require 'spec_helper' require 'json' require 'jwt' describe OmniAuth::Auth0::JWTValidator do # # Reused data # let(:client_id) { 'CLIENT_ID' } let(:client_secret) { 'CLIENT_SECRET' } let(:domain) { '' } let(:future_timecode) { 32_503_680_000 } let(:past_timecode) { 303_912_000 } let(:jwks_kid) { 'NkJCQzIyQzRBMEU4NjhGNUU4MzU4RkY0M0ZDQzkwOUQ0Q0VGNUMwQg' } let(:rsa_private_key) do OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate 2048 end let(:rsa_token_jwks) do { keys: [ { kid: jwks_kid, x5c: [Base64.encode64(make_cert(rsa_private_key).to_der)] } ] }.to_json end let(:jwks) do current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) jwks_file ="#{current_dir}/../../resources/jwks.json") JSON.parse(jwks_file, symbolize_names: true) end # # Specs # describe 'JWT verifier default values' do let(:jwt_validator) do make_jwt_validator end it 'should have the correct issuer' do expect(jwt_validator.issuer).to eq('') end end describe 'JWT verifier token_head' do let(:jwt_validator) do make_jwt_validator end it 'should parse the head of a valid JWT' do expect(jwt_validator.token_head(make_hs256_token)[:alg]).to eq('HS256') end it 'should fail parsing the head of a blank JWT' do expect(jwt_validator.token_head('')).to eq({}) end it 'should fail parsing the head of an invalid JWT' do expect(jwt_validator.token_head('.')).to eq({}) end it 'should throw an exception for invalid JSON' do expect do jwt_validator.token_head('QXV0aDA=') raise_error(JSON::ParserError) end end describe 'JWT verifier jwks_public_cert' do let(:jwt_validator) do make_jwt_validator end it 'should return a public_key' do x5c = jwks[:keys].first[:x5c].first public_cert = jwt_validator.jwks_public_cert(x5c) expect(public_cert.instance_of?(OpenSSL::PKey::RSA)).to eq(true) end it 'should fail with an invalid x5c' do expect do jwt_validator.jwks_public_cert('QXV0aDA=') raise_error(OpenSSL::X509::CertificateError) end end describe 'JWT verifier jwks_key' do let(:jwt_validator) do make_jwt_validator end before do stub_jwks end it 'should return a key' do expect(jwt_validator.jwks_key(:alg, jwks_kid)).to eq('RS256') end it 'should return an x5c key' do expect(jwt_validator.jwks_key(:x5c, jwks_kid).length).to eq(1) end it 'should return nil if there is not key' do expect(jwt_validator.jwks_key(:auth0, jwks_kid)).to eq(nil) end it 'should return nil if the key ID is invalid' do expect(jwt_validator.jwks_key(:alg, "#{jwks_kid}_invalid")).to eq(nil) end end describe 'JWT verifier custom issuer' do context 'same as domain' do let(:jwt_validator) do make_jwt_validator(opt_issuer: domain) end it 'should have the correct issuer' do expect(jwt_validator.issuer).to eq('') end it 'should have the correct domain' do expect(jwt_validator.issuer).to eq('') end end context 'different from domain' do let(:jwt_validator) do make_jwt_validator(opt_issuer: '') end it 'should have the correct issuer' do expect(jwt_validator.issuer).to eq('') end it 'should have the correct domain' do expect(jwt_validator.domain).to eq('') end end end describe 'JWT verifier verify' do let(:jwt_validator) do make_jwt_validator end before do stub_jwks stub_dummy_jwks end it 'should fail with missing issuer' do expect do jwt_validator.verify(make_hs256_token) raise_error(an_instance_of(OmniAuth::Auth0::TokenValidationError).and having_attributes({ message: "Issuer (iss) claim must be a string present in the ID token" })) end it 'should fail with invalid issuer' do payload = { iss: '' } token = make_hs256_token(payload) expect do jwt_validator.verify(token) raise_error(an_instance_of(OmniAuth::Auth0::TokenValidationError).and having_attributes({ message: "Issuer (iss) claim mismatch in the ID token, expected (, found (" })) end it 'should fail when subject is missing' do payload = { iss: "https://#{domain}/", sub: '' } token = make_hs256_token(payload) expect do