describe 'Exhibit Administration', type: :feature do let(:exhibit) { FactoryGirl.create(:exhibit) } let(:admin) { FactoryGirl.create(:exhibit_admin, exhibit: exhibit) } let(:email_id_0) { 'exhibit_contact_emails_attributes_0_email' } let(:email_address_0) { '' } let(:email_id_1) { 'exhibit_contact_emails_attributes_1_email' } let(:email_address_1) { '' } before { login_as admin } describe 'Contact Emails' do it 'has breadcrumbs' do visit spotlight.edit_exhibit_path(exhibit) expect(page).to have_breadcrumbs 'Home', 'Configuration', 'General' end it 'has a blank input field when there are no contacts yet' do visit spotlight.edit_exhibit_path(exhibit) expect(page).to have_css('input.exhibit-contact') expect(find_field(email_id_0).value).to be_blank end it 'stores and retreive a contact email address' do visit spotlight.edit_exhibit_path(exhibit) fill_in email_id_0, with: email_address_0 click_button 'Save changes' expect(page).to have_content('The exhibit was successfully updated.') visit spotlight.edit_exhibit_path(exhibit) expect(find_field(email_id_0).value).to eq email_address_0 end it "has new inputs added when clicking on the 'add contact' button", js: true do # Exhibit administration edit visit spotlight.edit_exhibit_path(exhibit) # fill in first email field fill_in email_id_0, with: email_address_0 # Additonal blank fields should not exist expect(page).not_to have_css("input##{email_id_1}") # click the + (add contact) button find('#another-email').click # An additional blank field should exist now expect(page).to have_css("input##{email_id_1}") expect(find_field(email_id_1).value).to be_blank # fill in the second email field fill_in email_id_1, with: email_address_1 click_button 'Save changes' expect(page).to have_content('The exhibit was successfully updated.') visit spotlight.edit_exhibit_path(exhibit) expect(find_field(email_id_0).value).to eq email_address_0 expect(find_field(email_id_1).value).to eq email_address_1 end end end