#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'em-hiredis' require 'socket' require 'blather/client/client' require 'chronic_duration' require 'oj' require 'flapjack/data/entity_check' require 'flapjack/redis_pool' require 'flapjack/utility' require 'flapjack/version' require 'flapjack/data/alert' module Flapjack module Gateways class Jabber < Blather::Client include Flapjack::Utility log = ::Logger.new(STDOUT) log.level = ::Logger::INFO Blather.logger = log # TODO if we use 'xmpp4r' rather than 'blather', port this to 'rexml' class TextHandler < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document def initialize @chunks = [] end attr_reader :chunks def cdata_block(string) characters(string) end def characters(string) @chunks << string.strip if string.strip != "" end end def initialize(opts = {}) @config = opts[:config] @redis_config = opts[:redis_config] || {} @boot_time = opts[:boot_time] @redis = Flapjack::RedisPool.new(:config => @redis_config, :size => 2) @logger = opts[:logger] @buffer = [] @hostname = Socket.gethostname super() end def stop @should_quit = true redis_uri = @redis_config[:path] || "redis://#{@redis_config[:host] || ''}:#{@redis_config[:port] || '6379'}/#{@redis_config[:db] || '0'}" shutdown_redis = EM::Hiredis.connect(redis_uri) shutdown_redis.rpush(@config['queue'], Oj.dump('notification_type' => 'shutdown')) end def setup @flapjack_jid = Blather::JID.new((@config['jabberid'] || 'flapjack') + '/' + @hostname) super(@flapjack_jid, @config['password'], @config['server'], @config['port'].to_i) @logger.debug("Building jabber connection with jabberid: " + @flapjack_jid.to_s + ", port: " + @config['port'].to_s + ", server: " + @config['server'].to_s + ", password: " + @config['password'].to_s) register_handler :ready do |stanza| EventMachine::Synchrony.next_tick do on_ready(stanza) end end register_handler :message, :groupchat?, :body => /^#{@config['alias']}:\s+/ do |stanza| EventMachine::Synchrony.next_tick do on_groupchat(stanza) end end register_handler :message, :chat? do |stanza| EventMachine::Synchrony.next_tick do on_chat(stanza) end end register_handler :disconnected do |stanza| ret = true EventMachine::Synchrony.next_tick do ret = on_disconnect(stanza) end ret end end # Join the MUC Chat room after connecting. def on_ready(stanza) return if @should_quit @connected_at = Time.now.to_i @logger.info("Jabber Connected") if @config['rooms'] && @config['rooms'].length > 0 @config['rooms'].each do |room| @logger.info("Joining room #{room}") presence = Blather::Stanza::Presence.new presence.from = @flapjack_jid presence.to = Blather::JID.new("#{room}/#{@config['alias']}") presence << "<x xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/muc'/>" EventMachine::Synchrony.next_tick do write presence say(room, "flapjack jabber gateway started at #{Time.now}, hello!", :groupchat) end end end return if @buffer.empty? while stanza = @buffer.shift @logger.debug("Sending a buffered jabber message to: #{stanza.to}, using: #{stanza.type}, message: #{stanza.body}") EventMachine::Synchrony.next_tick do write(stanza) end end end def get_check_details(entity_check) sched = entity_check.current_maintenance(:scheduled => true) unsched = entity_check.current_maintenance(:unscheduled => true) out = '' if sched.nil? && unsched.nil? out += "Not in scheduled or unscheduled maintenance.\n" else if sched.nil? out += "Not in scheduled maintenance.\n" else start = Time.at(sched[:start_time]) finish = Time.at(sched[:start_time] + sched[:duration]) remain = time_period_in_words( (finish - current_time).ceil ) # TODO a simpler time format? out += "In scheduled maintenance: #{start} -> #{finish} (#{remain} remaining)\n" end if unsched.nil? out += "Not in unscheduled maintenance.\n" else start = Time.at(unsched[:start_time]) finish = Time.at(unsched[:start_time] + unsched[:duration]) remain = time_period_in_words( (finish - current_time).ceil ) # TODO a simpler time format? out += "In unscheduled maintenance: #{start} -> #{finish} (#{remain} remaining)\n" end end out end def interpreter(command_raw) msg = nil action = nil entity_check = nil th = TextHandler.new parser = Nokogiri::HTML::SAX::Parser.new(th) parser.parse(command_raw) command = th.chunks.join(' ') case command when /^ACKID\s+(\d+)(?:\s*(.*?)(?:\s*duration:.*?(\w+.*))?)