# frozen_string_literal: true
# ronin-recon - A micro-framework and tool for performing reconnaissance.
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Hal Brodigan (postmodern.mod3@gmail.com)
# ronin-recon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ronin-recon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with ronin-recon. If not, see .
require 'ronin/recon/registry'
require 'ronin/recon/values'
require 'ronin/core/metadata/id'
require 'ronin/core/metadata/authors'
require 'ronin/core/metadata/summary'
require 'ronin/core/metadata/description'
require 'ronin/core/metadata/references'
require 'ronin/core/params/mixin'
require 'async'
module Ronin
module Recon
# Base class for all recon workers.
# ## Philosophy
# Recon involves performing multiple strategies on input values
# (ex: a domain) in order to produce discovered output values
# (ex: sub-domains). These recon strategies can be defined as classes
# which have a `process` method that accepts certiain input {Values value}
# types and yield zero or more output {Values value types}.
# The {Worker} class defines three key parts:
# 1. Metadata - defines information about the recon worker.
# 2. [Params] - optional user configurable parameters.
# 3. {Worker#process process} - method which receives a {Values Value} class
# [Params]: https://ronin-rb.dev/docs/ronin-core/Ronin/Core/Params/Mixin.html
# ## Example
# require 'ronin/recon/worker'
# module Ronin
# module Recon
# module DNS
# class FooBar
# register 'dns/foo_bar'
# summary 'My DNS recon technique'
# description <<~DESC
# This recon worker uses the foo-bar technique.
# Bla bla bla bla.
# author 'John Smith', email: '...'
# accepts Domain
# outputs Host
# intensity :passive
# param :wordlist, String, desc: 'Optional wordlist to use'
# def process(value)
# # ...
# yield Host.new(discovered_host_name)
# # ...
# end
# end
# end
# end
# end
# ### register
# Registers the worker with {Recon}.
# register 'dns/foo_bar'
# ### accepts
# Defines which {Values Value} types the worker accepts.
# accepts Domain
# Available {Values Value} types are:
# * {Values::Domain Domain} - a domain name (ex: `example.com`).
# * {Values::Host Host} - a host-name (ex: `www.example.com`).
# * {Values::IP} - a single IP address (ex: `').
# * {Values::IPRange} - a CIDR IP range (ex: ``).
# * {Values::Mailserver} - represents a mailserver for a domain
# (ex: `smtp.google.com`).
# * {Values::Nameserver} - represents a nameserver for a domain
# (ex: `ns1.google.com`).
# * {Values::OpenPort} - represents a discovered open port on an IP address.
# * {Values::URL} - represents a discovered URL
# (ex: `https://example.com/index.html`).
# * {Values::Website} - represents a discovered website
# (ex: `https://example.com/`).
# * {Values::Wildcard} - represent a wildcard host name
# (ex: `*.example.com`).
# **Note:** the recon worker may specify that it accepts multiple value
# types:
# accepts Domain, Host, IP
# ### outputs
# Similar to `accepts`, but defines the possible output value types of the
# worker.
# outputs Host
# **Note:** the recon worker may specify that it can output multiple
# different value types:
# outputs Host, IP
# ### intensity
# Indicates the intensity level of the worker class.
# intensity :passive
# The possible intensity levels are:
# * `:passive` - does not send any network traffic to the target system.
# * `:active` - sends a moderate amount of network traffic to the target
# system.
# * `:aggressive` - sends an excessive amount of network traffic to the
# target system and may trigger alerts.
# **Note:** if the intensity level of the worker class is not defined,
# it will default to `:active`.
# ### summary
# Defines a short one-sentence description of the recon worker.
# summary 'My DNS recon technique'
# ### description
# Defines a longer multi-paragraph description of the recon worker.
# description <<~DESC
# This recon worker uses the foo-bar technique.
# Bla bla bla bla.
# **Note:** that `<<~` heredoc, unlike the regular `<<` heredoc, removes
# leading whitespace.
# ### author
# Add an author's name and additional information to the recon worker.
# author 'John Smith'
# author 'doctor_doom', email: '...', twitter: '...'
# ### param
# Defines a user configurable param. Params may have a type class, but
# default to `String`. Params must have a one-line description.
# param :str, desc: 'A basic string param'
# param :feature_flag, Boolean, desc: 'A boolean param'
# param :enum, Enum[:one, :two, :three],
# desc: 'An enum param'
# param :num1, Integer, desc: 'An integer param'
# param :num2, Integer, default: 42,
# desc: 'A param with a default value'
# param :num3, Integer, default: ->{ rand(42) },
# desc: 'A param with a dynamic default value'
# param :float, Float, 'Floating point param'
# param :url, URI, desc: 'URL param'
# param :pattern, Regexp, desc: 'Regular Expression param'
# Params may then be accessed in instance methods using `params` Hash.
# param :retries, Integer, default: 4,
# desc: 'Number of retries'
# def process(value)
# retry_count = 0
# begin
# # ...
# rescue => error
# retry_count += 1
# if retry_count < params[:retries]
# retry
# else
# raise(error)
# end
# end
# end
# @api public
class Worker
