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align: justifycenterrightleftInvalid number of arguments, must be 2 to 7Invalid number of arguments, must be 2 to 10?4`=;p@ Pwrong number of arguments; must be 3 or 7load_tilesfrom_textdraw_rotwidthImageInvalid number of argumentsplay_panplaySampleon_receiveon_disconnectionon_connectionListenerSocketpending_bytessend_pending_datakeep_alive=keep_alivedisconnectconnected?remote_portremote_addressCommSocketsendupdatemax_message_sizeportaddressMessageSocketaddress_to_stringstring_to_addressInvalid stream type: streammoduleplaying?stopSongpqPpq`pp0button_downbutton_up9t.qTried to access uninitialized windowTried to show an uninitialized windowInvalid number of arguments, must be 12 to 14Not a character string: char_to_button_idbutton_id_to_charbutton_down?mouse_ymouse_xdraw_quadvisible?closeshowcaption=captionWindowGosuACould not convert from string to wstringCould not convert from wstring to stringregistering a window classGosu::WindowPp` ` 0setting the window's GWLP_USERDATA pointerNo suitable display mode foundDT! @RFߑ?V@[cܥL@Arialcreating a bitmapcreating a device contextselecting the font object for creating font object for calculating the width of a textsetting a bitmap's background mode to TRANSPARENTsetting the text colorCan't create png_infopCan't create png_structp1.2.5Unsupported PNG color typePalette index out of rangePNG palette missingUnsupported bit depthlibpng errorInvalid PNG file?Illegal BMP data!File is not a bitmap!Unimplemented bit depth: File is not a bitmap, wrong biSize!T0call to empty boost::function map/set too longinvalid map/set iterator Unknown errorRequired Mediaplayer codec is not installedRecording not supported on this deviceFailed to allocate a new channelTried to use an EAX command on a non EAX enabled channel or output.An invalid parameter was passed to this functionThe version number of this file format is not supportedNot enough memory Error loading fileUnknown file formatFile not foundError creating hardware sound buffer.Error setting cooperative level for hardware.Soundcard does not support the features needed for this soundsystem (16bit stereo output)The output device is already in use and cannot be reused.Error initializing output device.Playing the sound failed.This command failed because FSOUND_Init was not calledCannot call this command after FSOUND_Init. Call FSOUND_Close first.No errorsMultiple Gosu::Audio instances not supportedCould not load fmod.dll%AY@o@_@4pMP3 file playback not allowedp0PInvalid song typeCould not initialize Windows socketsNYICannot handle empty messagesInvalid source bitmap source area for image creation#array<>: index out of range9%.%\9%.&While , the following DirectInput error occured: setting the mouse's buffer sizesetting the mouse's cooperative levelsetting the mouse's data formatcreating the mouse device objectsetting the keyboard's buffer sizesetting the keyboard's cooperative levelsetting the keyboard's data formatcreating the keyboard device objectcreating the main DirectInput object, the following error occured: getting the module handletrying to get the next message9%.`Boccured: , the following Direct3D error Direct3D error: Best mode has unknown formatresizing a filesetting the file pointeropening pKGGHPIMNG features are not allowed in a PNG datastream Incompatible libpng version in application and libraryApplication is running with png.c from libpng-%.20sApplication was compiled with png.h from libpng-%.20sIgnoring attempt to set negative chromaticity valueIgnoring attempt to set chromaticity value exceeding 21474.83j@Q@h㈵>ASetting gamma=0Limiting gamma to 21474.83Setting negative gamma to zeroInsufficient memory for hIST chunk data.Palette size 0, hIST allocation skipped.Width too large to process image data; rowbytes will overflow.Invalid filter method in IHDRUnknown filter method in IHDRUnknown compression method in IHDRUnknown interlace method in IHDRInvalid color type/bit depth combination in IHDRInvalid color type in IHDRInvalid bit depth in IHDRInvalid image size in IHDRImage width or height is zero in IHDRInsufficient memory for pCAL parameter.Insufficient memory for pCAL params.Insufficient memory for pCAL units.Insufficient memory for pCAL purpose.Unable to malloc paletteF?V?@z?`?@33?@33?@33?Q?X?iTXt chunk not supported.No memory for sPLT palettes.Out of memory while processing unknown chunk.1.2.5PNG  IHDRIDATIENDPLTEbKGDcHRMgAMAhISTiCCPiTXtoFFspCALsCALpHYssBITsPLTsRGBtEXttIMEtRNSzTXt"U3UJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecToo many bytes for PNG signature.Invalid bit depth?@>p?p?ư>png_do_dither returned rowbytes=0png_do_rgb_to_gray found nongray pixelNULL row buffer for row %ld, pass %dUnknown zlib errorzlib version errorzlib memory error1.2.1Missing PLTE before IDATMissing IHDR before IDATInvalid chunk length.PNG file corrupted by ASCII conversionNot a PNG fileIgnoring extra png_read_update_info() call; row buffer not reallocatedExtra compressed dataDecompression errorNot enough image dataInvalid attempt to read row dataToo many IDAT's foundCall to NULL read functionRead Errorsame structure. Resetting write_data_fn to NULL.It's an error to set both read_data_fn and write_data_fn in the 8pboost::bad_weak_ptr9.(9%.setting texture stage statessetting render statessetting the vertex shaderInternal texture block allocation errorcreating the Direct3D deviceretrieving the current display modet``PUnrecognized equation type for pCAL chunk0123456789ABCDEFlibpng error: %s libpng error: %s, offset=%d libpng error no. %s: %s libpng warning: %s libpng warning no. %s: %s Out of MemoryOut of Memory! deflate 1.2.1 Copyright 1995-2003 Jean-loup Gailly      1.2.10w,aQ mjp5c飕d2yҗ+L |~-d jHqA}mQDžӃVlkdzbeO\lcc=  n;^iLA`rqgjm Zjz  ' }Dңhi]Wbgeq6lknv+ӉZzJgo߹ホCՎ`~ѡ8ROggW?K6H+ L J6`zA`Ugn1yiFafo%6hRw G "/&U;( Z+j\1е,[d&c윣ju m ?6grWJz+{8 Ғ |! ӆBhn[&wowGZpj;f\ eibkaElx TN³9a&g`MGiIwn>JjѮZf @;7SŞϲG0򽽊º0S$6к)WTg#.zfJah]+o*7 Z-A1b62S-+ldEw}ZVǖAOIъ OM~-QJ#SpxAaU׮.7׵Y-6]]wll?AԞZ͢$ Faw$eڪ]]FD(koipvk19Z* ,  m86F߲]qTp0ek*1u4yީ%8S1bSWĔՖk1**ykʬHpo].*F6fcTT"eM©g0&):{ϼkZ> 8$,52F*sw1pHkQ6Fzw]cN̵J #pAF]#l8?1(BOgT~yUbL8^#ܖTZ1ObbSyOIV~P-{b-R4٠~^eGnHl/Su6: #jT$+e?yHf'*b#ٽЧ ?&~?$pi;FBzw[keZ~7 Sv8H 3?r$7jnԄYFܨ |OQ;օ U d S - =G\ p&Gw)` /a߫i5&LsZ<#0zMzFM8,9; :R:(q-v,.7/pXqYs3r%w+OQvrtEux܉~OK }!b|tyBxʠz{.lD~m8onlk[wjR1h58ib?mcf+aQ`צedd"fig HINSKyuJcO NZLݘMFGN@E$DD2AsX@*IBCPhTg3U>uW ַVS:R|P~Q9ZS [fYX4])\ZEo^m/_5qϱ٥s\ۼqދ!K7 kfֶԁ-b3Πjp]$^'~*I@VW<âM˟ŏ{ tDCm-@wm.B+(铜>Td"ŀǼϭ~8y$owJ1}05_K^ iϏ은BI#ƈdX܁T̓cQ: rՆ⩗ fn|xK)o%ƭ/3vUuA?)C:|sĵ@͂ Ͳ;bIUeh"׻_HS1޼^Z4eg Wb27_k%8ם(ŊO}do׸Jj3wVcXWP0qB{߭gCru&op-?'Bs ưGz>2[Ȏg; i8P/ _Y=чe:ZO?(3wwXR @hQ+ğH*0"ZOWoI}@mNП5+#*'G| AH=XX?#1jvʬ`p^Y<L~i/{kHwâ hs)aLoD~Pf7VM'(@ﰤ ہg9x+n&;f?/X)T`D1 ߨMߒ.FgTp'Hq/L0UEc?kǃh6ry7]P\@TN%s7@'>$!AxUʰ\3;Y^U~PGl!;b F2ȂpԞ(Q_V:1X: n3 m:@/)IJNv"2x+ٗ Kx.HҥfAj^y9*O]#kM`~b_R 7zFh!1߈Vc0a"j6nS Nr)Υ{t*F8#vufz`rs"WG9^EMvc΍&DAdQy/4Aڱ&S֚E biLQ<6'5P..T&q]w4.6IE? v\[YI>U!lDa>Ԫ΋ϩ7~8A]&nv|oY yKiw\¹9~$ 66nQfq>,o,IӔ 渱{I .H>C-Yn馑gQz tafw0a, Qmpjc5dۈ2yܸو L+~|-dj qHA}mԵQӅlVdkbze\Ocl=c ;n Li^`Agqr<KG k5Blۻ֬@2lE\u ϫ=Y&0Q:Qa!V#Ϻ(_ ٲ $/o|XhLaf-=vAq *q3xɢ4 j m=-dlc\kkQlabe0bNl{WeP|b-I|LeMaX:QΣtԻ0JߥA=ؕפmCij4ngF`D-s3 L_ |Pq<'A  Wh% of a^)ɘИ"רY=. \;l  tҚG9w&sc d; mj>zjZ '}DhibW]egl6qnkv+zZgJoC`֣ѓ~8ORѻgWg?H6K +گ L6JAz``ègU1nFiyaf%oҠRh6 w G"U&/ź; (+Z\j1,ٞ[ޮd°c&ujm 6?rgWJz{+ 8Ҏվ | !Bhݳڃn&[owGwZjpf; \ebiaklE x NT9§g&a`IiGM>nwۮjJZ@ f7;𩼮S޻G0齽ʺŠS0$6TW)#gfz.aJ]h*o+ 7 Z-1A26b+-Sdl}wEVZOAي»IˬO ~M-JQS#xpaA.U7Y-۩6˚w]]llA?Z$㧲F waރ$Ųe]]DFok(vpi91k *Z  ,8mF6]pTqke0*1¶u4%y<8syjHA}X*ݹ1SbSW§ٖծ1k**kypH]oF*.f6TTcMe"¤0g)&Ůޟ:{kZ >8,$5*F21wsHpQkzF6c]wN̵ׄJ# pȄA#]F8l1?(gOB~TUyLbˁ8#^TO1ZbbySIOP~V{-b-4R^~Ge­lHnuS/:6# $Tj?e+y䏼Hf*'˼Ѝb# &??~p$iBF;[wzek~ZS 7H8v ?3$rj7nFY |OQ; U dؓS - \G=&pGw`)/ ai5&sL <:R=Pe6^X7}o5641W0ճ2k3$k%'1&-[#bML"'{ "!$*x(+)`F(> q-q,v.Ț/7pqXsYr3w%vQO+tru՛E~xKO} |b!ytxBz{l.m~Do8nkljw[h1Ri85bcm?a+f`Qeddf"giH IKSNJuyOcN LZMݥFĚGE@ND$A2D@XsBI*CThPU3gWu>V SR:P|Q~Z9[ SYfX]4\)^oEZ_/m5qs<\kg2z &J8 좞V`a/6i\lU,zB\uHƒ=&FW A+Ox]`غ7W>9q߳!7Kk ֩fض-bѠ3pj$]^Ĝ'*~@IWVÕ<ӂMʏş{ Dt͆mC-@mw+B.(>dT"ş~Ϝ8yo$w1J}50K_ ^ϋiBۉI#dXфTQc:r Р fΫnx|)Ko%3/uUv?A)ġ:C|sд@͉ ;IbeU"hH_S1ފZ^ھ4ge ȋbW72%k_ܝ8Ŵ(}OodJֿjw3XcVPW0Bq{gǧurCo&p-?О'sB zGɠ2>[ ;g/P8i_ Y=嗇e:ϏOZw3(?RXw@ Qh+HZ"0*WOIo@}m5N#+'*GA |􏒨HX=#?X1vjʨ`^pYL'!$UxAׯ3\Y;U^GP~b;!lڇF 2p(ԐQV_:X1: 3n :m@I)/NJ2"v+x xKH.jAf^O*9y]#Mk~`bю_޶ Rz7hFм!10cV"ajحn6 SrN){t*8Fv#fu`zrϮsɛW"G9E^vMcD&dA/yQA4S&ֿ EbLil!>aDƋΪ~7A8n&]|vYoᡱ Kyi׫w¡\~9$66 Qnf>q,o,ӹI 散 I{.C>HnY-Qg̰t zfa`Psp0  ` @ X ;x8 h( H T+t4  d$ D \ S|< l,  L R#r2  b" B Z Cz: j*  J V@3v6 f& F  ^ c~> n. 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Ignoring nonzero compression type in iCCP chunkMalformed iCCP chunkDuplicate iCCP chunkOut of place iCCP chunkInvalid iCCP after IDATMissing IHDR before iCCPsPLT chunk has bad lengthmalformed sPLT chunkInvalid sPLT after IDATMissing IHDR before sPLTtRNS chunk not allowed with alpha channelIncorrect tRNS chunk lengthZero length tRNS chunkDuplicate tRNS chunkInvalid tRNS after IDATMissing PLTE before tRNSMissing IHDR before tRNSIncorrect bKGD chunk index valueIncorrect bKGD chunk lengthDuplicate bKGD chunkMissing PLTE before bKGDInvalid bKGD after IDATMissing IHDR before bKGDDuplicate hIST chunkMissing PLTE before hISTInvalid hIST after IDATIncorrect hIST chunk lengthMissing IHDR before hISTDuplicate pHYs chunkInvalid pHYs after IDATIncorrect pHYs chunk lengthMissing IHDR before pHYsDuplicate oFFs chunkInvalid oFFs after IDATIncorrect oFFs chunk lengthMissing IHDR before oFFsNo memory for pCAL params.Invalid pCAL parameters for equation typeInvalid pCAL dataDuplicate pCAL chunkInvalid pCAL after IDATNo memory for pCAL purpose.Missing IHDR before pCALInvalid sCAL datamalformed height string in sCAL chunkmalformed width string in sCAL chunkDuplicate sCAL chunkInvalid sCAL after IDATOut of memory while processing sCAL chunkMissing IHDR before sCALDuplicate tIME chunkIncorrect tIME chunk lengthOut of place tIME chunkInsufficient memory to process text chunk.Not enough memory to process text chunk.No memory to process text chunk.Missing IHDR before tEXtInsufficient memory to store zTXt chunk.Not enough memory to process zTXt chunk.Unknown compression type in zTXt chunkZero length zTXt chunkOut of memory processing zTXt chunk.Missing IHDR before zTXtunknown critical chunkExtra compression dataExtra compressed data.Decompression Error9%.0Lcreating a textureunlocking a texturelocking a textureQL9T.SbQ@Ucbb`e       L,l\<|B"bR2r J*jZ:zF&fV6vN.n^>~A!aQ1q I)iY9yE%eU5u M-m]=}   S S  3 3  s s    K K  + +  k k     [ [  ; ;  { {     G G  ' '  g g     W W  7 7  w w     O O  / /  o o     _ _  ? ?     @ `P0pH(hX8xD$dT4tC#c         (08@P`p  0@`  0@`zzQ%zxzlzXzHz0zQ%incompatible versionbuffer errorinsufficient memorydata errorstream errorfile errorstream endneed dictionary inflate 1.2.1 Copyright 1995-2003 Mark Adler  #+3;CScsLB !1Aa  0@`@@Tried to free an invalid block(<(9yR%)P,0`DIERR_DRIVERFIRST+1DIERR_DRIVERFIRST+2DIERR_DRIVERFIRST+3DIERR_DRIVERFIRST+4DIERR_DRIVERFIRST+5Returned from IDirectMusicPerformance::MIDIToMusic(), and IDirectMusicPerformance::MusicToMIDI(), this indicates that the note conversion generated a note value that is above 127, so it has been bumped down one or more octaves to be in the proper MIDI range of 0 through 127. Note that this is valid for MIDIToMusic() when using play modes DMUS_PLAYMODE_FIXEDTOCHORD and DMUS_PLAYMODE_FIXEDTOKEY, both of which store MIDI values in wMusicValue. With MusicToMIDI(), it is valid for all play modes. Ofcourse, DMUS_PLAYMODE_FIXED will never return this success code.Although the audio output from the port will be routed to the same device as the given DirectSound