jwt_validator.verify(token) raise_error(an_instance_of(OmniAuth::Auth0::TokenValidationError).and having_attributes({ message: "Subject (sub) claim must be a string present in the ID token" })) end it 'should fail with missing audience' do payload = { iss: "https://#{domain}/", sub: 'sub' } token = make_hs256_token(payload) expect do jwt_validator.verify(token) raise_error(an_instance_of(OmniAuth::Auth0::TokenValidationError).and having_attributes({ message: "Audience (aud) claim must be a string or array of strings present in the ID token" })) end it 'should fail with invalid audience' do payload = { iss: "https://#{domain}/", sub: 'sub', aud: 'Auth0' } token = make_hs256_token(payload) expect do jwt_validator.verify(token) raise_error(an_instance_of(OmniAuth::Auth0::TokenValidationError).and having_attributes({ message: "Audience (aud) claim mismatch in the ID token; expected #{client_id} but found Auth0" })) end it 'should fail when missing expiration' do payload = { iss: "https://#{domain}/", sub: 'sub', aud: client_id } token = make_hs256_token(payload) expect do jwt_validator.verify(token) raise_error(an_instance_of(OmniAuth::Auth0::TokenValidationError).and having_attributes({ message: "Expiration time (exp) claim must be a number present in the ID token" })) end it 'should fail when past expiration' do payload = { iss: "https://#{domain}/", sub: 'sub', aud: client_id, exp: past_timecode } token = make_hs256_token(payload) expect do jwt_validator.verify(token) raise_error(an_instance_of(OmniAuth::Auth0::TokenValidationError).and having_attributes({ message: "Expiration time (exp) claim error in the ID token; current time (#{}) is after expiration time (#{ + 60)})" })) end it 'should fail when missing iat' do payload = { iss: "https://#{domain}/", sub: 'sub', aud: client_id, exp: future_timecode } token = make_hs256_token(payload) expect do jwt_validator.verify(token) raise_error(an_instance_of(OmniAuth::Auth0::TokenValidationError).and having_attributes({ message: "Issued At (iat) claim must be a number present in the ID token" })) end it 'should fail when authorize params has nonce but nonce is missing in the token' do payload = { iss: "https://#{domain}/", sub: 'sub', aud: client_id, exp: future_timecode, iat: past_timecode } token = make_hs256_token(payload) expect do jwt_validator.verify(token, { nonce: 'noncey' }) raise_error(an_instance_of(OmniAuth::Auth0::TokenValidationError).and having_attributes({ message: "Nonce (nonce) claim must be a string present in the ID token" })) end it 'should fail when authorize params has nonce but token nonce does not match' do payload = { iss: "https://#{domain}/", sub: 'sub', aud: client_id, exp: future_timecode, iat: past_timecode, nonce: 'mismatch' } token = make_hs256_token(payload) expect do jwt_validator.verify(token, { nonce: 'noncey' }) raise_error(an_instance_of(OmniAuth::Auth0::TokenValidationError).and having_attributes({ message: "Nonce (nonce) claim value mismatch in the ID token; expected (noncey), found (mismatch)" })) end it 'should fail when “aud” is an array of strings and azp claim is not present' do aud = [ client_id, "https://#{domain}/userinfo" ] payload = { iss: "https://#{domain}/", sub: 'sub', aud: aud, exp: future_timecode, iat: past_timecode } token = make_hs256_token(payload) expect do jwt_validator.verify(token) raise_error(an_instance_of(OmniAuth::Auth0::TokenValidationError).and having_attributes({ message: "Authorized Party (azp) claim must be a string present in the ID token when Audience (aud) claim has multiple values" })) end it 'should fail when "azp" claim doesnt match the expected aud' do aud = [ client_id, "https://#{domain}/userinfo" ] payload = { iss: "https://#{domain}/", sub: 'sub', aud: aud, exp: future_timecode, iat: past_timecode, azp: 'not_expected' } token = make_hs256_token(payload) expect do