$/i ackid = $1 comment = $2 duration_str = $3 error = nil dur = nil if comment.nil? || (comment.length == 0) error = "please provide a comment, eg \"#{@config['alias']}: ACKID #{$1} AL looking\"" elsif duration_str # a fairly liberal match above, we'll let chronic_duration do the heavy lifting dur = ChronicDuration.parse(duration_str) end four_hours = 4 * 60 * 60 duration = (dur.nil? || (dur <= 0)) ? four_hours : dur event_id = @redis.hget('unacknowledged_failures', ackid) if event_id.nil? error = "not found" else entity_check = Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.for_event_id(event_id, :redis => @redis) error = "unknown entity" if entity_check.nil? end if error msg = "ERROR - couldn't ACK #{ackid} - #{error}" else entity_name, check = event_id.split(':', 2) if entity_check.in_unscheduled_maintenance? # ack = entity_check.current_maintenance(:unscheduled => true) # FIXME details from current? msg = "Changing ACK for #{check} on #{entity_name} (#{ackid})" else msg = "ACKing #{check} on #{entity_name} (#{ackid})" end action = Proc.new { Flapjack::Data::Event.create_acknowledgement( entity_name, check, :summary => (comment || ''), :acknowledgement_id => ackid, :duration => duration, :redis => @redis ) } end when /^help$/i msg = "commands: \n" + " ACKID <id> <comment> [duration: <time spec>]\n" + " find entities matching /pattern/\n" + " find checks[ matching /pattern/] on (<entity>|entities matching /pattern/)\n" + " test notifications for <entity>[:<check>]\n" + " tell me about <entity>[:<check>]\n" + " identify\n" + " help\n" when /^identify$/i t = Process.times fqdn = `/bin/hostname -f`.chomp pid = Process.pid msg = "Flapjack #{Flapjack::VERSION} process #{pid} on #{fqdn} \n" + "Boot time: #{@boot_time}\n" + "User CPU Time: #{t.utime}\n" + "System CPU Time: #{t.stime}\n" + `uname -a`.chomp + "\n" when /^test notifications for\s+([a-z0-9\-\.]+)(?::(.+))?$/i entity_name = $1 check_name = $2 || 'test' if entity = Flapjack::Data::Entity.find_by_name(entity_name, :redis => @redis) msg = "so you want me to test notifications for entity: #{entity_name}, check: #{check_name} eh? ... well OK!" summary = "Testing notifications to all contacts interested in entity: #{entity_name}, check: #{check_name}" Flapjack::Data::Event.test_notifications(entity_name, check_name, :summary => summary, :redis => @redis) else msg = "yeah, no I can't see #{entity_name} in my systems" end when /^tell me about\s+([a-z0-9\-\.]+)(?::(.+))?$+/i entity_name = $1 check_name = $2 if entity = Flapjack::Data::Entity.find_by_name(entity_name, :redis => @redis) check_str = check_name.nil? ? '' : ", check: #{check_name}" msg = "so you'd like details on entity: #{entity_name}#{check_str} hmm? ... OK!\n" current_time = Time.now check_names = check_name.nil? ? entity.check_list.sort : [check_name] if check_names.empty? msg += "I couldn't find any checks for entity: #{entity_name}" else check_names.each do |check| entity_check = Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.for_entity(entity, check, :redis => @redis) next if entity_check.nil? msg += "---\n#{entity_name}:#{check}\n" if check_name.nil? msg += get_check_details(entity_check) end end else msg = "hmmm, I can't see #{entity_name} in my systems" end when /^(?:find )?checks(?:\s+matching\s+\/(.+)\/)?\s+on\s+(?:entities matching\s+\/(.+)\/|([a-z0-9\-\.]+))/i check_pattern = $1 ? $1.chomp.strip : nil entity_pattern = $2 ? $2.chomp.strip : nil entity_name = $3 entity_names = if entity_name [entity_name] elsif entity_pattern Flapjack::Data::Entity.find_all_name_matching(entity_pattern, :redis => @redis) else [] end msg = "" # hash with entity => check_list, filtered by pattern if required entities = entity_names.map {|name| Flapjack::Data::Entity.find_by_name(name, :redis => @redis) }.compact.inject({}) {|memo, entity| memo[entity] = entity.check_list.select {|check_name| !check_pattern || (check_name =~ /#{check_pattern}/i) } memo } report_entities = proc {|ents| ents.inject('') do |memo, (entity, check_list)| if check_list.empty? memo += "Entity: #{entity.name} has no checks\n" else memo += "Entity: #{entity.name}\nChecks: #{check_list.join(', ')}\n" end memo += "----\n" memo end } case when entity_pattern if entities.empty? msg = "found no entities matching /#{entity_pattern}/" else msg = "found #{entities.size} entities matching /#{entity_pattern}/ ... \n" + report_entities.call(entities) end when entity_name if entities.empty? msg = "found no entity for '#{entity_name}'" else msg = report_entities.call(entities) end end when /^(?:find )?entities matching\s+\/(.+)\//i pattern = $1.chomp.strip entity_list = Flapjack::Data::Entity.find_all_name_matching(pattern, :redis => @redis) if entity_list max_showable = 30 number_found = entity_list.length entity_list = entity_list[0..(max_showable - 1)] if number_found > max_showable case when number_found == 0 msg = "found no entities matching /#{pattern}/" when number_found == 1 msg = "found 1 entity matching /#{pattern}/ ... \n" when number_found > max_showable msg = "showing first #{max_showable} of #{number_found} entities found matching /#{pattern}/\n" else msg = "found #{number_found} entities matching /#{pattern}/ ... \n" end msg += entity_list.join(', ') unless entity_list.empty? else msg = "that doesn't seem to be a valid pattern - /#{pattern}/" end when /^(.*)/ words = $1 msg = "what do you mean, '#{words}'? Type 'help' for a list of acceptable commands." end {:msg => msg, :action => action} end def on_groupchat(stanza) return if @should_quit @logger.debug("groupchat message received: #{stanza.inspect}") if stanza.body =~ /^#{@config['alias']}:\s+(.