module ThinkingSphinx module Middlewares; end class Search; end end require 'thinking_sphinx/middlewares/middleware' require 'thinking_sphinx/middlewares/active_record_translator' require 'thinking_sphinx/search/stale_ids_exception' describe ThinkingSphinx::Middlewares::ActiveRecordTranslator do let(:app) { double('app', :call => true) } let(:middleware) { app } let(:context) { {:raw => [], :results => []} } let(:model) { double('model', :primary_key => :id) } let(:search) { double('search', :options => {}) } def raw_result(id, model_name) {'sphinx_internal_id' => id, 'sphinx_internal_class' => model_name} end describe '#call' do before :each do context.stub :search => search model.stub :unscoped => model end it "translates records to ActiveRecord objects" do model_name = double('article', :constantize => model) instance = double('instance', :id => 24) model.stub :where => [instance] context[:results] << raw_result(24, model_name) [context] context[:results].should == [instance] end it "only queries the model once for the given search results" do model_name = double('article', :constantize => model) instance_a = double('instance', :id => 24) instance_b = double('instance', :id => 42) context[:results] << raw_result(24, model_name) context[:results] << raw_result(42, model_name) model.should_receive(:where).once.and_return([instance_a, instance_b]) [context] end it "handles multiple models" do article_model = double('article model', :primary_key => :id) article_name = double('article name', :constantize => article_model) article = double('article instance', :id => 24) user_model = double('user model', :primary_key => :id) user_name = double('user name', :constantize => user_model) user = double('user instance', :id => 12) article_model.stub :unscoped => article_model user_model.stub :unscoped => user_model context[:results] << raw_result(24, article_name) context[:results] << raw_result(12, user_name) article_model.should_receive(:where).once.and_return([article]) user_model.should_receive(:where).once.and_return([user]) [context] end it "sorts the results according to Sphinx order, not database order" do model_name = double('article', :constantize => model) instance_1 = double('instance 1', :id => 1) instance_2 = double('instance 1', :id => 2) context[:results] << raw_result(2, model_name) context[:results] << raw_result(1, model_name) model.stub(:where => [instance_1, instance_2]) [context] context[:results].should == [instance_2, instance_1] end context 'SQL options' do let(:relation) { double('relation', :where => []) } before :each do model.stub :unscoped => relation model_name = double('article', :constantize => model) context[:results] << raw_result(1, model_name) end it "passes through SQL include options to the relation" do search.options[:sql] = {:include => :association} relation.should_receive(:includes).with(:association). and_return(relation) [context] end it "passes through SQL join options to the relation" do search.options[:sql] = {:joins => :association} relation.should_receive(:joins).with(:association).and_return(relation) [context] end it "passes through SQL order options to the relation" do search.options[:sql] = {:order => 'name DESC'} relation.should_receive(:order).with('name DESC').and_return(relation) [context] end it "passes through SQL select options to the relation" do search.options[:sql] = {:select => :column} relation.should_receive(:select).with(:column).and_return(relation) [context] end end end end