# OpenStudio-HPXML [](https://github.com/NREL/OpenStudio-HPXML/releases) [](https://github.com/NREL/OpenStudio-HPXML/actions) [](https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest) OpenStudio-HPXML allows running residential EnergyPlus simulations using an [HPXML file](https://hpxml.nrel.gov/) for the building description. A Schematron document (`HPXMLtoOpenStudio/resources/hpxml_schematron/EPvalidator.xml`) for the EnergyPlus use case is used to validate that the appropriate HPXML inputs are provided to run EnergyPlus. OpenStudio-HPXML can accommodate a wide range of different building technologies and geometries. End-to-end simulations typically run in 3-10 seconds, depending on complexity, computer platform and speed, etc. For more information on running simulations, generating HPXML files, etc., please visit the [documentation](https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/latest). ## Workflows A simple [run_simulation.rb script](https://github.com/NREL/OpenStudio-HPXML/blob/master/workflow/run_simulation.rb) is provided to run a residential EnergyPlus simulation from an HPXML file. See the [Usage Instructions](https://openstudio-hpxml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage_instructions.html) for documentation on running the workflow. Since [OpenStudio measures](http://nrel.github.io/OpenStudio-user-documentation/getting_started/about_measures/) are used for model generation, additional OpenStudio-based workflows and interfaces can instead be used if desired. ## Measures This repository contains several OpenStudio measures: - `BuildResidentialHPXML`: A measure that generates an HPXML file from a set of building description inputs (including, e.g., simplified geometry inputs). - `BuildResidentialScheduleFile`: A measure that generates a CSV of detailed schedules (e.g., stochastic occupancy) for use in the simulation. - `HPXMLtoOpenStudio`: A measure that translates an HPXML file to an OpenStudio model. - `ReportSimulationOutput`: A reporting measure that generates a variety of simulation-based annual/timeseries outputs in CSV/JSON/MessagePack format. - `ReportUtilityBills`: A reporting measure that generates utility bill outputs in CSV/JSON/MessagePack format. ## Projects The OpenStudio-HPXML workflow is used by a number of other residential projects, including: - [Energy Rating Index (ERI)](https://github.com/NREL/OpenStudio-ERI) - [Home Energy Score](https://betterbuildingssolutioncenter.energy.gov/home-energy-score) - [ResStock](https://resstock.nrel.gov/) - [URBANopt](https://www.nrel.gov/buildings/urbanopt.html) - [BEopt](https://beopt.nrel.gov) (pending) - [Weatherization Assistant](https://weatherization.ornl.gov/softwaredescription/) (pending) ## License This project is available under a BSD-3-like license, which is a free, open-source, and permissive license. For more information, check out the [license file](https://github.com/NREL/OpenStudio-HPXML/blob/master/LICENSE.md).