*)/ command = $1 end results = interpreter(command) msg = results[:msg] action = results[:action] if msg || action EventMachine::Synchrony.next_tick do @logger.info("sending to group chat: #{msg}") say(stanza.from.stripped, msg, :groupchat) action.call if action end end end def on_chat(stanza) return if @should_quit @logger.debug("chat message received: #{stanza.inspect}") if stanza.body =~ /^flapjack:\s+(.*)/ command = $1 else command = stanza.body end results = interpreter(command) msg = results[:msg] action = results[:action] if msg || action EventMachine::Synchrony.next_tick do @logger.info("Sending to #{stanza.from.stripped}: #{msg}") say(stanza.from.stripped, msg, :chat) action.call if action end end end def connect_with_retry attempt = 0 delay = 2 begin attempt += 1 delay = 10 if attempt > 10 delay = 60 if attempt > 60 EventMachine::Synchrony.sleep(delay || 3) if attempt > 1 @logger.debug("attempting connection to the jabber server") connect # Blather::Client.connect rescue StandardError => detail @logger.error("unable to connect to the jabber server (attempt #{attempt}), retrying in #{delay} seconds ...") @logger.error("detail: #{detail.message}") @logger.debug(detail.backtrace.join("\n")) retry unless @should_quit end end # returning true to prevent the reactor loop from stopping def on_disconnect(stanza) @logger.warn("disconnect handler called") return true if @should_quit @logger.warn("jabbers disconnected! reconnecting after a short deley ...") EventMachine::Synchrony.sleep(5) connect_with_retry true end def say(to, msg, using = :chat, tick = true) stanza = Blather::Stanza::Message.new(to, msg, using) if connected? @logger.debug("Sending a jabber message to: #{to.to_s}, using: #{using.to_s}, message: #{msg}") write(stanza) else @logger.debug("Buffering a jabber message to: #{to.to_s}, using: #{using.to_s}, message: #{msg}") @buffer << stanza end end def start @logger.info("starting") @logger.debug("new jabber pikelet with the following options: #{@config.inspect}") # the periodic timer can't be halted early (without doing EM.stop) so # keep the time short and count the iterations ... could just use # EM.sleep(1) in a loop, I suppose ki = 0 keepalive_timer = EventMachine::Synchrony.add_periodic_timer(1) do ki += 1 if ki == 60 ki = 0 @logger.debug("calling keepalive on the jabber connection") if connected? EventMachine::Synchrony.next_tick do write(' ') end end end end setup connect_with_retry # simplified to use a single queue only as it makes the shutdown logic easier queue = @config['queue'] events = {} until @should_quit # FIXME: should also check if presence has been established in any group chat rooms that are # configured before starting to process events, otherwise the first few may get lost (send # before joining the group chat rooms) unless connected? @logger.debug("not connected, sleep 1 before retry") EM::Synchrony.sleep(1) next end @logger.debug("jabber is connected so commencing blpop on #{queue}") events[queue] = @redis.blpop(queue, 0) event_json = events[queue][1] begin event = Oj.load(event_json) @logger.debug('jabber notification event received: ' + event.inspect) if 'shutdown'.eql?(event['notification_type']) @logger.debug("@should_quit: #{@should_quit}") if @should_quit EventMachine::Synchrony.next_tick do # get delays without the next_tick close # Blather::Client.close end end next end alert = Flapjack::Data::Alert.new(event, :logger => @logger) @logger.debug("processing jabber notification address: #{alert.address}, entity: #{alert.entity}, " + "check: '#{alert.check}', state: #{alert.state}, summary: #{alert.summary}") @ack_str = alert.event_count && !alert.state.eql?('ok') && !'acknowledgement'.eql?(alert.type) && !'test'.eql?(alert.type) ? "#{@config['alias']}: ACKID #{event['event_count']}" : nil message_type = alert.rollup ? 'rollup' : 'alert' mydir = File.dirname(__FILE__) message_template_path = mydir + "/jabber/#{message_type}.text.erb" message_template = ERB.new(File.read(message_template_path), nil, '-') @alert = alert bnd = binding begin message = message_template.result(bnd).chomp rescue => e @logger.error "Error while excuting the ERB for a jabber message, " + "ERB being executed: #{message_template_path}" raise end chat_type = :chat chat_type = :groupchat if @config['rooms'] && @config['rooms'].include?(alert.address) EventMachine::Synchrony.next_tick do say(Blather::JID.new(alert.address), message, chat_type) alert.record_send_success! end rescue => e # TODO: have non-fatal errors generate messages (eg via flapjack events or straight to # rollbar or similar) @logger.error "Error generating or dispatching jabber message: #{e.class}: #{e.message}\n" + e.backtrace.join("\n") @logger.debug "Message that could not be processed: \n" + event_json end end keepalive_timer.cancel end end end end