module StanfordCoreNLP class JarLoader require 'rjb' # Configuration options. class << self # An array of flags to pass to the JVM machine. attr_accessor :jvm_args attr_accessor :jar_path attr_accessor :log_file end # An array of string flags to supply to the JVM, e.g. ['-Xms512M', '-Xmx1024M'] self.jvm_args = [] # The path in which to look for Jars. self.jar_path = '' # By default, disable logging. self.log_file = nil # Load Rjb and create Java VM. def self.rjb_initialize return if ::Rjb::loaded? ::Rjb::load(nil, self.jvm_args) set_java_logging if self.log_file end # Enable logging. def self.log(file = 'log.txt') self.log_file = file end # Redirect the output of the JVM to supplied log file. def self.set_java_logging const_set(:System, Rjb::import('java.lang.System')) const_set(:PrintStream, Rjb::import('')) const_set(:File2, Rjb::import('')) ps = ps.write("[%m/%d/%Y at %I:%M%p]\n\n")) System.setOut(ps) System.setErr(ps) end # Load a jar. def self.load(jar) self.rjb_initialize jar = self.jar_path + jar if !::File.readable?(jar) raise "Could not find JAR file (looking in #{jar})." end ::Rjb::add_jar(jar) end end end