dojo.provide(""); dojo.require(""); dojo.require(""); dojo.require(""); dojo.require(""); = function(/* String */ datastoreClassName){ // summary: // Given the name of a datastore class to use, this function creates // a set of unit tests for that datastore, and registers the new test // group with the doh test framework. The new unit tests are based // on a set of "template" unit tests. var datastoreClass = dojo.getObject(datastoreClassName); var testTemplates =; var testsForDatastore = []; var makeNewTestFunction = function(template){ return function(t){return template.runTest(datastoreClass, t);}; }; for(var i = 0; i < testTemplates.length; ++i) { var testTemplate = testTemplates[i]; var test = {}; =; test.runTest = makeNewTestFunction(testTemplate); testsForDatastore.push(test); } var testGroupName = ", with datastore " + datastoreClassName; doh.register(testGroupName, testsForDatastore); }; //----------------------------------------------------- // testFile data-sets = function(name){ var data = null; if(name === "countries"){ if(dojo.isBrowser){ data = {url: dojo.moduleUrl("tests", "data/countries.json").toString() }; }else{ data = {data: { identifier:"abbr", label:"name", items:[ {abbr:"ec", name:"Ecuador", capital:"Quito"}, {abbr:'eg', name:'Egypt', capital:'Cairo'}, {abbr:'sv', name:'El Salvador', capital:'San Salvador'}, {abbr:'gq', name:'Equatorial Guinea', capital:'Malabo'}, {abbr:'er', name:'Eritrea', capital:'Asmara'}, {abbr:'ee', name:'Estonia', capital:'Tallinn'}, {abbr:'et', name:'Ethiopia', capital:'Addis Ababa'} ] } }; } }else if(name === "countries_withNull"){ if(dojo.isBrowser){ data = {url: dojo.moduleUrl("tests", "data/countries_withNull.json").toString() }; }else{ data = {data: { identifier:"abbr", items:[ {abbr:"ec", name:null, capital:"Quito"}, {abbr:'eg', name:null, capital:'Cairo'}, {abbr:'sv', name:'El Salvador', capital:'San Salvador'}, {abbr:'gq', name:'Equatorial Guinea', capital:'Malabo'}, {abbr:'er', name:'Eritrea', capital:'Asmara'}, {abbr:'ee', name:null, capital:'Tallinn'}, {abbr:'et', name:'Ethiopia', capital:'Addis Ababa'} ] } }; } }else if(name === "countries_withoutid"){ if(dojo.isBrowser){ data = {url: dojo.moduleUrl("tests", "data/countries_withoutid.json").toString() }; }else{ data = {data: { label: "name", items:[ {abbr:"ec", name:null, capital:"Quito"}, {abbr:'eg', name:null, capital:'Cairo'}, {abbr:'sv', name:'El Salvador', capital:'San Salvador'}, {abbr:'gq', name:'Equatorial Guinea', capital:'Malabo'}, {abbr:'er', name:'Eritrea', capital:'Asmara'}, {abbr:'ee', name:null, capital:'Tallinn'}, {abbr:'et', name:'Ethiopia', capital:'Addis Ababa'} ] } }; } }else if (name === "countries_withBoolean"){ if(dojo.isBrowser){ data = {url: dojo.moduleUrl("tests", "data/countries_withBoolean.json").toString() }; }else{ data = {data: { identifier:"abbr", items:[ {abbr:"ec", name:"Ecuador", capital:"Quito", real:true}, {abbr:'eg', name:'Egypt', capital:'Cairo', real:true}, {abbr:'sv', name:'El Salvador', capital:'San Salvador', real:true}, {abbr:'gq', name:'Equatorial Guinea', capital:'Malabo', real:true}, {abbr:'er', name:'Eritrea', capital:'Asmara', real:true}, {abbr:'ee', name:'Estonia', capital:'Tallinn', real:true}, {abbr:'et', name:'Ethiopia', capital:'Addis Ababa', real:true}, {abbr:'ut', name:'Utopia', capital:'Paradise', real:false} ] } }; } }else if (name === "countries_withDates"){ if(dojo.isBrowser){ data = {url: dojo.moduleUrl("tests", "data/countries_withDates.json").toString() }; }else{ data = {data: { identifier:"abbr", items:[ {abbr:"ec", name:"Ecuador", capital:"Quito"}, {abbr:'eg', name:'Egypt', capital:'Cairo'}, {abbr:'sv', name:'El Salvador', capital:'San Salvador'}, {abbr:'gq', name:'Equatorial Guinea', capital:'Malabo'}, {abbr:'er', name:'Eritrea', capital:'Asmara', independence:{_type:'Date', _value:"1993-05-24T00:00:00Z"}}, // May 24, 1993, {abbr:'ee', name:'Estonia', capital:'Tallinn', independence:{_type:'Date', _value:"1991-08-20T00:00:00Z"}}, // August 20, 1991 {abbr:'et', name:'Ethiopia', capital:'Addis Ababa'} ] } }; } }else if (name === "geography_hierarchy_small"){ if(dojo.isBrowser){ data = {url: dojo.moduleUrl("tests", "data/geography_hierarchy_small.json").toString() }; }else{ data = {data: { items:[ { name:'Africa', countries:[ { name:'Egypt', capital:'Cairo' }, { name:'Kenya', capital:'Nairobi' }, { name:'Sudan', capital:'Khartoum' }]}, { name:'Australia', capital:'Canberra' }, { name:'North America', countries:[ { name:'Canada', population:'33 million', cities:[ { name:'Toronto', population:'2.5 million' }, { name:'Alberta', population:'1 million' } ]}, { name: 'United States of America', capital: 'Washington DC', states:[ { name: 'Missouri'}, { name: 'Arkansas'} ]} ]} ] }}; } }else if (name === "data_multitype"){ if(dojo.isBrowser){ data = {url: dojo.moduleUrl("tests", "data/data_multitype.json").toString() }; }else{ data = {data: { "identifier": "count", "label": "count", items: [ { count: 1, value: "true" }, { count: 2, value: true }, { count: 3, value: "false"}, { count: 4, value: false }, { count: 5, value: true }, { count: 6, value: true }, { count: 7, value: "true" }, { count: 8, value: "true" }, { count: 9, value: "false"}, { count: 10, value: false }, { count: 11, value: [false, false]}, { count: "12", value: [false, "true"]} ] } }; } }else if (name === "countries_references"){ if(dojo.isBrowser){ data = {url: dojo.moduleUrl("tests", "data/countries_references.json").toString() }; }else{ data = {data: { identifier: 'name', label: 'name', items: [ { name:'Africa', type:'continent', children:[{_reference:'Egypt'}, {_reference:'Kenya'}, {_reference:'Sudan'}] }, { name:'Egypt', type:'country' }, { name:'Kenya', type:'country', children:[{_reference:'Nairobi'}, {_reference:'Mombasa'}] }, { name:'Nairobi', type:'city' }, { name:'Mombasa', type:'city' }, { name:'Sudan', type:'country', children:{_reference:'Khartoum'} }, { name:'Khartoum', type:'city' }, { name:'Asia', type:'continent', children:[{_reference:'China'}, {_reference:'India'}, {_reference:'Russia'}, {_reference:'Mongolia'}] }, { name:'China', type:'country' }, { name:'India', type:'country' }, { name:'Russia', type:'country' }, { name:'Mongolia', type:'country' }, { name:'Australia', type:'continent', population:'21 million', children:{_reference:'Commonwealth of Australia'}}, { name:'Commonwealth of Australia', type:'country', population:'21 million'}, { name:'Europe', type:'continent', children:[{_reference:'Germany'}, {_reference:'France'}, {_reference:'Spain'}, {_reference:'Italy'}] }, { name:'Germany', type:'country' }, { name:'France', type:'country' }, { name:'Spain', type:'country' }, { name:'Italy', type:'country' }, { name:'North America', type:'continent', children:[{_reference:'Mexico'}, {_reference:'Canada'}, {_reference:'United States of America'}] }, { name:'Mexico', type:'country', population:'108 million', area:'1,972,550 sq km', children:[{_reference:'Mexico City'}, {_reference:'Guadalajara'}] }, { name:'Mexico City', type:'city', population:'19 million', timezone:'-6 UTC'}, { name:'Guadalajara', type:'city', population:'4 million', timezone:'-6 UTC' }, { name:'Canada', type:'country', population:'33 million', area:'9,984,670 sq km', children:[{_reference:'Ottawa'}, {_reference:'Toronto'}] }, { name:'Ottawa', type:'city', population:'0.9 million', timezone:'-5 UTC'}, { name:'Toronto', type:'city', population:'2.5 million', timezone:'-5 UTC' }, { name:'United States of America', type:'country' }, { name:'South America', type:'continent', children:[{_reference:'Brazil'}, {_reference:'Argentina'}] }, { name:'Brazil', type:'country', population:'186 million' }, { name:'Argentina', type:'country', population:'40 million' } ] } }; } } return data; }; //----------------------------------------------------- // testTemplates = [ { name: "Identity API: fetchItemByIdentity()", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of the fetchItemByIdentity function of the store. var store = new datastore("countries")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); if(item !