== 1.0.0 (2009-11-19)
This release changes the way you define a new experiment.  You can use a method suitable for the type of experiment you want to define, or call the generic define method (previously: experiment method).  For example:

  ab_test "My A/B test" do
	  alternatives :a, :b

The experiment method is no longer overloaded: it looks up an experiment (loading its definition if necessary), but does not define an experiment.  The ab_test method is overloaded, though this may change in the future.

In addition, the ab_goal! method is now track!.  This method may be used for other tests in the future.

* Added: A/B test report now showing number of participants.
* Added: AbTest.score method accepts minimum probability (default 90), and
* Removed: Experiment.reset! method. Destroy and save have the same effect.
* Changed: Playground.define now requires an experiment type, ab_test is not the default any more.
* Changed: When you run Vanity in development mode (configuration.cache_classes = false), it will reload experiments on each request. You can also Vanity.playground.reload!.
* Changed: Fancy AJAX trickery in Rails console.
* Changed: You can break long experiment descriptions into multiple paragraphs using two consecutive newlines.
* Changed: AbTest confidence becomes probability; only returns choice alternative with probability equal or higher than that.
* Changed: ab_goal! becomes track!.
* Changed: Console becomes Dashboard, which is less confusing with rails console (script/console).

== 0.3.1 (2009-11-13)
* Changed: Redis 1.0 is now vendored into Vanity. This means one less dependecy ... actually two, since Redis brings with it RSpec.

== 0.3.0 (2009-11-13)
* Added: score now includes least performing alternatives, names and values.
* Added: shiny reports.
* Added: Rails console shows current experiments status and also allows you to choose which alternative you want to see.
* Changed: letters instead of numbers for options (option 1 => option A).
* Changed: experiment.alternatives is now an immutable snapshot.
* Changed: experiment.score returns populated alternative objects instead of structs.
* Changed: experiment.chooses uses Redis to store state, better for (when we get to) browser integration.
* Changed: experiment.chooses skips recording participant or conversion.
* Changed: to MIT license.

== 0.2.2 (2009-11-12)
* Added: vanity binary, with single command for generating a report.
* Added: return alternative by value from experiment.alternative(val) method.
* Added: reset an experiment by calling reset!.
* Added: experiment alternative name (option 1, option 2, etc).
* Added: new scoring algorithm: use experiment.score instead of alternative.z_score/confidence.
* Added: experiment.conclusion for plain English results.

== 0.2.1 (2009-11-11)
* Added: z-score and confidence level for A/B test alternatives.
* Added: test auto-completion and auto-outcome (complete_it, outcome_is).
* Changed: default alternatives are now false/true, so if can't decide outcome, fall back on false.

== 0.2.0 (2009-11-10)
* Added: experiment method on object, used to define and access experiments.
* Added: playground configuration (Vanity.playground.namespace = , etc).
* Added: use_vanity now accepts block instead of symbol.
* Changed: Vanity::Helpers becomes Vanity::Rails.
* Changed: A/B test experiments alternatives now handled using Alternatives object.
* Removed: A/B test measure method no longer in use.