module StaticMatic module Helpers module AssetsHelper self.extend self # Generates links to all stylesheets in the source directory # = stylesheets # or specific stylesheets in a specific order # = stylesheets :reset, :application # Can also pass options hash in at the end so you can specify :media => :print def stylesheets(*params) options = (params.last.is_a? Hash) ? params.pop : {} options[:media] = 'all' unless options.has_key?(:media) options[:rel] = 'stylesheet'; options[:type] = 'text/css' src_files = @staticmatic.src_file_paths('sass','scss','css') output = "" if params.length == 0 # no specified files; include them all! src_files.each {|path| output << format_output(:link,path,options) } else # specific files requested and in a specific order params.each do |file| if file.to_s.match %r{^https?://} output << format_output(:link,file,options) else idx = src_files.index do |src| %w{sass scss css}.map {|t| src.match /#{file}\.#{t}$/ }.any? end output << format_output(:link,src_files[idx],options) unless idx.nil? end end end output end # Generate javascript source tags for the specified files # # javascripts('test') -> # def javascripts(*files) options = (files.last.is_a? Hash) ? files.pop : {} options[:language] = 'javascript' options[:type] = 'text/javascript' src_files = @staticmatic.src_file_paths('js','coffee') output = "" files.each do |path| if path.to_s.match %r{^https?://} output << format_output(:script,path,options) else idx = src_files.index do |src| %w{coffee js}.map {|t| src.match /#{path.to_s}\.#{t}$/ }.any? end output << format_output(:script,src_files[idx],options) unless idx.nil? end end output end # Generates an image tag always relative to the current page unless absolute path or http url specified. # # img('test_image.gif') -> Test image # img('contact/test_image.gif') -> Test image # img('http://localhost/test_image.gif') -> Test image def img(name, options = {}) options[:src] = name.match(%r{^((\.\.?)?/|https?://)}) ? name : "#{current_page_relative_path}images/#{name}" options[:alt] ||= name.split('/').last.split('.').first.capitalize.gsub(/_|-/, ' ') tag :img, options end def format_output(tag_type,path,options) external_url = !!path.match(%r{^https?://}) if external_url src = path else filename_without_extension = File.basename(path).chomp(File.extname(path)) path = path.gsub(/^#{@staticmatic.src_dir}/, ""). gsub(/^#{@staticmatic.site_dir}/, ""). gsub(/#{filename_without_extension}\.(sass|scss|css|js|coffee)/, "") src = File.join(current_page_relative_path, path, "#{filename_without_extension}") end if tag_type == :link src += '.css' if !external_url options[:href] = qstring(src, options[:qstring]); options.delete :qstring tag(tag_type,options) elsif tag_type == :script src += '.js' if !external_url options[:src] = qstring(src, options[:qstring]); options.delete :qstring tag(tag_type,options) { '' } end end # Prepares a query string based on the given qstr. # If qstr is true, it generates a query string based on the current time. # If qstr is a string, it uses it as the query string itself. # def qstring(src,qstr) src += '?_=' + if qstr == true src += '?_=' + qstr if qstr.is_a? String src end end end end