jwt_validator.verify(token) raise_error(an_instance_of(OmniAuth::Auth0::TokenValidationError).and having_attributes({ message: "Authorized Party (azp) claim mismatch in the ID token; expected (#{client_id}), found (not_expected)" })) end it 'should fail when “max_age” sent on the authentication request and this claim is not present' do payload = { iss: "https://#{domain}/", sub: 'sub', aud: client_id, exp: future_timecode, iat: past_timecode } token = make_hs256_token(payload) expect do jwt_validator.verify(token, { max_age: 60 }) raise_error(an_instance_of(OmniAuth::Auth0::TokenValidationError).and having_attributes({ message: "Authentication Time (auth_time) claim must be a number present in the ID token when Max Age (max_age) is specified" })) end it 'should fail when “max_age” sent on the authentication request and this claim added the “max_age” value doesn’t represent a date in the future' do payload = { iss: "https://#{domain}/", sub: 'sub', aud: client_id, exp: future_timecode, iat: past_timecode, auth_time: past_timecode } token = make_hs256_token(payload) expect do jwt_validator.verify(token, { max_age: 60 }) raise_error(an_instance_of(OmniAuth::Auth0::TokenValidationError).and having_attributes({ message: "Authentication Time (auth_time) claim in the ID token indicates that too much time has passed since the last end-user authentication. Current time (#{}) is after last auth time (#{ + 60 + 60)})" })) end it 'should verify a valid HS256 token with multiple audiences' do audience = [ client_id, "https://#{domain}/userinfo" ] payload = { iss: "https://#{domain}/", sub: 'sub', aud: audience, exp: future_timecode, iat: past_timecode, azp: client_id } token = make_hs256_token(payload) id_token = jwt_validator.verify(token) expect(id_token['aud']).to eq(audience) end it 'should verify a standard HS256 token' do sub = 'abc123' payload = { iss: "https://#{domain}/", sub: sub, aud: client_id, exp: future_timecode, iat: past_timecode } token = make_hs256_token(payload) verified_token = jwt_validator.verify(token) expect(verified_token['sub']).to eq(sub) end it 'should verify a standard RS256 token' do domain = '' sub = 'abc123' payload = { sub: sub, exp: future_timecode, iss: "https://#{domain}/", iat: past_timecode, aud: client_id, kid: jwks_kid } token = make_rs256_token(payload) verified_token = make_jwt_validator(opt_domain: domain).verify(token) expect(verified_token['sub']).to eq(sub) end end private def make_jwt_validator(opt_domain: domain, opt_issuer: nil) opts = domain: opt_domain, client_id: client_id, client_secret: client_secret ) opts[:issuer] = opt_issuer unless opt_issuer.nil? end def make_hs256_token(payload = nil) payload = { sub: 'abc123' } if payload.nil? JWT.encode payload, client_secret, 'HS256' end def make_rs256_token(payload = nil) payload = { sub: 'abc123' } if payload.nil? JWT.encode payload, rsa_private_key, 'RS256', kid: jwks_kid end def make_cert(private_key) cert = cert.issuer = OpenSSL::X509::Name.parse('/C=BE/O=Auth0/OU=Auth0/CN=Auth0') cert.subject = cert.issuer cert.not_before = cert.not_after = + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 cert.public_key = private_key.public_key cert.serial = 0x0 cert.version = 2 ef = ef.subject_certificate = cert ef.issuer_certificate = cert cert.extensions = [ ef.create_extension('basicConstraints', 'CA:TRUE', true), ef.create_extension('subjectKeyIdentifier', 'hash') ] cert.add_extension ef.create_extension( 'authorityKeyIdentifier', 'keyid:always,issuer:always' ) cert.sign private_key, end def stub_jwks stub_request(:get, '') .to_return( headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, body: jwks.to_json, status: 200 ) end def stub_bad_jwks stub_request(:get, '') .to_return( status: 404 ) end def stub_dummy_jwks stub_request(:get, '') .to_return( headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, body: rsa_token_jwks, status: 200 ) end end