Feature: install cookbooks from a Berksfile As a user with a Berksfile I want to be able to run knife berkshelf install to install my cookbooks So that I don't have to download my cookbooks and their dependencies manually Scenario: installing a Berksfile that contains a source with a default location Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ cookbook "mysql", "1.2.4" """ When I run the install command Then the cookbook store should have the cookbooks: | mysql | 1.2.4 | | openssl | 1.0.0 | And the output should contain: """ Installing mysql (1.2.4) from site: 'http://cookbooks.opscode.com/api/v1/cookbooks' Installing openssl (1.0.0) from site: 'http://cookbooks.opscode.com/api/v1/cookbooks' """ And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: installing a Berksfile that contains the cookbook explicitly desired by a source Given the cookbook store has the cookbooks: | mysql | 1.2.4 | And I write to "Berksfile" with: """ cookbook "mysql", "= 1.2.4" """ When I run the install command Then the output should contain: """ Using mysql (1.2.4) """ And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: installing a Berksfile that contains a source with dependencies, all of which already have been installed Given the cookbook store contains a cookbook "mysql" "1.2.4" with dependencies: | openssl | = 1.0.0 | | windows | = 1.3.0 | | chef_handler | = 1.0.6 | And the cookbook store has the cookbooks: | openssl | 1.0.0 | | windows | 1.3.0 | And I write to "Berksfile" with: """ cookbook "mysql", "~> 1.2.0" """ When I run the install command Then the output should contain: """ Using mysql (1.2.4) Using openssl (1.0.0) Using windows (1.3.0) Installing chef_handler (1.0.6) from site: """ And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: installing a Berksfile that contains a path location Given a Berksfile with path location sources to fixtures: | example_cookbook | example_cookbook-0.5.0 | When I run the install command Then the output should contain: """ Using example_cookbook (0.5.0) at path: """ And the exit status should be 0 @wip Scenario: installing a Berksfile that contains a path location which contains a broken symlink Given a Berksfile with path location sources to fixtures: | example_cookbook_broken_link | example_cookbook_broken_link | When I run the install command with flags: | --shims | Then the following directories should exist: | cookbooks | | cookbooks/example_cookbook | And the output should contain: """ Shims written to: """ And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: installing a Berksfile that contains a Git location Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ cookbook "artifact", git: "git://github.com/RiotGames/artifact-cookbook.git", ref: "0.9.8" """ When I run the install command Then the cookbook store should have the git cookbooks: | artifact | 0.9.8 | c0a0b456a4716a81645bef1369f5fd1a4e62ce6d | And the output should contain: """ Installing artifact (0.9.8) from git: 'git://github.com/RiotGames/artifact-cookbook.git' with branch: '0.9.8' """ And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: installing a Berksfile that contains an explicit site location Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ cookbook "mysql", "1.2.4", site: "http://cookbooks.opscode.com/api/v1/cookbooks" """ When I run the install command Then the cookbook store should have the cookbooks: | mysql | 1.2.4 | | openssl | 1.0.0 | And the output should contain: """ Installing mysql (1.2.4) from site: 'http://cookbooks.opscode.com/api/v1/cookbooks' Installing openssl (1.0.0) from site: 'http://cookbooks.opscode.com/api/v1/cookbooks' """ And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: running install when current project is a cookbook and the 'metadata' is specified Given a cookbook named "sparkle_motion" And the cookbook "sparkle_motion" has the file "Berksfile" with: """ metadata """ When I cd to "sparkle_motion" And I run the install command Then the output should contain: """ Using sparkle_motion (0.0.0) at path: """ And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: running install with no Berksfile or Berksfile.lock Given I do not have a Berksfile And I do not have a Berksfile.lock When I run the install command Then the output should contain: """ No Berksfile or Berksfile.lock found at: """ And the CLI should exit with the status code for error "BerksfileNotFound" Scenario: running install when the Cookbook is not found on the remote site Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ cookbook "doesntexist" """ And I run the install command Then the output should contain: """ Cookbook 'doesntexist' not found at site: 'http://cookbooks.opscode.com/api/v1/cookbooks' """ And the CLI should exit with the status code for error "DownloadFailure" Scenario: running install command with the --shims flag to create a directory of shims Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ cookbook "mysql", "1.2.4" """ When I run the install command with flags: | --shims | Then the following directories should exist: | cookbooks | | cookbooks/mysql | And the output should contain: """ Shims written to: """ And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: running install with --shims when current project is a cookbook and the 'metadata' is specified Given