buffer, buffer controls such as pan and volume will not affect the output.The requested operation was not performed because during CollectGarbage the loader determined that the object had been released.n/aReturned from IDirectMusicPerformance::MIDIToMusic(), and IDirectMusicPerformance::MusicToMIDI(), this indicates that the note conversion generated a note value that is below 0, so it has been bumped up one or more octaves to be in the proper MIDI range of 0 through 127. Note that this is valid for MIDIToMusic() when using play modes DMUS_PLAYMODE_FIXEDTOCHORD and DMUS_PLAYMODE_FIXEDTOKEY, both of which store MIDI values in wMusicValue. With MusicToMIDI(), it is valid for all play modes. Ofcourse, DMUS_PLAYMODE_FIXED will never return this success code.Return value from IDirectMusicTrack::Play() which indicates to the segment that the track has no more data after mtEnd.Returned string has been truncated to fit the buffer size.Returned from IDirectMusicGraph::StampPMsg(), this indicates that the PMsg is already stamped with the last tool in the graph. The returned PMsg's tool pointer is now NULL.Returned from IDirectMusicPerformance::MusicToMIDI(), this indicates that no note has been calculated because the music value has the note at a position higher than the top note of the chord. This applies only to DMUS_PLAYMODE_NORMALCHORD play mode. This success code indicates that the caller should not do anything with the note. It is not meant to be played against this chord.Return value from IDirectMusicTool::ProcessPMsg() which indicates to the performance that it should free the PMsg automatically.The object could only load partially. This can happen if some components are not registered properly, such as embedded tracks and tools. This can also happen if some content is missing. For example, if a segment uses a DLS collection that is not in the loader's current search directory.Return value from IDirectMusicBand::Download() which indicates that some of the instruments safely downloaded, but others failed. This usually occurs when some instruments are on PChannels not supported by the performance or port.Return value from IDirectMusicTool::ProcessPMsg() which indicates to the performance that it should cue the PMsg again automatically.The call succeeded, but not all of the optional effects were obtained.Full duplexHalf duplexPendingThe call succeeded, but we had to substitute the 3D algorithmThe seek into the movie was not frame accurate.There was no preview pin available, so the capture pin output is being split to provide both capture and preview.The current title was not a sequential set of chapters (PGC), and the returned timing information might not be continuous.The audio stream did not contain sufficient information to determine the contents of each channel.The stop time for the sample was not set.The value returned had to be estimated. It's accuracy can not be guaranteed.This success code is reserved for internal purposes within ActiveMovie.The stream has been turned off.The graph can't be cued because of lack of or corrupt data.Cannot play back the video stream: format 'RPZA' is not supported.The resource specified is no longer needed.A connection could not be made with the media type in the persistent graph, but has been made with a negotiated media type.Cannot play back the video stream: no suitable decompressor could be found.Cannot play back the audio stream: no audio hardware is available.Some connections have failed and have been deferred.An attempt to add a filter with a duplicate name succeeded with a modified name.The state transition has not completed.Some of the streams in this movie are in an unsupported format.The file contained some property settings that were not used.The end of the list has been reached.The storage control block address is invalid.The environment is incorrect.An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.The system cannot find the drive specified.Not enough storage is available to process this command.The system cannot find the path specified.The system cannot open the file.Access is denied.The handle is invalid.The system cannot find the file specified.Call successful, but returned FALSEThe function completed successfullyThe file does not contain a valid container object.Attempt was made to create an audiopath that sends to a global effects buffer which did not exist.Invalid data was found in a RIFF file chunk.Attempt was made to play segment in audiopath mode and there was no audiopath.An audiopath could not be used for playback because it lacked port assignments.An audiopath failed to create because a requested buffer could not be created.An audiopath is inactive, perhaps because closedown was called.A segment or song was asked for its embedded audio path configuration, but there isn't any. This is the inverse of the previous error. The Performance has set up some audio paths, which makes is incompatible with the calls to allocate pchannels, etc. The Performance has set up some PChannels using the AssignPChannel command, which makes it not capable of supporting audio paths.A script routine written in AudioVBScript failed because a function outside of a script failed to complete. For example, a call to PlaySegment that fails to play because of low memory would return this error.A script routine written in AudioVBScript failed because an invalid operation occurred. For example, adding the number 3 to a segment object would produce this error. So would attempting to call a routine that doesn't exist.A script written in AudioVBScript could not be read because it contained a statement that is not allowed by the AudioVBScript language.The file contains an invalid parameter control track.The file contains an invalid lyrics track.The file contains an invalid segment