require 'rails_helper' include ActionDispatch::TestProcess # -> fixture_file_upload RSpec.describe User, type: :model do context 'User::Chatter' do def user(email) User.find_by_email(email) || User.make!(email: email) end it "uploads an avatar to AWS" do u = User.make u.avatar = fixture_file_upload( Rails.root+'../fixtures/images/exif.jpeg')) u.avatar.file_processing?.should == false #u.avatar_url.should =~ /medium\/exif.jpeg/ #u.avatar_url(:original).should =~ /original\/exif.jpeg/ #u.avatar_url(:thumb).should =~ /thumb\/exif.jpeg/ end context "chatting" do let(:sender) { user('') } let(:target) { user('') } let(:target2) { user('') } let(:target3) { user('') } let(:discussion) { c =[target,target2], 'Hey guys') target2.reply( c, "What's up?") c } before :all do Chat.destroy_all end it "chatting a user returns a chat" do c =, 'a private message') c.kind_of?(Chat).should be_truthy end it "a user sees that she has new messages in a discussion" do! # invoke create hooks on ChatMessage for ChatMessageUser sender.new_messages?(discussion)[].should == 1 target2.new_messages?(discussion)[].should == 0 target.new_messages?(discussion)[].should == 2 end it "a user gets notifications for all new messages for all conversations" do! chat2 = [target2], "Come to E2") target.reply( chat2, "Hurry") target2.new_messages?[].should == nil target2.new_messages?[].should == 2 end it "a user sees her new messages" do! sender.read_messages.size.should == 1 sender.read_messages[0].message.should == "What's up?" target.read_messages.size.should == 2 target.read_messages(discussion)[0].message.should == "Hey guys" target.read_messages(discussion)[1].message.should == "What's up?" target2.read_messages.size.should == 0 #target2.new_messages[0].message.should == "Hey guys" end it "users are notified when a new user is added to the chat" do target2.add_chatters(discussion, target3) sender.messages.last.message.should =~ /ADDED_USER/ target.messages.last.message.should =~ /ADDED_USER/ target2.messages.last.message.should =~ /ADDED_USER/ target3.messages.last.message.should =~ /ADDED_USER/ end it "when a user drops out should not see subsequent messages" do discussion.active_users.size.should == 3 target.leave_chat(discussion).should == true # and if the user has left leaving again should register as a success target.leave_chat(discussion).should == true discussion.active_users.size.should == 2 sender.reply(discussion, 'I never liked target anyway.') sender.messages.last.message.should == 'I never liked target anyway.' target2.messages.last.message.should == 'I never liked target anyway.' target.messages.last.message.should_not == 'I never liked target anyway.' target.messages.last.message.should =~ /DEPARTS/ end it "a user rejoins a chat and doesn't see messages while they were gone" do target2.leave_chat(discussion) sender.reply(discussion, "Where'd target2 go?") sender.add_chatters( discussion, target2) messages = target2.messages.order('created_at').map(&:message) messages.include?("Where'd target2 go?").should be_falsey messages.last.should =~ /ADDED_USER/ end it "when a user reads a message it should mark the message as read" do! target.chat_message_users.unread.size.should == 2 target.mark_messages_as_read(target.messages) target.chat_message_users.unread.size.should == 0 end it "should cascade deletes to chat_user, messages, and read logs" do ChatUser.where(chat_id: == 3 ChatMessage.where(chat_id: == 2 discussion.destroy ChatUser.where(chat_id: == 0 ChatMessage.where(chat_id: == 0 end end end end