== null){ var name = store.getValue(item,"name"); t.assertEqual(name, "El Salvador"); } d.callback(true); } function onError(errData){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "sv", onItem: onItem, onError: onError}); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "Identity API: fetchItemByIdentity() preventCache", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of the fetchItemByIdentity function of the store. var args ="countries"); args.urlPreventCache = true; var store = new datastore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); if(item !== null){ var name = store.getValue(item,"name"); t.assertEqual(name, "El Salvador"); } d.callback(true); } function onError(errData){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "sv", onItem: onItem, onError: onError}); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "Identity API: fetchItemByIdentity() notFound", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of the fetchItemByIdentity function of the store. // description: // Simple test of the fetchItemByIdentity function of the store. var store = new datastore("countries")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item === null); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "sv_not", onItem: onItem, onError: onError}); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "Identity API: getIdentityAttributes()", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of the getIdentityAttributes function. // description: // Simple test of the getIdentityAttributes function. var store = new datastore("countries")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null) var identifiers = store.getIdentityAttributes(item); t.assertTrue(dojo.isArray(identifiers)); t.assertEqual(1, identifiers.length); t.assertEqual("abbr", identifiers[0]); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "sv", onItem: onItem, onError: onError}); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "Identity API: fetchItemByIdentity() commentFilteredJson", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of the fetchItemByIdentity function of the store. // description: // Simple test of the fetchItemByIdentity function of the store. // This tests loading a comment-filtered json file so that people using secure // data with this store can bypass the JavaSceipt hijack noted in Fortify's // paper. if(dojo.isBrowser){ var store = new datastore({url: dojo.moduleUrl("tests", "data/countries_commentFiltered.json").toString()}); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); var name = store.getValue(item,"name"); t.assertEqual(name, "El Salvador"); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "sv", onItem: onItem, onError: onError}); return d; // Deferred } } }, { name: "Identity API: fetchItemByIdentity() nullValue", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of the fetchItemByIdentity function of the store, checling a null value. // description: // Simple test of the fetchItemByIdentity function of the store, checking a null value. // This tests handling attributes in json that were defined as null properly. // Introduced because of tracker: #3153 var store = new datastore("countries_withNull")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); var name = store.getValue(item,"name"); t.assertEqual(name, null); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "ec", onItem: onItem, onError: onError}); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "Identity API: fetchItemByIdentity() booleanValue", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of the fetchItemByIdentity function of the store, checking a boolean value. // description: // Simple test of the fetchItemByIdentity function of the store, checking a boolean value. var store = new datastore("countries_withBoolean")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); var name = store.getValue(item,"name"); t.assertEqual(name, "Utopia"); var real = store.getValue(item,"real"); t.assertEqual(real, false); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "ut", onItem: onItem, onError: onError}); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "Identity API: fetchItemByIdentity() withoutSpecifiedIdInData", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of bug #4691, looking up something by assigned id, not one specified in the JSON data. // description: // Simple test of bug #4691, looking up something by assigned id, not one specified in the JSON data. var store = new datastore("countries_withoutid")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); var name = store.getValue(item,"name"); t.assertEqual(name, "El Salvador"); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "2", onItem: onItem, onError: onError}); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "Identity API: getIdentity()", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of the getIdentity function of the store. // description: // Simple test of the getIdentity function of the store. var store = new datastore("countries")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); t.assertTrue(store.getIdentity(item) === "sv"); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "sv", onItem: onItem, onError: onError}); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "Identity API: getIdentity() withoutSpecifiedId", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of the #4691 bug // description: // Simple test of the #4691 bug var store = new datastore("countries_withoutid")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item, request){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); t.assertTrue(store.getIdentity(item) === 2); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetch({ query:{abbr: "sv"}, onItem: onItem, onError: onError}); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() all", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of a basic fetch on ItemFileReadStore. // description: // Simple test of a basic fetch on ItemFileReadStore. var store = new datastore("countries")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completedAll(items, request){, items.length); d.callback(true); } function error(errData, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } //Get everything... store.fetch({ onComplete: completedAll, onError: error}); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() all (count === Infinity)", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of a basic fetch on ItemFileReadStore and with a count of Infinity. // description: // Simple test of a basic fetch on ItemFileReadStore and with a count of Infinity. var store = new datastore("countries")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completedAll(items, request){, items.length); d.callback(true); } function error(errData, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } //Get everything... store.fetch({ onComplete: completedAll, onError: error, start: 0, count: Infinity}); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() all PreventCache", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of a basic fetch on ItemFileReadStore. // description: // Simple test of a basic fetch on ItemFileReadStore. var args ="countries"); args.urlPreventCache = true; var store = new datastore(args); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completedAll(items, request){, items.length); d.callback(true); } function error(errData, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } //Get everything... store.fetch({ onComplete: completedAll, onError: error}); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() one", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of