/* * Most of this was ripped from libxml-ruby's SAX handler */ #include #include xmlSAXHandler saxHandler; static VALUE push_parser_raise_error ( xmlErrorPtr error) { rb_raise(rb_eStandardError, "%s", rb_str_new2((const char*)error->message)); return Qnil; } static VALUE push_parser_initialize ( VALUE self, VALUE handler) { xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt; ctxt = xmlCreatePushParserCtxt(&saxHandler, (void *)handler, NULL, 0, NULL); if (!ctxt) return push_parser_raise_error(&xmlLastError); ctxt->sax2 = 1; rb_iv_set(self, "@__libxml_push_parser", Data_Wrap_Struct(rb_cData, 0, xmlFreeParserCtxt, ctxt)); return self; } static VALUE push_parser_close ( VALUE self) { xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt; Data_Get_Struct(rb_iv_get(self, "@__libxml_push_parser"), xmlParserCtxt, ctxt); if (xmlParseChunk(ctxt, "", 0, 1)) { return push_parser_raise_error(&xmlLastError); } else { return Qtrue; } } static VALUE push_parser_receive ( VALUE self, VALUE chunk) { const char *data = StringValuePtr(chunk); int length = RSTRING_LEN(chunk); xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt; Data_Get_Struct(rb_iv_get(self, "@__libxml_push_parser"), xmlParserCtxt, ctxt); int i; // Non-chunking version for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { xmlParseChunk (ctxt, data+i, 1, 0); } /* Chunk through in 4KB chunks so as not to overwhelm the buffers int chunkSize = length < 4096 ? length : 4096; for (i = 0; i < length; i += chunkSize) { xmlParseChunk(ctxt, data+i, chunkSize, 0); } if ((i -= length) > 0) xmlParseChunk(ctxt, data+(length-i), i, 0); */ return self; } /********* CALLBACKS **********/ static void push_parser_start_element_ns_callback ( void * ctx, const xmlChar * localname, const xmlChar * prefix, const xmlChar * URI, int nb_namespaces, const xmlChar ** namespaces, int nb_attributes, int nb_defaulted, const xmlChar ** attributes) { VALUE handler = (VALUE) ctx; if (handler == Qnil) return; VALUE attrHash = rb_hash_new(); VALUE nsHash = rb_hash_new(); if (attributes) { /* Each attribute is an array of [localname, prefix, URI, value, end] */ int i; for (i = 0; i < nb_attributes * 5; i += 5) { rb_hash_aset( attrHash, rb_str_new2((const char*)attributes[i+0]), rb_str_new((const char*)attributes[i+3], attributes[i+4] - attributes[i+3])); } } if (namespaces) { int i; for (i = 0; i < nb_namespaces * 2; i += 2) { rb_hash_aset( nsHash, namespaces[i+0] ? rb_str_new2((const char*)namespaces[i+0]) : Qnil, namespaces[i+1] ? rb_str_new2((const char*)namespaces[i+1]) : Qnil); } } rb_funcall(handler, rb_intern("on_start_element_ns"), 5, rb_str_new2((const char*)localname), attrHash, prefix ? rb_str_new2((const char*)prefix) : Qnil, URI ? rb_str_new2((const char*)URI) : Qnil, nsHash); } static void push_parser_end_element_ns_callback ( void * ctx, const xmlChar * localname, const xmlChar * prefix, const xmlChar * URI) { VALUE handler = (VALUE) ctx; if (handler == Qnil) return; rb_funcall(handler, rb_intern("on_end_element_ns"), 3, rb_str_new2((const char*)localname), prefix ? rb_str_new2((const char*)prefix) : Qnil, URI ? rb_str_new2((const char*)URI) : Qnil); } static void push_parser_characters_callback ( void *ctx, const char *chars, int len) { VALUE handler = (VALUE) ctx; if (handler != Qnil) rb_funcall (handler, rb_intern("on_characters"), 1, rb_str_new(chars, len)); } xmlSAXHandler saxHandler = { 0, //internalSubset 0, //isStandalone 0, //hasInternalSubset 0, //hasExternalSubset 0, //resolveEntity 0, //getEntity 0, //entityDecl 0, //notationDecl 0, //attributeDecl 0, //elementDecl 0, //unparsedEntityDecl 0, //setDocumentLocator 0, //(startDocument) 0, //(endDocument) 0, //startElement 0, //endElement 0, //reference (charactersSAXFunc) push_parser_characters_callback, 0, //ignorableWhitespace 0, //processingInstruction 0, //comment 0, //warning 0, //error 0, //fatalError 0, //getParameterEntity 0, //cdataBlock 0, //externalSubset XML_SAX2_MAGIC, 0, //_private (startElementNsSAX2Func) push_parser_start_element_ns_callback, (endElementNsSAX2Func) push_parser_end_element_ns_callback, 0 // LibXML handles this globally }; void Init_push_parser() { /* SaxPushParser */ VALUE mLibXML = rb_define_module("LibXML"); VALUE mXML = rb_define_module_under(mLibXML, "XML"); VALUE cXMLSaxPushParser = rb_define_class_under(mXML, "SaxPushParser", rb_cObject); /* Instance Methods */ rb_define_method(cXMLSaxPushParser, "initialize", push_parser_initialize, 1); rb_define_method(cXMLSaxPushParser, "receive", push_parser_receive, 1); rb_define_method(cXMLSaxPushParser, "close", push_parser_close, 0); }