trigger track.Attempt was made to set a script's variable by value to an object that does not support a default value property.Attempt was made to set a script's variable by reference to a value that was not an object type.Scripts variables for content referenced or embedded in a script cannot be set.The script does not contain a routine with the specified name.The script does not contain a variable with the specified name.The file contains an invalid script track.The script file is invalid.An error occured while parsing a script loaded using LoadScript. The script that was loaded contains an error.Loading of oleaut32.dll failed. VBScript and other activeX scripting languages require use of oleaut32.dll. On platforms where oleaut32.dll is not present, only the DirectMusicScript language, which doesn't require oleaut32.dll can be used.An error was encountered while parsing or executing the script. The pErrorInfo parameter (if supplied) was filled with information about the error.A varient was used that had a type that is not supported by DirectMusic.The activeX scripting engine for the script's language is not compatible with DirectMusic.An attempt to use this object failed because it first needs to be loaded.DMUS_E_DESCEND_CHUNK_FAIL is returned when the end of the file was reached before the desired chunk was found.A call to MIDIToMusic() or MusicToMIDI() resulted in an error because the requested conversion could not happen. This usually occurs when the provided DMUS_CHORD_KEY structure has an invalid chord or scale pattern.The default system port could not be opened.The DMUS_PMSG was either not allocated by the performance via IDirectMusicPerformance::AllocPMsg(), or it was already freed via IDirectMusicPerformance::FreePMsg().The DMUS_PMSG has already been sent to the performance object via IDirectMusicPerformance::SendPMsg().The file name is missing from the DMUS_OBJECTDESC.The file requested is not a valid file.The tool is already contained in the graph. Create a new instance.Value is out of range, for instance the requested length is longer than the segment.Segment initialization failed, most likely due to a critical memory situation.Object was not found.The class id field is required and missing in the DMUS_OBJECTDESC.The requested file path is invalid.File open failed - either file doesn't exist or is locked.Search data type is not supported.Unable to find or create object.There is no master clock in the performance. Be sure to call IDirectMusicPerformance::Init().The track does not support clock time playback or getparam.The requested track is not contained by the segment.The time is in the past, and the operation can not succeed.The requested parameter type is not supported on the object.The requested parameter type is currently disabled. Parameter types may be enabled and disabled by certain calls to SetParam().A required object is not initialized or failed to initialize.The segment object was unable to load all tracks from the IStream* object data. This may be due to errors in the stream, or the tracks being incorrectly registered on the client.The graph object was unable to load all tools from the IStream* object data. This may be due to errors in the stream, or the tools being incorrectly registered on the client.The IStream* object's data contains an invalid tool header (ckid is 0 and fccType is NULL,) and therefore can not be read by the graph object.The IStream* object's data contains an invalid track header (ckid is 0 and fccType is NULL,) and therefore can not be read by the segment object.The IStream* object's data does not have a tool header as the first chunk, and therefore can not be read by the graph object.The IStream* object's data does not have a track header as the first chunk, and therefore can not be read by the segment object.The file does not contain a valid band.The object has already been initialized.The IStream* object does not contain data supported by the loading object.The given event is invalid (either it is not a valid MIDI message or it makes use of running status). The event cannot be packed into the buffer.IDirectMusic::SetDirectSound has already been called. It may not be changed while in use.The operation cannot be carried out while the synthesizer is inactive.Invalid buffer format was handed to the synth sink.Invalid DirectSound buffer was handed to port. The operation cannot be carried out while the port is active.The port could not be created because no DirectSound has been specified. Specify a DirectSound interface via the IDirectMusic::SetDirectSound method; pass NULL to have DirectMusic manage usage of DirectSound.The given operation could not be carried out because the port is a render port.The given operation could not be carried out because the port is a capture port.There is insufficient space to insert the given event into the buffer.There was no data in the referenced buffer.The operation cannot be performed because the final instance of the DirectMusic object was released. Ports cannot be used after final release of the DirectMusic object.An error occurred while attempting to read from the IStream* object.The operation cannot be carried out while the synthesizer is active.The operation could not be completed because the software synth has not yet been fully configured.An attempt was made to close the software synthesizer while it was already open.An attempt was made to open the software synthesizer while it was already open.The operation could not be completed because no sink was connected to the synthesizer.Attempted to download unknown data type.Offset Table for download buffer has errors. Bad wave chunk in DLS collectionDownoaded DLS wave is not in PCM format. Articulation missing from instrument in DLS collection.Wavelink chunk in DLS collection points to invalid wave.Invalid instrument chunk in DLS collection.Invalid articulation chunk in DLS collection.Wave chunk has more than one interleaved channel. DLS format requires MONO.