describe 'common/helper' do wait_opts = { timeout: 0.2, interval: 0.2 } # max_wait, interval # There's no `must_not_raise` as the opposite of must_raise # By default code is expected to not raise exceptions. # must_not_raise is a no-op. # wait is a success unless an error is raised # max_wait=0 is infinity to use 0.1 t 'wait' do # successful wait should not raise error wait(wait_opts) { true } wait(wait_opts) { false } wait(wait_opts) { nil } # failed wait should error proc { wait(wait_opts) { fail } }.must_raise Selenium::WebDriver::Error::TimeOutError # regular rescue will not handle exceptions outside of StandardError hierarchy # must rescue Exception explicitly to rescue everything proc { wait(wait_opts) { fail NoMemoryError } }.must_raise Selenium::WebDriver::Error::TimeOutError proc { wait(timeout: 0.2, interval: 0.0) { fail NoMemoryError } }.must_raise Selenium::WebDriver::Error::TimeOutError # invalid keys are rejected proc { wait(invalidkey: 2) { true } }.must_raise RuntimeError end t 'ignore' do # ignore should rescue all exceptions ignore { true } ignore { false } ignore { nil } ignore { fail } ignore { fail NoMemoryError } end # wait_true is a success unless the value is not true t 'wait_true' do # successful wait should not error wait_true(wait_opts) { true } # failed wait should error proc { wait_true(wait_opts) { false } }.must_raise Selenium::WebDriver::Error::TimeOutError proc { wait_true(wait_opts) { nil } }.must_raise Selenium::WebDriver::Error::TimeOutError # raise should error proc { wait_true(wait_opts) { fail } }.must_raise Selenium::WebDriver::Error::TimeOutError # regular rescue will not handle exceptions outside of StandardError hierarchy # must rescue Exception explicitly to rescue everything proc { wait_true(wait_opts) { fail NoMemoryError } }.must_raise Selenium::WebDriver::Error::TimeOutError proc { wait_true(timeout: 0.2, interval: 0.0) { fail NoMemoryError } } .must_raise Selenium::WebDriver::Error::TimeOutError # invalid keys are rejected proc { wait_true(invalidkey: 2) { true } }.must_raise RuntimeError end t 'back' do # start page wait { texts.length.must_equal 13 } # nav to new page. # ele 0 is the title and can't be clicked. wait { text(2).click } wait { texts.length.must_equal 5 } # go back back # start page wait { find 'NFC' } end t 'session_id' do wait { session_id.must_match(/\h{8}-\h{4}-\h{4}-\h{4}-\h{12}/) } end t 'xpath' do wait { xpath('//android.widget.TextView').name.must_equal 'API Demos' } end t 'xpaths' do wait { xpaths('//android.widget.TextView').length.must_equal 13 } end t 'ele_index' do wait { ele_index('android.widget.TextView', 3).name.must_equal 'Accessibility' } end t 'tags' do wait { tags('android.widget.TextView').length.must_equal 13 } end t 'first_ele' do wait do first_ele('android.widget.TextView').text.must_equal 'API Demos' end end t 'last_ele' do wait do last_ele('android.widget.TextView').text.must_equal 'Views' end end # t 'source' do # tested by get_source t 'get_source' do wait do get_source.class.must_equal String end end end