include Core::Metadata::ID
include Core::Metadata::Authors
include Core::Metadata::Summary
include Core::Metadata::Description
include Core::Metadata::References
include Core::Params::Mixin
include Values
# Registers the recon worker with the given name.
# @param [String] worker_id
# The recon worker's `id`.
# @example
# require 'ronin/recon/worker'
# module Ronin
# module Recon
# module DNS
# class SubdomainBruteforcer < Worker
# register 'dns/subdomain_bruteforcer'
# end
# end
# end
# end
# @api public
def self.register(worker_id)
# Initializes the worker.
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] kwargs
# Additional keyword arguments.
def initialize(**kwargs)
# Gets or sets the value class which the recon worker accepts.
# @param [Array>] value_classes
# The optional new value class(es) to accept.
# @return [Array>]
# the value class which the recon worker accepts.
# @raise [NotImplementedError]
# No value class was defined for the recon worker.
# @example define that the recon worker accepts IP addresses:
# accepts IP
def self.accepts(*value_classes)
unless value_classes.empty?
@accepts = value_classes
@accepts || if superclass < Worker
raise(NotImplementedError,"#{self} did not set accepts")
# Gets or sets the value class which the recon worker outputs.
# @param [Array>] value_classes
# The optional new value class(es) to outputs.
# @return [Array>]
# the value class which the recon worker outputs.
# @raise [NotImplementedError]
# No value class was defined for the recon worker.
# @example define that the recon worker outputs Host values:
# outputs Host
def self.outputs(*value_classes)
unless value_classes.empty?
@outputs = value_classes
@outputs || if superclass < Worker
raise(NotImplementedError,"#{self} did not set outputs")
# Gets or sets the worker's default concurrency.
# @param [Integer, nil] new_concurrency
# The optional new concurrency to set.
# @return [Integer]
# The worker's concurrency. Defaults to `1` if not set.
# @example sets the recon worker's default concurrency:
# concurrency 3
def self.concurrency(new_concurrency=nil)
if new_concurrency
@concurrency = new_concurrency
@concurrency || if superclass < Worker
# Gets or sets the worker's intensity level.
# @param [:passive, :active, :aggressive, nil] new_intensity
# The optional new intensity level to set.
# * `:passive` - does not send any network traffic to the target system.
# * `:active` - sends a moderate amount of network traffic to the target
# system.
# * `:aggressive` - sends an excessive amount of network traffic to the
# target system and may trigger alerts.
# @return [:passive, :active, :aggressive]
# The worker's intensity level. Defaults to `:active` if not set.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# The new intensity level was not `:passive`, `:active`, or
# `:aggressive`.
# @example sets the recon worker's intensity level:
# intensity :passive
def self.intensity(new_intensity=nil)
if new_intensity
case new_intensity
when :passive, :active, :aggressive
@intensity = new_intensity
raise(ArgumentError,"intensity must be :passive, :active, or :aggressive: #{new_intensity.inspect}")
@intensity || if superclass < Worker
# Initializes the worker and runs it with the single value.
# @param [Value] value
# The input value to process.
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] kwargs
# Additional keyword arguments to initialize the worker with.
# @note
# This method is mainly for testing workers and running them
# individually.
def self.run(value,**kwargs,&block)
worker = new(**kwargs)
Async do
# Calls the recon worker with the given input value.
# @param [Value] value
# The input value.
# @yield [new_value]
# The `call` method can then `yield` one or more newly discovered values
# @yieldparam [Value] new_value
# An newly discovered output value from the input value.
# @abstract
def process(value,&block)
raise(NotImplementedError,"#{self.class} did not define a #process method")