* The specified property item may not be retrieved from the target object.The specified property item may not be set on the target object.The specified property item was not recognized by the target object.Buffer was already downloaded to synth.Tried to unload an object that was not downloaded or previously unloaded.Invalid download id was used in the process of creating a download buffer.The RIFF parser doesn't contain a required chunk while parsing file.The IStream* doesn't support Write().The IStream* doesn't support Seek().There is no instrument in the collection that matches patch number.Error reading wave data from DLS collection. Indicates bad file.The object requested was not found (numerically equal to DMUS_E_NOT_FOUND)Second attempt to load a DLS collection that is currently open. Wave chunks in DLS collection file are at incorrect offsets.Error parsing DLS collection. File is corrupt.Download failed due to inability to access or create download buffer.No buffer was prepared for the download data.Buffer is not large enough for requested operation.The requested device is already in use (possibly by a non-DirectMusic client) and cannot be opened again.The requested operation cannot be performed while there are instantiated ports in any process in the system.An unexpected error was returned from a device driver, indicating possible failure of the driver or hardware.The GUID specified in an audiopath file does not match a valid MIXIN bufferTried to create a DSBCAPS_CTRLFX buffer shorter than DSBSIZE_FX_MIN millisecondsAttempt to use DirectSound 8 functionality on an older DirectSound objectA circular loop of send effects was detectedNo sound driver is available for useThe buffer memory has been lost, and must be restoredAnother app has a higher priority level, preventing this call from succeedingThe specified WAVE format is not supportedThe control (vol, pan, etc.) requested by the caller is not availableThis call is not valid for the current state of this objectThe caller does not have the priority level required for the function to succeedThe call failed because resources (such as a priority level) were already being used by another callerCannot attr sortSkinning not supportedToo many influencesInvalid dataInvalid meshInvalid callDriver invalid callCan not modify index bufferInvalid deviceMore dataDevice lostDevice not resetNot availableNot foundDriver internal errorConflicting texture paletteUnsupported texture filterConflicting render stateUnsupported factor valueConflicting texture filterToo many operationsUnsupported alpha argUnsupported alpha operationUnsupported color argUnsupported color operationWrong texture formatNo internetBad cache fileNo more dataNo more stream handlesBad intrinsicsNo more objectsInternal errorBad data referenceBad array sizeNo templateParse errorBad fileBad file compression typeBad file float sizeBad file versionBad file typeBad resourceUrl not foundResource not foundNot done yetBad allocBad stream handleBad typeBad valueBad objectSurfaces created by one direct draw device cannot be used directly by another direct draw device.The driver does not enumerate display mode refresh rates.The monitor does not have EDID data.The video port is not activeD3D has not yet been initialized.The mode test has switched to a new mode.The mode test has finished executing.The data has expired and is therefore no longer valid.There is more data available than the specified buffer size could holdAn attempt was made to page unlock a surface with no outstanding page locks.The attempt to page unlock a surface failed.The attempt to page lock a surface failed.An attempt was made to allocate non-local video memory from a device that does not support non-local video memory.A DC has already been returned for this surface. Only one DC can be retrieved per surface.Attempt was made to set a palette on a mipmap sublevelAttempt was made to create or set a device window without first setting the focus windowSurface is an optimized surface, but has not yet been allocated any memoryDevice does not support optimized surfaces, therefore no video memory optimized surfacesThe requested action could not be performed because the surface was of the wrong type.Operation could not be carried out because there is no mip-map texture mapping hardware present or available.The display is currently in an unsupported modeThe surface being used is not a palette-based surfaceThis surface can not be restored because it is an implicitly created surface.This surface can not be restored because it was created in a different mode.No DC was ever created for this surface.Windows can not create any more DCs, or a DC was requested for a paltte-indexed surface when the surface had no palette AND the display mode was not palette-indexed (in this case DirectDraw cannot select a proper palette into the DC)Surface was not locked. An attempt to unlock a surface that was not locked at all, or by this process, has been attempted.Can't duplicate primary & 3D surfaces, or surfaces that are implicitly created.An attempt has been made to flip a surface that is not flippable.An attempt was made to set the cooperative level when it was already set to exclusive.returned when an overlay member is called for a non-overlay surfacereturned when the position of the overlay on the destionation is no longer legal for that destionation.returned when GetOverlayPosition is called on a overlay that UpdateOverlay has never been called on to establish a destionation.returned when GetOverlayPosition is called on a hidden overlayNo DirectDraw ROP hardware.No blter.If a clipper object is attached to the source surface passed into a BltFast call.No hardware support for 16 or 256 color palettes.No palette object attached to this surface.The CooperativeLevel HWND has already been set. It can not be reset while the process has surfaces or palettes created.HWND used by DirectDraw CooperativeLevel has been subclassed, this prevents DirectDraw from restoring state.Clipper notification requires an HWND or no HWND has previously been set as the CooperativeLevel HWND.No clipper object attached to surface objectan attempt was made to set a clip list for a clipper objec that is already monitoring an hwnd.region passed to Clipper::GetClipList is too emulation not available.this process already has created a primary surfaceA hardware only DirectDraw object creation was attempted but the driver did not support any hardware.A DirectDraw object representing this driver has already been created for this process.The GUID passed to DirectDrawCreate is not a valid DirectDraw driver identifier.Rectangle provided was not horizontally aligned on reqd. boundaryThe specified surface type requires specification of the COMPLEX flagInforms DirectDraw that the previous Blt which is transfering information to or from this Surface is incomplete.vertical blank is in progressThe specified stream contains invalid dataBitmask in the pixel format requested is unsupported by DirectDrawSize requested by DirectDraw is too large -- The individual height and width are OK.Width requested by DirectDraw is too large.Pixel format requested is unsupported by DirectDrawHeight requested by DirectDraw is too large.Access to this surface is being refused because no driver exists which can supply a pointer to the surface. This is most likely to happen when attempting to lock the primary surface when no DCI provider is present. Will also happen on attempts to lock an optimized surface.Access to Surface refused because Surface is obscured.Access to this surface is being refused because the surface is gone. The DIRECTDRAWSURFACE object representing this surface should have Restore called on it.The requested surface is not attached.Access to this surface is being refused because the surface is already locked by another thread.Access to this palette is being refused because the palette is already locked by another thread.No src color key specified for this operation.This surface is already attached to the surface it is being attached to.This surface is already a dependency of the surface it is being made a dependency of.Can only have ony color key active at one time for overlaysOverlay surfaces could not be z layered based on their BltOrder because the hardware does not support z layering of overlays.The hardware needed for the requested operation has already been allocated.Out of video memoryhardware does not support clipped overlaysOperation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support for zbuffer blting.DirectDraw Surface is not in 8 bit color mode and the requested operation requires 8 bit color.Operation could not be carried out because there is no texture mapping hardware present or available.Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support for vertical blank synchronized operations.DirectDrawSurface is not in 4 bit color index palette and the requested operation requires 4 bit color index palette.Operation could not be carried out because there is no appropriate raster op hardware present or available.Operation could not be carried out because there is no rotation hardware present or available.Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support for stretchingDirectDrawSurface is not in 4 bit color palette and the requested operation requires 4 bit color palette.Operation could not be carried out because the source and destination rectangles are on the same surface and overlap each other.Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware present or available.Requested item was not foundOperation could not be carried out because there is no overlay hardware present or available.There is no GDI present.Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support of the dest color key.No DirectDraw support possible with current display driverOperation requires the application to have exclusive mode but the application does not have exclusive mode.Flipping visible surfaces is not supported.Surface doesn't currently have a color keyno clip list availableOperation could not be carried out because there is no color conversion hardware present or available.Create function called without DirectDraw object method SetCooperativeLevel being called.Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware present which supports stereo surfacesOperation could not be carried out because one or more surfaces are lockedThere is no 3D present.Operation could not be carried out because there is no alpha accleration hardware present or available.Operation could not be carried out because there is no stereo hardware present or available.Rectangle provided was invalid.DirectDraw does not support provided Cliplist.DirectDraw does not support the requested modeDirectDraw received a pointer that was an invalid DIRECTDRAW object.pixel format was invalid as specifiedOne or more of the caps bits passed to the callback are incorrect.Support is currently not available.An exception was encountered while performing the requested operationHeight of rectangle provided is not a multiple of reqd alignmentUnable to match primary surface creation request with existing primary surface.This surface can not be detached from the requested surface.User cancelThis surface can not be attached to the requested surface.UninitializedSend too largeSession fullTable fullTimed outPlayer not reachableNot hostNot readyNot registeredPlayer lostNot allowedNo