a basic fetch on ItemFileReadStore of a single item. // description: // Simple test of a basic fetch on ItemFileReadStore of a single item. var store = new datastore("countries")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onComplete(items, request){ t.assertEqual(items.length, 1); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetch({ query: {abbr: "ec"}, onComplete: onComplete, onError: onError }); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() shallow", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of a basic fetch on ItemFileReadStore of only toplevel items // description: // Simple test of a basic fetch on ItemFileReadStore of only toplevel items. var store = new datastore("geography_hierarchy_small")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onComplete(items, request){ t.assertEqual(items.length, 2); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } //Find all items starting with A, only toplevel (root) items. store.fetch({ query: {name: "A*"}, onComplete: onComplete, onError: onError }); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() Multiple", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Tests that multiple fetches at the same time queue up properly and do not clobber each other on initial load. // description: // Tests that multiple fetches at the same time queue up properly and do not clobber each other on initial load. var store = new datastore("geography_hierarchy_small")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); var done = [false, false]; function onCompleteOne(items, request){ done[0] = true; t.assertEqual(items.length, 2); if(done[0] && done[1]){ d.callback(true); } } function onCompleteTwo(items, request){ done[1] = true; if(done[0] && done[1]){ d.callback(true); } } function onError(errData, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } //Find all items starting with A, only toplevel (root) items. store.fetch({ query: {name: "A*"}, onComplete: onCompleteOne, onError: onError }); //Find all items starting with A, only toplevel (root) items. store.fetch({ query: {name: "N*"}, onComplete: onCompleteTwo, onError: onError }); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() MultipleMixedFetch", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Tests that multiple fetches at the same time queue up properly and do not clobber each other on initial load. // description: // Tests that multiple fetches at the same time queue up properly and do not clobber each other on initial load. // Tests an item fetch and an identity fetch. var store = new datastore("countries")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); var done = [false, false]; function onComplete(items, request){ done[0] = true; t.assertEqual(items.length, 1); if(done[0] && done[1]){ d.callback(true); } } function onItem(item){ done[1] = true; t.assertTrue(item !== null); var name = store.getValue(item,"name"); t.assertEqual(name, "El Salvador"); if(done[0] && done[1]){ d.callback(true); } } function onError(errData){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } //Find all items starting with A, only toplevel (root) items. store.fetch({ query: {name: "El*"}, onComplete: onComplete, onError: onError }); store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "sv", onItem: onItem, onError: onError}); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() deep", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of a basic fetch on ItemFileReadStore of all items (including children (nested)) // description: // Simple test of a basic fetch on ItemFileReadStore of all items (including children (nested)) var store = new datastore("geography_hierarchy_small")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onComplete(items, request){ t.assertEqual(items.length, 4); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } //Find all items starting with A, including child (nested) items. store.fetch({ query: {name: "A*"}, onComplete: onComplete, onError: onError, queryOptions: {deep:true} }); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() one_commentFilteredJson", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of a basic fetch on ItemFileReadStore of a single item. // description: // Simple test of a basic fetch on ItemFileReadStore of a single item. // This tests loading a comment-filtered json file so that people using secure // data with this store can bypass the JavaSceipt hijack noted in Fortify's // paper. if(dojo.isBrowser){ var store = new datastore({url: dojo.moduleUrl("tests", "data/countries_commentFiltered.json").toString()}); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onComplete(items, request){ t.assertEqual(items.length, 1); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetch({ query: {abbr: "ec"}, onComplete: onComplete, onError: onError }); return d; } } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() withNull", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of a basic fetch on ItemFileReadStore of a single item where some attributes are null. // description: // Simple test of a basic fetch on ItemFileReadStore of a single item where some attributes are null. // Introduced because of tracker: #3153 var store = new datastore("countries_withNull")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onComplete(items, request){ t.assertEqual(4, items.length); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetch({ query: {name: "E*"}, onComplete: onComplete, onError: onError }); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() all_streaming", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of a basic fetch on ItemFileReadStore. // description: // Simple test of a basic fetch on ItemFileReadStore. var store = new datastore("countries")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); count = 0; function onBegin(size, requestObj){ t.assertEqual(size, 7); } function onItem(item, requestObj){ t.assertTrue(store.isItem(item)); count++; } function onComplete(items, request){ t.assertEqual(count, 7); t.assertTrue(items === null); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } //Get everything... store.fetch({ onBegin: onBegin, onItem: onItem, onComplete: onComplete, onError: onError }); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() paging", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Test of multiple fetches on a single result. Paging, if you will. // description: // Test of multiple fetches on a single result. Paging, if you will. var store = new datastore("countries")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function dumpFirstFetch(items, request){ t.assertEqual(items.length, 5); request.start = 3; request.count = 1; request.onComplete = dumpSecondFetch; store.fetch(request); } function dumpSecondFetch(items, request){ t.assertEqual(items.length, 1); request.start = 0; request.count = 5; request.onComplete = dumpThirdFetch; store.fetch(request); } function dumpThirdFetch(items, request){ t.assertEqual(items.length, 5); request.start = 2; request.count = 20; request.onComplete = dumpFourthFetch; store.fetch(request); } function dumpFourthFetch(items, request){ t.assertEqual(items.length, 5); request.start = 9; request.count = 100; request.onComplete = dumpFifthFetch; store.fetch(request); } function dumpFifthFetch(items, request){ t.assertEqual(items.length, 0); request.start = 2; request.count = 20; request.onComplete = dumpSixthFetch; store.fetch(request); } function dumpSixthFetch(items, request){ t.assertEqual(items.length, 5); d.callback(true); } function completed(items, request){ t.assertEqual(items.length, 7); request.start = 1; request.count = 5; request.onComplete = dumpFirstFetch; store.fetch(request); } function error(errData, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetch({onComplete: completed, onError: error}); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() with MultiType Match", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of a basic fetch againct an attribute that has different types for the value across items // description: // Simple test of a basic fetch againct an attribute that has different types for the value across items // Introduced because of tracker: #4931 var store = new datastore("data_multitype")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onComplete(items, request){ t.assertEqual(4, items.length); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetch({ query: {count: "1*"}, onComplete: onComplete, onError: onError }); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() with MultiType, MultiValue Match", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of a basic fetch againct an attribute that has different types for the value across items // description: // Simple test of a basic fetch againct an attribute that has different types for the value across items // Introduced because of tracker: #4931 var store = new datastore("data_multitype")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onComplete(items, request){ t.assertEqual(7, items.length); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetch({ query: {value: "true"}, onComplete: onComplete, onError: onError }); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: getLabel()", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of the getLabel function against a store set that has a label defined. // description: // Simple test of the getLabel function against a store set that has a label defined. var store = new datastore("countries")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onComplete(items, request){ t.assertEqual(items.length, 1); var label = store.getLabel(items[0]); t.assertTrue(label !== null); t.assertEqual("Ecuador", label); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetch({ query: {abbr: "ec"}, onComplete: onComplete, onError: onError }); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: getLabelAttributes()", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of the getLabelAttributes function against a store set that has a label defined. // description: // Simple test of the getLabelAttributes function against a store set that has a label defined. var store = new datastore("countries")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onComplete(items, request){ t.assertEqual(items.length, 1); var labelList = store.getLabelAttributes(items[0]); t.assertTrue(dojo.isArray(labelList)); t.assertEqual("name", labelList[0]); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetch({ query: {abbr: "ec"}, onComplete: onComplete, onError: onError }); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: getValue()", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of the getValue function of the store. // description: // Simple test of the getValue function of the store. var store = new datastore("countries")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); var name = store.getValue(item,"name"); t.assertTrue(name === "El Salvador"); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "sv", onItem: onItem, onError: onError}); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "Read API: getValues()", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of the getValues function of the store. // description: // Simple test of the getValues function of the store. var store = new datastore("countries")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); var names = store.getValues(item,"name"); t.assertTrue(dojo.isArray(names)); t.assertEqual(names.length, 1); t.assertEqual(names[0], "El Salvador"); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "sv", onItem: onItem, onError: onError}); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "Read API: isItem()", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of the isItem function of the store // description: // Simple test of the isItem function of the store var store = new datastore("countries")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); t.assertTrue(store.isItem(item)); t.assertTrue(!store.isItem({})); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "sv", onItem: onItem, onError: onError}); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "Read API: isItem() multistore", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of the isItem function of the store // to verify two different store instances do not accept // items from each other. // description: // Simple test of the isItem function of the store // to verify two different store instances do not accept // items from each other. // Two different instances, even if they read from the same URL // should not accept items between each other! var store1 = new datastore("countries")); var store2 = new datastore("countries")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem1(item1){ t.assertTrue(item1 !== null); function onItem2(item2){ t.assertTrue(item1 !== null); t.assertTrue(item2 !== null); t.assertTrue(store1.isItem(item1)); t.assertTrue(store2.isItem(item2)); t.assertTrue(!store1.isItem(item2)); t.assertTrue(!store2.isItem(item1)); d.callback(true); } store2.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "sv", onItem: onItem2, onError: onError}); } function onError(errData){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store1.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "sv", onItem: onItem1, onError: onError}); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "Read API: hasAttribute()", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of the hasAttribute function of the store // description: // Simple test of the hasAttribute function of the store var store = new datastore("countries")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); t.assertTrue(store.hasAttribute(item, "abbr")); t.assertTrue(!store.hasAttribute(item, "abbr_not")); //Test that null attributes throw an exception var passed = false; try{ store.hasAttribute(item, null); }catch (e){ passed = true; } t.assertTrue(passed); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "sv", onItem: onItem, onError: onError}); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "Read API: containsValue()", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of the containsValue function of the store // description: // Simple test of the containsValue function of the store var store = new datastore("countries")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); t.assertTrue(store.containsValue(item, "abbr", "sv")); t.assertTrue(!store.containsValue(item, "abbr", "sv1")); t.assertTrue(!store.containsValue(item, "abbr", null)); //Test that null attributes throw an exception var passed = false; try{ store.containsValue(item, null, "foo"); }catch (e){ passed = true; } t.assertTrue(passed); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "sv", onItem: onItem, onError: onError}); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "Read API: getAttributes()", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of the getAttributes function of the store // description: // Simple test of the getAttributes function of the store var store = new datastore("countries")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); t.assertTrue(store.isItem(item)); var attributes = store.getAttributes(item); t.assertEqual(attributes.length, 3); for(var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++){ t.assertTrue((attributes[i] === "name" || attributes[i] === "abbr" || attributes[i] === "capital")); } d.callback(true); } function onError(errData){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: "sv", onItem: onItem, onError: onError}); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "Read API: getFeatures()", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of the getFeatures function of the store // description: // Simple test of the getFeatures function of the store var store = new datastore("countries")); var features = store.getFeatures(); t.assertTrue(features[""] != null); t.assertTrue(features[""] != null); } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() patternMatch0", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Function to test pattern matching of everything starting with lowercase e // description: // Function to test pattern matching of everything starting with lowercase e var store = new datastore("countries")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items, request) { t.assertEqual(items.length, 5); var passed = true; for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){ var value = store.getValue(items[i], "abbr"); if(!