Feature: Argument matchers Bogus supports some argument matchers for use, when you don't really care about exact equality of arguments passed in or spied on. Background: Given a file named "foo.rb" with: """ruby class Catalog def self.books_by_author_and_title(author, title) end end """ Scenario: Stubbing methods with any arguments Then the following test should pass: """ruby stub(Catalog).books_by_author_and_title(any_args) { :some_book } Catalog.books_by_author_and_title("Mark Twain", "Tom Sawyer").should == :some_book """ Scenario: Stubbing methods with some wildcard arguments Then the following test should pass: """ruby stub(Catalog).books_by_author_and_title("Mark Twain", anything) { :twains_book } Catalog.books_by_author_and_title("Mark Twain", "Tom Sawyer").should == :twains_book Catalog.books_by_author_and_title("Mark Twain", "Huckleberry Finn").should == :twains_book """