connectionNo host playerNo more address componentsNo responseNo capsInvalid stringInvalid urlInvalid versionInvalid priorityInvalid interfaceInvalid objectInvalid passwordInvalid playerInvalid instanceInvalid flagsInvalid groupInvalid handleInvalid host addressInvalid end pointInvalid address formatInvalid applicationInvalid commandInvalid device addressIncomplete addressGroup not emptyHostingHost rejected connectionHost terminated sessionEnum response too largeConversionData too largeDoes not existDuplicate commandEnd point not receivingEnum query too largeCan not cancelCant create groupCant create playerCant launch applicationConnectingBuffer too smallAddressingAlready closingAlready connectedAlready disconnectingAlready initializedAlready registeredAbortedLocked bufferInvalid bufferNo rec vol availableUser backTransport no playerTransport no sessionTransport not initNo callbackNo transportInitializedIncompatible versionRun setupSend errorPlayback system errorRecord system errorNot hostingNot bufferedAlready bufferedNo 3d soundConnect abortedTime outSound init failureAlready pendingCompression not supportedTransport not hostInvalid targetConnectedNot connectedConnect abortingNot initializedSession lostNo voice sessionConnection lostExceptionThe application was written for an unsupported prerelease version of DirectInput.The specified property ID is not supported for the specified property set.The Specified property set is not supported.This object is already initializedThe application requires a newer version of DirectInput.An invalid parameter was passed to the returning functionThe object could not be created due to an incompatible driver version or mismatched or incomplete driver components.The operation cannot be performed while the device is acquired.No more items.Access to the device has been lost. It must be re-acquired.Access is deniedThe operation cannot be performed unless the device is acquired.Ran out of memoryThis object has not been initializedThe requested object does not exist.Device installer errors.Registry entry or DLL for class installer invalid or class installer not found.The user cancelled the install operation.The INF file for the selected device could not be found or is invalid or is damaged.A registry entry is corrupt.Device driver-specific codes. Unless the specific driver has been precisely identified, no meaning should be attributed to these values other than that the driver originated the error.An operation failed due to a certification failure.IPinFlowControl::Block() has been called on another thread. The current thread cannot make any assumptions about this pin's block state.This thread has already blocked this output pin. There is no need to call IPinFlowControl::Block() again.There is currently no resume information.The specified path does not point to a valid DVD disc.The operation depends on the current title number, however the navigator has not yet entered the VTSM or the title domains, so the 'current' title index is unknown.The specified stream is disabled and cannot be selected.Frame step is not supported on this configuration.The current audio is not karaoke content.The current parental level was too low.Currently there is no GoUp (Annex J user function) program chain (PGC).The requested DVD stream attribute does not exist.The region was not compatible with the current drive.The state data is from a different disc.The state data was corrupt.The data did not contain a recognized version.The specified command was either cancelled or no longer exists.The specified menu doesn't exist.The operation cannot be performed at the current playback speed.This object cannot be used anymore as its time has expired.Copy protection cannot be enabled. Please make sure any other copy protected content is not being shown now.Version number of DirectDraw not suitable. Make sure to install dx5 or higher version.DVD-Video playback graph could not be built due to insufficient decoders.DVD-Video playback graph building failed.DVD-Video playback graph has not been built yet.The specified button is invalid or is not present at the current time, or there is no button present at the specified location.This Operation is not permitted in the current domain.This User Operation is inhibited by DVD Content at this time.No Capture hardware is available, or the hardware is not responding.No VideoPort hardware is available, or the hardware is not responding.Either DirectDraw has not been installed or the Video Card capabilities are not suitable. Make sure the display is not in 16 color mode.The VideoPort connection negotiation process has failed.There is not enough Video Memory at this display resolution and number of colors. Reducing resolution might help.The Video CD can't be read correctly by the device or is the data is corrupt.Pins cannot connect due to not supporting the same transport.Cannot play back the file. The format is not supported.The buffer is not full enough.The connection cannot be made because the stream is read only and the filter alters the data.Cannot get or set time related information on an object that is using a time format of TIME_FORMAT_NONE.Cannot perform the requested function on an object that is not in the filter graph.ActiveMovie cannot play this video stream because it falls outside the constrained standard.Cannot play back the video stream: the video format is not supported.Cannot play back the audio stream: the audio format is not supported.ActiveMovie cannot play MPEG movies on this processor.Cannot play back the audio stream: no audio hardware is available, or the hardware is not responding.Cannot change balance because audio device is mono only.No media time format has been selected.No media time stamp has been set for this sample.No time stamp has been set for this