(value === "ec" || value === "eg" || value === "er" || value === "ee" || value === "et")){ passed=false; break; } } t.assertTrue(passed); if (passed){ d.callback(true); }else{ d.errback(new Error("Unexpected abbreviation found, match failure.")); } } function error(error, request) { t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(error); } store.fetch({query: {abbr: "e*"}, onComplete: completed, onError: error}); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() patternMatch1", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Function to test pattern matching of everything with $ in it. // description: // Function to test pattern matching of everything with $ in it. var store = new datastore({data: { identifier: "uniqueId", items: [ {uniqueId: 1, value:"foo*bar"}, {uniqueId: 2, value:"bar*foo"}, {uniqueId: 3, value:"boomBam"}, {uniqueId: 4, value:"bit$Bite"}, {uniqueId: 5, value:"ouagadogou"}, {uniqueId: 6, value:"BaBaMaSaRa***Foo"}, {uniqueId: 7, value:"squawl"}, {uniqueId: 8, value:"seaweed"}, {uniqueId: 9, value:"jfq4@#!$!@Rf14r14i5u"} ] } }); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items, request){ t.assertEqual(items.length, 2); var passed = true; for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){ var value = store.getValue(items[i], "value"); if(!(value === "bit$Bite" || value === "jfq4@#!$!@Rf14r14i5u")){ passed=false; break; } } t.assertTrue(passed); if (passed){ d.callback(true); }else{ d.errback(new Error("Unexpected pattern matched. Filter failure.")); } } function error(error, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(error); } store.fetch({query: {value: "*$*"}, onComplete: completed, onError: error}); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() patternMatch2", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Function to test exact pattern match // description: // Function to test exact pattern match var store = new datastore({data: { identifier: "uniqueId", items: [ {uniqueId: 1, value:"foo*bar"}, {uniqueId: 2, value:"bar*foo"}, {uniqueId: 3, value:"boomBam"}, {uniqueId: 4, value:"bit$Bite"}, {uniqueId: 5, value:"ouagadogou"}, {uniqueId: 6, value:"BaBaMaSaRa***Foo"}, {uniqueId: 7, value:"squawl"}, {uniqueId: 8, value:"seaweed"}, {uniqueId: 9, value:"jfq4@#!$!@Rf14r14i5u"} ] } }); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items, request){ t.assertEqual(items.length, 1); var passed = true; for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){ var value = store.getValue(items[i], "value"); if(!(value === "bar*foo")){ passed=false; break; } } t.assertTrue(passed); if (passed){ d.callback(true); }else{ d.errback(new Error("Unexpected abbreviation found, match failure.")); } } function error(error, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(error); } store.fetch({query: {value: "bar\*foo"}, onComplete: completed, onError: error}); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() patternMatch_caseSensitive", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Function to test pattern matching of a pattern case-sensitively // description: // Function to test pattern matching of a pattern case-sensitively var store = new datastore({data: { identifier: "uniqueId", items: [ {uniqueId: 1, value:"foo*bar"}, {uniqueId: 2, value:"bar*foo"}, {uniqueId: 3, value:"BAR*foo"}, {uniqueId: 4, value:"BARBananafoo"} ] } }); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items, request){ t.assertEqual(1, items.length); var passed = true; for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){ var value = store.getValue(items[i], "value"); if(!(value === "bar*foo")){ passed=false; break; } } t.assertTrue(passed); if (passed){ d.callback(true); }else{ d.errback(new Error("Unexpected pattern matched. Filter failure.")); } } function error(error, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(error); } store.fetch({query: {value: "bar\\*foo"}, queryOptions: {ignoreCase: false} , onComplete: completed, onError: error}); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() patternMatch_caseInsensitive", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Function to test pattern matching of a pattern case-insensitively // description: // Function to test pattern matching of a pattern case-insensitively var store = new datastore({data: { identifier: "uniqueId", items: [ {uniqueId: 1, value:"foo*bar"}, {uniqueId: 2, value:"bar*foo"}, {uniqueId: 3, value:"BAR*foo"}, {uniqueId: 4, value:"BARBananafoo"} ] } }); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items, request){ t.assertEqual(items.length, 2); var passed = true; for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){ var value = store.getValue(items[i], "value"); if(!(value === "BAR*foo" || value === "bar*foo")){ passed=false; break; } } t.assertTrue(passed); if (passed){ d.callback(true); }else{ d.errback(new Error("Unexpected pattern matched. Filter failure.")); } } function error(error, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(error); } store.fetch({query: {value: "bar\\*foo"}, queryOptions: {ignoreCase: true}, onComplete: completed, onError: error}); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() sortNumeric", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Function to test sorting numerically. // description: // Function to test sorting numerically. var store = new datastore({data: { identifier: "uniqueId", items: [ {uniqueId: 0, value:"fo|o*"}, {uniqueId: 1, value:"ba|r*foo"}, {uniqueId: 2, value:"boomBam"}, {uniqueId: 3, value:"bit$Bite"}, {uniqueId: 4, value:"ouagadogou"}, {uniqueId: 5, value:"jfq4@#!$!@|f1.$4r14i5u"}, {uniqueId: 6, value:"BaB{aMa|SaRa***F}oo"}, {uniqueId: 7, value:"squawl"}, {uniqueId: 9, value:"seaweed"}, {uniqueId: 10, value:"zulu"}, {uniqueId: 8, value:"seaweed"} ] } }); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items, request){ t.assertEqual(items.length, 11); var passed = true; for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){ var value = store.getValue(items[i], "value"); if(!(store.getValue(items[i], "uniqueId") === i)){ passed=false; break; } } t.assertTrue(passed); if (passed){ d.callback(true); }else{ d.errback(new Error("Unexpected sorting order found, sort failure.")); } } function error(error, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(error); } var sortAttributes = [{attribute: "uniqueId"}]; store.fetch({onComplete: completed, onError: error, sort: sortAttributes}); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() sortNumericDescending", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Function to test sorting numerically. // description: // Function to test sorting numerically. var store = new datastore({data: { identifier: "uniqueId", items: [ {uniqueId: 0, value:"fo|o*"}, {uniqueId: 1, value:"ba|r*foo"}, {uniqueId: 2, value:"boomBam"}, {uniqueId: 3, value:"bit$Bite"}, {uniqueId: 4, value:"ouagadogou"}, {uniqueId: 5, value:"jfq4@#!$!@|f1.