Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../vendor/*/lib')].each do |path| $LOAD_PATH.unshift path end require 'active_record' require 'riddle' require 'after_commit' require 'thinking_sphinx/active_record' require 'thinking_sphinx/association' require 'thinking_sphinx/attribute' require 'thinking_sphinx/collection' require 'thinking_sphinx/configuration' require 'thinking_sphinx/field' require 'thinking_sphinx/index' require 'thinking_sphinx/rails_additions' require 'thinking_sphinx/search' require 'thinking_sphinx/adapters/abstract_adapter' require 'thinking_sphinx/adapters/mysql_adapter' require 'thinking_sphinx/adapters/postgresql_adapter' ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord) Merb::Plugins.add_rakefiles( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "tasks", "thinking_sphinx_tasks") ) if defined?(Merb) module ThinkingSphinx module Version #:nodoc: Major = 0 Minor = 9 Tiny = 12 String = [Major, Minor, Tiny].join('.') end # A ConnectionError will get thrown when a connection to Sphinx can't be # made. class ConnectionError < StandardError end # The collection of indexed models. Keep in mind that Rails lazily loads # its classes, so this may not actually be populated with _all_ the models # that have Sphinx indexes. def self.indexed_models @@indexed_models ||= [] end # Check if index definition is disabled. # def self.define_indexes? @@define_indexes = true unless defined?(@@define_indexes) @@define_indexes == true end # Enable/disable indexes - you may want to do this while migrating data. # # ThinkingSphinx.define_indexes = false # def self.define_indexes=(value) @@define_indexes = value end @@deltas_enabled = nil # Check if delta indexing is enabled. # def self.deltas_enabled? @@deltas_enabled = (ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.environment != 'test') if @@deltas_enabled.nil? @@deltas_enabled end # Enable/disable all delta indexing. # # ThinkingSphinx.deltas_enabled = false # def self.deltas_enabled=(value) @@deltas_enabled = value end @@updates_enabled = nil # Check if updates are enabled. True by default, unless within the test # environment. # def self.updates_enabled? @@updates_enabled = (ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.environment != 'test') if @@updates_enabled.nil? @@updates_enabled end # Enable/disable updates to Sphinx # # ThinkingSphinx.updates_enabled = false # def self.updates_enabled=(value) @@updates_enabled = value end # Checks to see if MySQL will allow simplistic GROUP BY statements. If not, # or if not using MySQL, this will return false. # def self.use_group_by_shortcut? ::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters.constants.include?("MysqlAdapter") && ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection.is_a?( ::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::MysqlAdapter ) && ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all( "SELECT @@global.sql_mode, @@session.sql_mode;" ).all? { |key,value| value.nil? || value[/ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY/].nil? } end def self.sphinx_running? pid_file = ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance.pid_file if File.exists?(pid_file) pid = `cat #{pid_file}`[/\d+/] `ps -p #{pid} | wc -l`.to_i > 1 else false end end end