sample.This file is corrupt: it contains an invalid media type.This file is corrupt: it contains an invalid class identifier.The version number of the file is invalid.A file appeared to be incomplete.The source filter for this file could not be loaded.The media type of this file is not recognized.Cannot call IVideoWindow methods while in full-screen mode.A full-screen mode is not available.This Advise cannot be canceled because it was not successfully set.No full-screen modes are available.An overlay advise link already exists.Cannot render the file because it is corrupt.The queued command has already been canceled.An attempt was made to queue a command for a time in the past.Updates are not allowed in this state.The filter graph is circular.The list has already been exhausted.The file format is invalid.A time-out has expired.An attempt to add a filter with a duplicate name failed.This sample cannot be rendered because the end of the stream has been reached.This sample cannot be rendered.This pin cannot use the supplied media type.The supplied rectangle is invalid.The sample start time is after the sample end time.The operation could not be performed because the filter is in the wrong state.The operation could not be performed because the filter is not running.The operation could not be performed because the filter is not paused.The operation could not be performed because the filter is not stopped.The state changed while waiting to process the sample.Too many colors for the current display settings.Display does not use a palette.No palette is available.No matching color key is available.Setting a palette would conflict with the color key already set.Setting a color key would conflict with the palette already set.Current pin connection is not using the IMemInputPin transport.Current pin connection is not using the IOverlay transport.No color key has been set.Could not change formats dynamically.No combination of filters could be found to render the stream.No combination of intermediate filters could be found to make the connection.An object or name was not found.A required interface has not been implemented.Quality messages could not be sent because no quality sink has been defined.Cannot lock for synchronization because no clock has been defined.Cannot allocate memory because no size has been set.Cannot allocate a sample when the allocator is not active.One or more buffers are still active.Cannot change allocated memory while the filter is active.An invalid alignment was specified.The buffer is not big enough.No buffer space has been setA mapper file function failed because reading or writing the user or IHV settings file failed. & A run-time error occurred.SendDeviceData failed because more information was requested to be sent than can be sent to the device. Some devices have restrictions on how much data can be sent to them. (For example, there might be a limit on the number of buttons that can be pressed at once.) & No sample buffer allocator is available.The operation could not be completed because the device is not plugged in. & The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.An attempt was made to modify parameters of an effect while it is playing. Not all hardware devices support altering the parameters of an effect while it is playing. & Two pins of the same direction cannot be connected together.Attempted to read buffered device data from a device that is not buffered. & There is no common media type between these pins.The device cannot be reinitialized because there are still effects attached to it. & At least one of the pins involved in the operation is already connected.The operation cannot be performed unless the device is acquired in DISCL_EXCLUSIVE mode. & This operation cannot be performed because the filter is active.The effect could not be downloaded because essential information is missing. For example, no axes have been associated with the effect, or no type-specific information has been created. & One of the specified pins supports no media types.The effect is not downloaded. & The enumerator has become invalid.CoInitialize has already been called.Unable to IDirectInputJoyConfig_Acquire because the user does not have sufficient privileges to change the joystick configuration. & An invalid media type was specifiedThe device is full. & An invalid media subtype was specified.Not all the requested information fit into the buffer. & This object can only be created as an aggregated object.CoInitialize has not been called.An undetermined error occurredCatastrophic failureThis object does not support aggregationClass not registeredOperation abortedThe data necessary to complete this operation is not yet available.The function called is not supported at this timeThe requested COM interface is not availableInvalid pointera+oDEST`+oDESTmDEST rU<DESTmDESTmDESTmDESTmDESTmDESTmDESTmDEST1y:HM]d6fmod.dll%user32.dllDefWindowProcWGetWindowLongWRegisterClassWSetWindowTextWGetWindowTextWGetWindowTextLengthWSetWindowLongWCreateWindowExWgdi32.dllCreateFontIndirectWGetTextExtentPoint32WTextOutWMapVirtualKeyWVkKeyScanWGetKeyNameTextWkernel32.dllGetModuleHandleWGetModuleFileNameWDispatchMessageWGetMessageWPeekMessageWCreateFileWMessageBoxWOutputDebugStringWmsvfw32.dllsensapi.dlloledlg.dlloleacc.dllsecur32.dllavicap32.dllwinspool.drvwinmm.dllrasapi32.dllmpr.dllversion.dllcomdlg32.dllshell32.dlladvapi32.dllunicows.dll\Microsoft Shared\MSLU\CommonFilesDirSOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersionRegCloseKeyRegQueryValueExARegOpenKeyExAsecurity.dll???.???GetFileAttributesWGetProcAddress 88 X0HXX|  P(@PLlplp8(8$Lh`HxhpHL4Dh|$4H`4px|xp (p@ Lpph(h(  ĚdL|Ěpp ,<dLT,dpTTxp0x<$`x$hh  yp h8(X(@L |3 F  , P \  |9 L      (!!L !  |d! !l! )2 |HW$ j$! ! 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