$4r14i5u"}, {uniqueId: 6, value:"BaB{aMa|SaRa***F}oo"}, {uniqueId: 7, value:"squawl"}, {uniqueId: 9, value:"seaweed"}, {uniqueId: 10, value:"zulu"}, {uniqueId: 8, value:"seaweed"} ] } }); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items, request){ t.assertEqual(items.length, 11); var passed = true; for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){ var value = store.getValue(items[i], "value"); if(!((items.length - (store.getValue(items[i], "uniqueId") + 1)) === i)){ passed=false; break; } } t.assertTrue(passed); if (passed){ d.callback(true); }else{ d.errback(new Error("Unexpected sorting order found, sort failure.")); } } function error(error, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(error); } var sortAttributes = [{attribute: "uniqueId", descending: true}]; store.fetch({onComplete: completed, onError: error, sort: sortAttributes}); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() sortNumericWithCount", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Function to test sorting numerically in descending order, returning only a specified number of them. // description: // Function to test sorting numerically in descending order, returning only a specified number of them. var store = new datastore({data: { identifier: "uniqueId", items: [ {uniqueId: 0, value:"fo|o*"}, {uniqueId: 1, value:"ba|r*foo"}, {uniqueId: 2, value:"boomBam"}, {uniqueId: 3, value:"bit$Bite"}, {uniqueId: 4, value:"ouagadogou"}, {uniqueId: 5, value:"jfq4@#!$!@|f1.$4r14i5u"}, {uniqueId: 6, value:"BaB{aMa|SaRa***F}oo"}, {uniqueId: 7, value:"squawl"}, {uniqueId: 9, value:"seaweed"}, {uniqueId: 10, value:"zulu"}, {uniqueId: 8, value:"seaweed"} ] } }); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items, request){ t.assertEqual(items.length, 5); var itemId = 10; var passed = true; for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){ var value = store.getValue(items[i], "value"); if(!(store.getValue(items[i], "uniqueId") === itemId)){ passed=false; break; } itemId--; // Decrement the item id. We are descending sorted, so it should go 10, 9, 8, etc. } t.assertTrue(passed); if (passed){ d.callback(true); }else{ d.errback(new Error("Unexpected sorting order found, sort failure.")); } } function error(error, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(error); } var sortAttributes = [{attribute: "uniqueId", descending: true}]; store.fetch({onComplete: completed, onError: error, sort: sortAttributes, count: 5}); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() sortAlphabetic", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Function to test sorting alphabetic ordering. // description: // Function to test sorting alphabetic ordering. var store = new datastore({data: { identifier: "uniqueId", items: [ {uniqueId: 0, value:"abc"}, {uniqueId: 1, value:"bca"}, {uniqueId: 2, value:"abcd"}, {uniqueId: 3, value:"abcdefg"}, {uniqueId: 4, value:"lmnop"}, {uniqueId: 5, value:"foghorn"}, {uniqueId: 6, value:"qberty"}, {uniqueId: 7, value:"qwerty"}, {uniqueId: 8, value:""}, {uniqueId: 9, value:"seaweed"}, {uniqueId: 10, value:"123abc"} ] } }); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items, request){ //Output should be in this order... var orderedArray = [ "", "123abc", "abc", "abcd", "abcdefg", "bca", "foghorn", "lmnop", "qberty", "qwerty", "seaweed" ]; t.assertEqual(items.length, 11); var passed = true; for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){ var value = store.getValue(items[i], "value"); if(!(store.getValue(items[i], "value") === orderedArray[i])){ passed=false; break; } } t.assertTrue(passed); if (passed){ d.callback(true); }else{ d.errback(new Error("Unexpected sorting order found, sort failure.")); } } function error(error, request) { t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(error); } var sortAttributes = [{attribute: "value"}]; store.fetch({onComplete: completed, onError: error, sort: sortAttributes}); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() sortAlphabeticDescending", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Function to test sorting alphabetic ordering in descending mode. // description: // Function to test sorting alphabetic ordering in descending mode. var store = new datastore({data: { identifier: "uniqueId", items: [ {uniqueId: 0, value:"abc"}, {uniqueId: 1, value:"bca"}, {uniqueId: 2, value:"abcd"}, {uniqueId: 3, value:"abcdefg"}, {uniqueId: 4, value:"lmnop"}, {uniqueId: 5, value:"foghorn"}, {uniqueId: 6, value:"qberty"}, {uniqueId: 7, value:"qwerty"}, {uniqueId: 8, value:""}, {uniqueId: 9, value:"seaweed"}, {uniqueId: 10, value:"123abc"} ] } }); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items, request){ //Output should be in this order... var orderedArray = [ "", "123abc", "abc", "abcd", "abcdefg", "bca", "foghorn", "lmnop", "qberty", "qwerty", "seaweed" ]; orderedArray = orderedArray.reverse(); t.assertEqual(items.length, 11); var passed = true; for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){ var value = store.getValue(items[i], "value"); if(!(store.getValue(items[i], "value") === orderedArray[i])){ passed=false; break; } } t.assertTrue(passed); if (passed){ d.callback(true); }else{ d.errback(new Error("Unexpected sorting order found, sort failure.")); } } function error(error, request) { t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(error); } var sortAttributes = [{attribute: "value", descending: true}]; store.fetch({onComplete: completed, onError: error, sort: sortAttributes}); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() sortDate", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Function to test sorting date. // description: // Function to test sorting date. var store = new datastore({data: { identifier: "uniqueId", items: [ {uniqueId: 0, value: new Date(0)}, {uniqueId: 1, value: new Date(100)}, {uniqueId: 2, value:new Date(1000)}, {uniqueId: 3, value:new Date(2000)}, {uniqueId: 4, value:new Date(3000)}, {uniqueId: 5, value:new Date(4000)}, {uniqueId: 6, value:new Date(5000)}, {uniqueId: 7, value:new Date(6000)}, {uniqueId: 8, value:new Date(7000)}, {uniqueId: 9, value:new Date(8000)}, {uniqueId: 10, value:new Date(9000)} ] } }); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items,request){ var orderedArray = [0,100,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000]; t.assertEqual(items.length, 11); var passed = true; for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){ var value = store.getValue(items[i], "value"); if(!(store.getValue(items[i], "value").getTime() === orderedArray[i])){ passed=false; break; } } t.assertTrue(passed); if (passed){ d.callback(true); }else{ d.errback(new Error("Unexpected sorting order found, sort failure.")); } } function error(error, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(error); } var sortAttributes = [{attribute: "value"}]; store.fetch({onComplete: completed, onError: error, sort: sortAttributes}); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() sortDateDescending", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Function to test sorting date in descending order. // description: // Function to test sorting date in descending order. var store = new datastore({data: { identifier: "uniqueId", items: [ {uniqueId: 0, value: new Date(0)}, {uniqueId: 1, value: new Date(100)}, {uniqueId: 2, value:new Date(1000)}, {uniqueId: 3, value:new Date(2000)}, {uniqueId: 4, value:new Date(3000)}, {uniqueId: 5, value:new Date(4000)}, {uniqueId: 6, value:new Date(5000)}, {uniqueId: 7, value:new Date(6000)}, {uniqueId: 8, value:new Date(7000)}, {uniqueId: 9, value:new Date(8000)}, {uniqueId: 10, value:new Date(9000)} ] } }); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items,request){ var orderedArray = [0,100,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000]; orderedArray = orderedArray.reverse(); t.assertEqual(items.length, 11); var passed = true; for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){ var value = store.getValue(items[i], "value"); if(!