribute, **options) super @association_name = options[:association_name] end # @!group Backend Accessors # @!macro backend_reader def read(locale, **_) translation_for(locale).send(attribute) end # @!macro backend_reader def write(locale, value, **_) translation_for(locale).tap { |t| t.send("#{attribute}=", value) }.send(attribute) end # @!endgroup # @!group Backend Configuration # @option options [Symbol] association_name (:mobility_model_translations) # Name of association method # @option options [Symbol] table_name Name of translation table # @option options [Symbol] foreign_key Name of foreign key # @option options [Symbol] subclass_name (:Translation) Name of subclass # to append to model class to generate translation class def self.configure!(options) table_name = options[:model_class].table_name options[:table_name] ||= "#{table_name.singularize}_translations".freeze options[:foreign_key] ||= table_name.downcase.singularize.camelize.foreign_key if (association_name = options[:association_name]).present? options[:subclass_name] ||= association_name.to_s.singularize.camelize.freeze else options[:association_name] = :mobility_model_translations options[:subclass_name] ||= :Translation end %i[foreign_key association_name subclass_name].each { |key| options[key] = options[key].to_sym } end # @!endgroup setup do |attributes, options| association_name = options[:association_name] subclass_name = options[:subclass_name] attr_accessor :"__#{association_name}_cache" translation_class = if self.const_defined?(subclass_name, false) const_get(subclass_name, false) else const_set(subclass_name, Class.new(Mobility::ActiveRecord::ModelTranslation)) end translation_class.table_name = options[:table_name] has_many association_name, class_name: translation_class.name, foreign_key: options[:foreign_key], dependent: :destroy, autosave: true, inverse_of: :translated_model translation_class.belongs_to :translated_model, class_name: name, foreign_key: options[:foreign_key], inverse_of: association_name query_methods = Module.new do define_method :i18n do @mobility_scope ||= super().extending(QueryMethods.new(attributes, options)) end end extend query_methods end # @!group Cache Methods # @return [Table::TranslationsCache] def new_cache reset_model_cache unless model_cache model_cache.for(attribute) end # @return [Boolean] def write_to_cache? true end def clear_cache model_cache.try(:clear) end # @!endgroup private def translation_for(locale) translation = translations.find { |t| t.locale == locale.to_s.freeze } translation ||= translations.build(locale: locale) translation end def translations model.send(association_name) end def model_cache model.send(:"__#{association_name}_cache") end def reset_model_cache model.send(:"__#{association_name}_cache=", Table::TranslationsCache.new { |locale| translation_for(locale) }) end end end end