module Magic module Rails module Engine ## # Automatically append all of the current engine's routes to the main # application's route set. This needs to be done for ALL functional tests that # use engine routes, since the mounted routes don't work during tests. # # @param [Symbol] engine_symbol Optional; if provided, uses this symbol to # locate the engine class by name, otherwise uses the module of the calling # test case as the presumed name of the engine. # # @author Jason Hamilton ( # @author Matthew Ratzloff ( # @author Xavier Dutreilh ( def load_engine_routes(engine_symbol = nil) if engine_symbol engine_name = engine_symbol.to_s.camelize else # No engine provided, so presume the current engine is the one to load engine_name ="::").first.split("(").last end engine = ("#{engine_name}::Engine").constantize # Append the routes for this module to the existing routes ::Rails.application.routes.disable_clear_and_finalize = true ::Rails.application.routes.clear! ::Rails.application.routes_reloader.paths.each { |path| load(path) } ::Rails.application.routes.draw do resourced_routes = [] named_routes = engine.routes.named_routes.routes engine.routes.routes.each do |route| # Call the method by hand based on the symbol path = "/#{engine_name.underscore}#{route.path.spec}" verb = route.verb.to_s.downcase.gsub(/^.+\^(.+)\$.+$/, '\1').to_sym requirements = route.requirements if path_helper = named_routes.key(route) requirements[:as] = path_helper elsif route.requirements[:controller].present? # Presume that all controllers referenced in routes should also be # resources and append that routing on the end so that *_path helpers # will still work resourced_routes << route.requirements[:controller].gsub("#{engine_name.underscore}/", "").to_sym end send(verb, path, requirements) if respond_to?(verb) end # Add each route, once, to the end under a scope to trick path helpers. # This will probably break as soon as there is route name overlap, but # we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. resourced_routes.uniq! scope engine_name.underscore do resourced_routes.each do |resource| resources resource end end end # Finalize the routes ::Rails.application.routes.finalize! ::Rails.application.routes.disable_clear_and_finalize = false end end end end Rails::Engine.send(:include, Magic::Rails::Engine)