(store.getValue(items[i], "value").getTime() === orderedArray[i])){ passed=false; break; } } t.assertTrue(passed); if (passed){ d.callback(true); }else{ d.errback(new Error("Unexpected sorting order found, sort failure.")); } } function error(error, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(error); } var sortAttributes = [{attribute: "value", descending: true}]; store.fetch({onComplete: completed, onError: error, sort: sortAttributes}); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() sortMultiple", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Function to test sorting on multiple attributes. // description: // Function to test sorting on multiple attributes. var store = new datastore({data: { identifier: "uniqueId", items: [ {uniqueId: 1, value:"fo|o*"}, {uniqueId: 2, value:"ba|r*foo"}, {uniqueId: 3, value:"boomBam"}, {uniqueId: 4, value:"bit$Bite"}, {uniqueId: 5, value:"ouagadogou"}, {uniqueId: 6, value:"jfq4@#!$!@|f1.$4r14i5u"}, {uniqueId: 7, value:"BaB{aMa|SaRa***F}oo"}, {uniqueId: 8, value:"squawl"}, {uniqueId: 10, value:"seaweed"}, {uniqueId: 12, value:"seaweed"}, {uniqueId: 11, value:"zulu"}, {uniqueId: 9, value:"seaweed"} ] } }); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items, request){ var orderedArray0 = [7,2,4,3,1,6,5,12,10,9,8,11]; var orderedArray1 = [ "BaB{aMa|SaRa***F}oo", "ba|r*foo", "bit$Bite", "boomBam", "fo|o*", "jfq4@#!$!@|f1.$4r14i5u", "ouagadogou", "seaweed", "seaweed", "seaweed", "squawl", "zulu" ]; var passed = true; for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){ var value = store.getValue(items[i], "value"); if(!( (store.getValue(items[i], "uniqueId") === orderedArray0[i])&& (store.getValue(items[i], "value") === orderedArray1[i])) ){ passed=false; break; } } t.assertTrue(passed); if (passed){ d.callback(true); }else{ d.errback(new Error("Unexpected sorting order found, sort failure.")); } } function error(error, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(error); } var sortAttributes = [{ attribute: "value"}, { attribute: "uniqueId", descending: true}]; store.fetch({onComplete: completed, onError: error, sort: sortAttributes}); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() sortMultipleSpecialComparator", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Function to test sorting on multiple attributes with a custom comparator. // description: // Function to test sorting on multiple attributes with a custom comparator. var store = new datastore({data: { identifier: "uniqueId", items: [ {uniqueId: 1, status:"CLOSED"}, {uniqueId: 2, status:"OPEN"}, {uniqueId: 3, status:"PENDING"}, {uniqueId: 4, status:"BLOCKED"}, {uniqueId: 5, status:"CLOSED"}, {uniqueId: 6, status:"OPEN"}, {uniqueId: 7, status:"PENDING"}, {uniqueId: 8, status:"PENDING"}, {uniqueId: 10, status:"BLOCKED"}, {uniqueId: 12, status:"BLOCKED"}, {uniqueId: 11, status:"OPEN"}, {uniqueId: 9, status:"CLOSED"} ] } }); store.comparatorMap = {}; store.comparatorMap["status"] = function(a,b) { var ret = 0; // We want to map these by what the priority of these items are, not by alphabetical. // So, custom comparator. var enumMap = { OPEN: 3, BLOCKED: 2, PENDING: 1, CLOSED: 0}; if (enumMap[a] > enumMap[b]) { ret = 1; } if (enumMap[a] < enumMap[b]) { ret = -1; } return ret; }; var sortAttributes = [{attribute: "status", descending: true}, { attribute: "uniqueId", descending: true}]; var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items, findResult){ var orderedArray = [11,6,2,12,10,4,8,7,3,9,5,1]; var passed = true; for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){ var value = store.getValue(items[i], "value"); if(!(store.getValue(items[i], "uniqueId") === orderedArray[i])){ passed=false; break; } } t.assertTrue(passed); if (passed){ d.callback(true); }else{ d.errback(new Error("Unexpected sorting order found, sort failure.")); } } function error(errData, request){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetch({onComplete: completed, onError: error, sort: sortAttributes}); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: fetch() sortAlphabeticWithUndefined", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Function to test sorting alphabetic ordering. // description: // Function to test sorting alphabetic ordering. var store = new datastore({data: { identifier: "uniqueId", items: [ {uniqueId: 0, value:"abc"}, {uniqueId: 1, value:"bca"}, {uniqueId: 2, value:"abcd"}, {uniqueId: 3, value:"abcdefg"}, {uniqueId: 4, value:"lmnop"}, {uniqueId: 5, value:"foghorn"}, {uniqueId: 6, value:"qberty"}, {uniqueId: 7, value:"qwerty"}, {uniqueId: 8 }, //Deliberate undefined value {uniqueId: 9, value:"seaweed"}, {uniqueId: 10, value:"123abc"} ] } }); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function completed(items, request){ //Output should be in this order... var orderedArray = [10,0,2,3,1,5,4,6,7,9,8]; t.assertEqual(items.length, 11); var passed = true; for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){ if(!(store.getValue(items[i], "uniqueId") === orderedArray[i])){ passed=false; break; } } t.assertTrue(passed); if (passed){ d.callback(true); }else{ d.errback(new Error("Unexpected sorting order found, sort failure.")); } } function error(error, request) { t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(error); } var sortAttributes = [{attribute: "value"}]; store.fetch({onComplete: completed, onError: error, sort: sortAttributes}); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: errorCondition_idCollision_inMemory", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of the errors thrown when there is an id collision in the data. // Added because of tracker: #2546 // description: // Simple test of the errors thrown when there is an id collision in the data. // Added because of tracker: #2546 var store = new datastore({ data: { identifier: "uniqueId", items: [{uniqueId: 12345, value:"foo"}, {uniqueId: 123456, value:"bar"}, {uniqueId: 12345, value:"boom"}, {uniqueId: 123457, value:"bit"} ] } }); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onComplete(items, request){ //This is bad if this fires, this case should fail and not call onComplete. t.assertTrue(false); d.callback(false); } function reportError(errData, request){ //This is good if this fires, it is expected. t.assertTrue(true); d.callback(true); } store.fetch({onComplete: onComplete, onError: reportError}); return d; } }, { name: "Read API: errorCondition_idCollision_xhr", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test of the errors thrown when there is an id collision in the data. // Added because of tracker: #2546 // description: // Simple test of the errors thrown when there is an id collision in the data. // Added because of tracker: #2546 if(dojo.isBrowser){ var store = new datastore({url: dojo.moduleUrl("tests", "data/countries_idcollision.json").toString() }); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onComplete(items, request){ //This is bad if this fires, this case should fail and not call onComplete. t.assertTrue(false); d.callback(false); } function reportError(errData, request){ //This is good if this fires, it is expected. t.assertTrue(true); d.callback(true); } store.fetch({onComplete: onComplete, onError: reportError}); return d; } } }, { name: "Read API: Date_datatype", runTest: function(datastore, t){ //var store = new datastore(["countries_withDates"]); var store = new datastore("countries_withDates")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); var independenceDate = store.getValue(item, "independence"); t.assertTrue(independenceDate instanceof Date); //Check to see if the value was deserialized properly. Since the store stores in UTC/GMT, it //should also be compared in the UTC/GMT mode t.assertTrue(, {zulu:true}) === "1993-05-24T00:00:00Z"); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData){ t.assertTrue(false); d.errback(errData); } store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity:"er", onItem:onItem, onError:onError}); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "Read API: custom_datatype_Color_SimpleMapping", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Function to test using literal values with custom datatypes var dataset = { identifier:'name', items: [ { name:'Kermit', species:'frog', color:{_type:'Color', _value:'green'} }, { name:'Beaker', hairColor:{_type:'Color', _value:'red'} } ] }; var store = new datastore({ data:dataset, typeMap:{'Color': dojo.Color} }); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); var beaker = item; var hairColor = store.getValue(beaker, "hairColor"); t.assertTrue(hairColor instanceof dojo.Color); t.assertTrue(hairColor.toHex() == "#ff0000"); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData){ d.errback(errData); } store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity:"Beaker", onItem:onItem, onError:onError}); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "Read API: custom_datatype_Color_GeneralMapping", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Function to test using literal values with custom datatypes var dataset = { identifier:'name', items: [ { name:'Kermit', species:'frog', color:{_type:'Color', _value:'green'} }, { name:'Beaker', hairColor:{_type:'Color', _value:'red'} } ] }; var store = new datastore({ data:dataset, typeMap:{'Color': { type: dojo.Color, deserialize: function(value){ return new dojo.Color(value); } } } }); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ t.assertTrue(item !== null); var beaker = item; var hairColor = store.getValue(beaker, "hairColor"); t.assertTrue(hairColor instanceof dojo.Color); t.assertTrue(hairColor.toHex() == "#ff0000"); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData){ d.errback(errData); } store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity:"Beaker", onItem:onItem, onError:onError}); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "Read API: hierarchical_data", runTest: function(datastore, t){ //var store = new datastore(["geography_hierarchy_small"]); var store = new datastore("geography_hierarchy_small")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onComplete(items, request){ t.assertEqual(items.length, 1); var northAmerica = items[0]; var canada = store.getValue(northAmerica, "countries"); var toronto = store.getValue(canada, "cities"); t.assertEqual(store.getValue(canada, "name"), "Canada"); t.assertEqual(store.getValue(toronto, "name"), "Toronto"); d.callback(true); } function onError(errData){ d.errback(errData); } store.fetch({ query: {name: "North America"}, onComplete: onComplete, onError: onError }); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "Read API: close (clearOnClose: true)", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Function to test the close api properly clears the store for reload when clearOnClose is set. if (dojo.isBrowser) { var params ="countries"); params.clearOnClose = true; params.urlPreventCache = true; var store = new datastore(params); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ var error = null; try { t.assertTrue(item !== null); var ec = item; var val = store.getValue(ec, "name"); t.assertEqual("Ecuador", val); store.close(); //Check some internals here. Do not normally access these! t.assertTrue(store._arrayOfAllItems.length === 0); t.assertTrue(store._loadFinished === false); }catch (e){ error = e; } if (error) { d.errback(error); }else{ d.callback(true); } } function onError(errData){ d.errback(errData); } store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity:"ec", onItem:onItem, onError:onError}); return d; // Deferred } } }, { name: "Read API: close (clearOnClose: false)", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Function to test the close api properly clears the store for reload when clearOnClose is set. if (dojo.isBrowser) { var params ="countries"); params.urlPreventCache = true; var store = new datastore(params); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onItem(item){ var error = null; try { t.assertTrue(item !== null); var ec = item; var val = store.getValue(ec, "name"); t.assertEqual("Ecuador", val); store.close(); //Check some internals here. Do not normally access these! t.assertTrue(store._arrayOfAllItems.length !== 0); t.assertTrue(store._loadFinished === true); }catch (e){ error = e; } if (error) { d.errback(error); }else{ d.callback(true); } } function onError(errData){ d.errback(errData); } store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity:"ec", onItem:onItem, onError:onError}); return d; // Deferred } } }, { name: "Identity API: no_identifier_specified", runTest: function(datastore, t){ var arrayOfItems = [ {name:"Kermit", color:"green"}, {name:"Miss Piggy", likes:"Kermit"}, {name:"Beaker", hairColor:"red"} ]; var store = new datastore({data:{items:arrayOfItems}}); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onComplete(items, request){ var features = store.getFeatures(); var hasIdentityFeature = Boolean(features['']); t.assertTrue(hasIdentityFeature); for(var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i){ var item = items[i]; var identifier = store.getIdentityAttributes(item); t.assertTrue(identifier === null); var identity = store.getIdentity(item); t.assertTrue(typeof identity == "number"); } d.callback(true); } function reportError(errData, request){ d.errback(true); } store.fetch({onComplete: onComplete, onError: reportError}); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "Identity API: hierarchical_data", runTest: function(datastore, t){ var store = new datastore("geography_hierarchy_small")); var d = new doh.Deferred(); function onComplete(items, request){ var features = store.getFeatures(); var hasIdentityFeature = Boolean(features['']); t.assertTrue(hasIdentityFeature); for(var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i){ var item = items[i]; var identifier = store.getIdentityAttributes(item); t.assertTrue(identifier === null); var identity = store.getIdentity(item); t.assertTrue(typeof identity == "number"); } d.callback(true); } function reportError(errData, request){ d.errback(true); } store.fetch({onComplete: onComplete, onError: reportError}); return d; // Deferred } }, { name: "Read API: functionConformance", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test read API conformance. Checks to see all declared functions are actual functions on the instances. // description: // Simple test read API conformance. Checks to see all declared functions are actual functions on the instances. var testStore = new datastore("countries")); var readApi = new; var passed = true; for(i in readApi){ if(i.toString().charAt(0) !== '_') { var member = readApi[i]; //Check that all the 'Read' defined functions exist on the test store. if(typeof member === "function"){ var testStoreMember = testStore[i]; if(!(typeof testStoreMember === "function")){ passed = false; break; } } } } t.assertTrue(passed); } }, { name: "Identity API: functionConformance", runTest: function(datastore, t){ // summary: // Simple test identity API conformance. Checks to see all declared functions are actual functions on the instances. // description: // Simple test identity API conformance. Checks to see all declared functions are actual functions on the instances. var testStore = new datastore("countries")); var identityApi = new; var passed = true; for(i in identityApi){ if(i.toString().charAt(0) !== '_') { var member = identityApi[i]; //Check that all the 'Read' defined functions exist on the test store. if(typeof member === "function"){ var testStoreMember = testStore[i]; if(!(typeof testStoreMember === "function")){ passed = false; break; } } } } t.assertTrue(passed); } } ];