a cookbook named "sparkle_motion" And the cookbook "sparkle_motion" has the file "Berksfile" with: """ metadata """ When I cd to "sparkle_motion" And I run the install command with flags: | --shims | Then the following directories should exist: | cookbooks | | cookbooks/sparkle_motion | And the output should contain: """ Shims written to: """ And the output should contain: """ Using sparkle_motion (0.0.0) at path: """ And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: installing a Berksfile that has a Git location source with an invalid Git URI Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ cookbook "nginx", git: "/something/on/disk" """ When I run the install command Then the output should contain: """ '/something/on/disk' is not a valid Git URI. """ And the CLI should exit with the status code for error "InvalidGitURI" Scenario: installing when there are sources with duplicate names defined Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ cookbook "artifact" cookbook "artifact" """ When I run the install command Then the output should contain: """ Berksfile contains two sources named 'artifact'. Remove one and try again. """ And the CLI should exit with the status code for error "DuplicateSourceDefined" Scenario: installing when a git source defines a branch that does not satisfy the version constraint Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ cookbook "artifact", "= 0.9.8", git: "git://github.com/RiotGames/artifact-cookbook.git", ref: "0.10.0" """ When I run the install command Then the output should contain: """ A cookbook satisfying 'artifact' (= 0.9.8) not found at git: 'git://github.com/RiotGames/artifact-cookbook.git' with branch: '0.10.0' """ And the CLI should exit with the status code for error "ConstraintNotSatisfied" Scenario: when a git location source is defined and a cookbook of the same name is already cached in the cookbook store Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ cookbook "artifact", git: "git://github.com/RiotGames/artifact-cookbook.git", ref: "0.10.0" """ And the cookbook store has the cookbooks: | artifact | 0.10.0 | When I run the install command Then the output should contain: """ Installing artifact (0.10.0) from git: 'git://github.com/RiotGames/artifact-cookbook.git' with branch: '0.10.0' """ And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: with a cookbook definition containing an invalid option Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ cookbook "artifact", whatisthis: "I don't even know", anotherwat: "isthat" """ When I run the install command Then the output should contain: """ Invalid options for Cookbook Source: 'whatisthis', 'anotherwat'. """ And the CLI should exit with the status code for error "InternalError" Scenario: with a cookbook definition containing a chef_api source location Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ cookbook "artifact", chef_api: :knife """ And the Chef server has cookbooks: | artifact | 0.10.0 | When I run the install command Then the output should contain: """ Installing artifact (0.10.2) from chef_api: """ And the cookbook store should have the cookbooks: | artifact | 0.10.2 | And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: with a chef_api source location specifying :knife when a Knife config is not found at the given path Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ cookbook "artifact", chef_api: :knife """ When I run the install command with flags: | -c /tmp/nothere.lol | Then the output should contain: """ A Knife config is required when ':knife' is given for the value of a 'chef_api' location. Attempted to load configuration from: '/tmp/nothere.lol' but not found. """ And the CLI should exit with the status code for error "KnifeConfigNotFound" Scenario: with a chef_api source location specifying a Chef API URL but missing a node_name option Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ cookbook "artifact", chef_api: "https://api.opscode.com/organizations/vialstudios", client_key: "/Users/reset/.chef/knife.rb" """ When I run the install command Then the output should contain: """ Source 'artifact' is a 'chef_api' location with a URL for it's value but is missing options: 'node_name'. """ And the CLI should exit with the status code for error "InvalidChefAPILocation" Scenario: with a chef_api source location specifying a Chef API URL but missing a client_key option Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ cookbook "artifact", chef_api: "https://api.opscode.com/organizations/vialstudios", node_name: "reset" """ When I run the install command Then the output should contain: """ Source 'artifact' is a 'chef_api' location with a URL for it's value but is missing options: 'client_key'. """ And the CLI should exit with the status code for error "InvalidChefAPILocation" Scenario: with a chef_api source location specifying a Chef API URL but missing a client_key option Given I write to "Berksfile" with: """ cookbook "artifact", chef_api: "https://api.opscode.com/organizations/vialstudios" """ When I run the install command Then the output should contain: """ Source 'artifact' is a 'chef_api' location with a URL for it's value but is missing options: 'node_name', 'client_key'. """ And the CLI should exit with the status code for error "InvalidChefAPILocation"