Free themes for Bootstrap

These themes are for Bootstrap 4. Check out the latest version of Bootswatch!

Easy to Install

Simply download a CSS file and replace the one in Bootstrap. No messing around with hex values.


Changes are contained in just two SASS files, enabling further customization and ensuring forward compatibility.

Tuned for 4.6.0

Themes are built for the latest version of Bootstrap. 2.3.2, 3.4.1, and other releases are also available to download.

Open Source

Bootstrap themes are released under the MIT License and maintained by the community on GitHub.

Get Plugged In

An API is available for integrating with your platform. In use by NodeBB and many more.

Stay Updated

Be notified about updates by subscribing via RSS feed, email, Twitter, or Tumblr.


A hand-drawn look for mockups and mirth

Want more?

Check out these premium templates from 3rd Wave Media.


A template for SaaS businesses


A personal portfolio template for developers

Startup Kit

A Bootstrap template for SaaS startups


Startup template for software projects

Nova Pro

The best way to promote your mobile app

Dev Card

A portfolio template for developers

Still looking?

Learn to code your own themes with these books from Amazon. As an associate, we earn a cut of each sale.


Jon Duckett

Eloquent JavaScript

Marijn Haverbeke

CSS Secrets

Lea Verou

Good luck have fun!

Or learn to code by playing games with Codepip.

Flexbox Froggy

A game for learning CSS Flexbox

Grid Garden

A game for learning CSS Grid

Code Crunchers

A game for learning JavaScript Math