;; -*- mode: clojure; -*- (ns ^{:doc "Spec tests for the Rouge core." :author "Arlen Christian Mart Cuss"} spec.rouge.core (:use rouge.test)) (testing "list" (testing "empty list creation" (is (= (list) '()))) (testing "unary list creation" (is (= (list "trent") '("trent"))) (is (= (list true) '(true)))) (testing "n-ary list creation" (is (= (apply list (range 1 6)) (.to_a (ruby/Range. 1 5)))))) (testing "or" (is (let [q (atom 0)] (or 1 (swap! q inc)) (= @q 0)))) (testing "and" (is (let [q (atom 0)] (and nil (swap! q inc)) (= @q 0)))) (testing "sequential" (is (sequential? [])) (is (sequential? [1])) (is (sequential? ())) (is (sequential? '(1))) (is (not (sequential? nil)))) (testing "=" (is (.== false (= () nil)))) (testing "seq" (is (.nil? (seq ()))) (is (.nil? (seq nil))) (is (.nil? (seq [])))) (testing "first" (is (.nil? (first nil))) (is (.nil? (first ())))) (testing "rest" (is (.== (rest nil) ())) (is (.== (rest ()) ()))) (testing "next" (is (.nil? (next nil))) (is (.nil? (next ())))) (testing "nth" (is (= 1 (nth [1 2 3] 0))) (is (= 2 (nth [1 2 3] 1))) (is (= 3 (nth [1 2 3] 2)))) (defmacro sample-1 [f] `(do ~f)) (defmacro sample-2 [f] `(do ~@f ~@f)) (testing "macroexpand" (is (= '(do x) (macroexpand '(sample-1 x)))) (is (= '(do x y x y) (macroexpand '(sample-2 (x y)))))) (testing "." (is (= '(.send 1 :y 2) (macroexpand '(. 1 y 2))))) #_(testing "var passing" (is (= #'my-var (do (def my-var 4) (let [take-var (fn [v] v)] (take-var #'my-var)))))) #_(testing "for") (testing "the -> macro" (is (= 3 (macroexpand '(-> 3)))) (is (= '(:x 3) (macroexpand '(-> 3 :x)))) (is (= '(:y 3 2) (macroexpand '(-> 3 (:y 2))))) (is (= '(:z (:y 3 2)) (macroexpand '(-> 3 (:y 2) :z)))) (is (= '(:z (:y 3 2) 8 9) (macroexpand '(-> 3 (:y 2) (:z 8 9))))) (pending ; this fails -- it compiles the inc ref. (is (= '(inc 3) (macroexpand '(-> 3 inc)))) ; this fails too -- something weird. (is (= '('inc 3) (macroexpand '(-> 3 'inc)))))) (testing "map" (is (= Rouge.Seq.Lazy (class (map inc [1 2 3])))) (is (= '(2 3 4) (map inc [1 2 3]))) (is (= 1 (let [q (atom 0) lazy (map #(do (swap! q inc) (inc %)) [1 2 3])] (first lazy) @q))) (is (= 1 (let [q (atom 0) lazy (map #(do (swap! q inc) (inc %)) [1 2 3])] (first lazy) (first lazy) @q))) (is (= 2 (let [q (atom 0) lazy (map #(do (swap! q inc) (inc %)) [1 2 3])] (first (next lazy)) @q))) (is (= 3 (let [q (atom 0) lazy (map #(do (swap! q inc) (inc %)) [1 2 3])] (first (next (next lazy))) @q))) (is (= 3 (let [q (atom 0) lazy (map #(do (swap! q inc) (inc %)) [1 2 3])] (first (next (next (next lazy)))) @q))) (testing "in destructuring" (is (= 2 (let [q (atom 0) [hd & tl] (map #(do (swap! q inc) (inc %)) [1 2 3])] @q))))) ; vim: set ft=clojure: