require 'net-ldap' module BarkestCore ## # Handles login requests, group mapping, and password changing for both the DB and LDAP sources. # class UserManager ## # Creates a new user manager. def initialize(options = {}) @options = (options || {}).symbolize_keys if @options[:enable_ldap_auth] @ldap = get_ldap_connection raise'Failed to connect to LDAP host using supplied arguments.') unless @ldap.bind end @options[:enable_db_auth] = true unless @options[:enable_ldap_auth] User.ensure_admin_exists! end ## # Is this user manager using ldap? def using_ldap? @options[:enable_ldap_auth] end ## # Is the user manager using ldap? def self.using_ldap? default.using_ldap? end ## # Is this user manager using the db? def using_db? @options[:enable_db_auth] end ## # Is the user manager using the db? def self.using_db? default.using_db? end ## # Gets the first authentication source for this user manager. def primary_source return :ldap if using_ldap? && !using_db? return :db if using_db? && !using_ldap? source = @options[:primary_source] source = source.to_sym if source.is_a?(String) return source if [:ldap, :db].include?(source) return :ldap if using_ldap? :db end ## # Gets the first authentication source for the user manager. def self.primary_source default.primary_source end ## # Attempts to authenticate the user and returns the model on success. def authenticate(email, password, client_ip) return nil unless email && BarkestCore::EmailTester.valid_email?(email, false) email = email.downcase sources.each do |source| if source == :ldap entry = "(&(objectClass=user)(mail=#{email}))") if entry && entry.count == 1 # we found a match. user = User.find_by(email: email, ldap: true) # make sure it authenticates correctly. entry = @ldap.bind_as(filter: "(&(objectClass=user)(mail=#{email}))", password: password) # do not allow authenticating against the DB now. unless entry && entry.count == 1 add_failure_to user || email, '(LDAP) failed to authenticate', client_ip return nil end # load the user and return. user = load_ldap_user(entry.first, true, client_ip) unless user.enabled? add_failure_to user, '(LDAP) account disabled', client_ip return nil end add_success_to user, '(LDAP)', client_ip return user end else user = User.find_by(email: email) if user # user must be enabled, cannot be LDAP, and the password must match. if user.ldap? add_failure_to user, '(DB) cannot authenticate LDAP user', client_ip return nil end unless user.enabled? add_failure_to user, '(DB) account disabled', client_ip return nil end if user.authenticate(password) add_success_to user, '(DB)', client_ip return user else add_failure_to user, '(DB) invalid password', client_ip return nil end end end end add_failure_to email, 'invalid email', client_ip nil end ## # Attempts to authenticate the user and returns the model on success. def self.authenticate(email, password, client_ip) default.authenticate email, password, client_ip end ## # Should valid ldap users be auto-activated on first login? def auto_activate_ldap? @options[:ldap_auto_activate] end ## # Should valid ldap users be auto-activated on first login? def self.auto_activate_ldap? default.auto_activate_ldap? end ## # Gets the list of ldap groups that map to system administrators. def ldap_system_admin_groups @ldap_system_admin_groups ||= begin val = @options[:ldap_system_admin_groups] val.blank? ? [] : val.strip.gsub(',', ';').split(';').map{|v| v.strip.upcase} end end ## # Gets the list of ldap groups that map to system administrators. def self.ldap_system_admin_groups default.ldap_system_admin_groups end private def purge_old_history_for(user, max_months = 2) user.login_histories.where('"user_login_histories"."created_at" <= ?', - max_months.months).delete_all end def add_failure_to(user, message, client_ip) "LOGIN(#{user}) FAILURE FROM #{client_ip}: #{message}" history_length = 2 unless user.is_a?(User) message = "[email: #{user}] #{message}" user = User.anonymous history_length = 6 end purge_old_history_for user, history_length user.login_histories.create(ip_address: client_ip, successful: false, message: message) end def add_success_to(user, message, client_ip) Rails.logger.debug "LOGIN(#{user}) SUCCESS FROM #{client_ip}: #{message}" purge_old_history_for user user.login_histories.create(ip_address: client_ip, successful: true, message: message) end def sources @sources ||= if using_ldap? && using_db? if primary_source == :db [ :db, :ldap ] else [ :ldap, :db ] end elsif using_ldap? [ :ldap ] else [ :db ] end end def self.default @default ||= end # Decode a binary SID into the common string form. # Used on AD servers to locate the primary group membership. # See def self.decode_sid(binary_sid) # only support SID revision 1 return false unless binary_sid && binary_sid[0].ord == 1 ret = 'S-1-' dashes_remaining = binary_sid[1].ord # remove first 2 bytes and continue. binary_sid = binary_sid[2..-1] # first group is 48-bit big-endian. i = 0 binary_sid[0..5].chars.each do |b| i = (i * 256) + b.ord end ret <<= i.to_s # remaining groups are 32-bit little-endian. binary_sid = binary_sid[6..-1] while dashes_remaining > 0 i = 0 binary_sid[0..3].reverse.chars.each do |b| i = (i * 256) + b.ord end ret <<= "-#{i}" dashes_remaining -= 1 binary_sid = binary_sid[4..-1] end ret end def get_ldap_connection ldap = @options[:ldap_host], port: @options[:ldap_port], base: @options[:ldap_base_dn]) ssl = @options[:ldap_ssl] ssl = ssl.to_s.downcase ssl = true if ssl == 'true' ssl = false if ssl == 'false' || ssl == '' || ssl == 'nil' ssl = ssl.to_sym if ssl.is_a?(String) if ssl if ssl == :simple_tls ldap.encryption method: :simple_tls elsif ssl == :start_tls ldap.encryption method: :start_tls else if @options[:ldap_port] == 389 ldap.encryption method: :start_tls else ldap.encryption method: :simple_tls end end end if @options[:ldap_browse_user] ldap.authenticate @options[:ldap_browse_user], @options[:ldap_browse_password] end ldap end def attrib_val(entry, attr) return nil unless entry.attribute_names.include?(attr) val = entry[attr] val = val.first if val && val.respond_to?(:first) val end def first_attrib_val(entry, *attr) attr.each do |a| v = attrib_val(entry, a) return v if v end nil end def group_to_groups(group_entry, existing_groups) return [] unless group_entry ret = [] # get the group name. name = first_attrib_val(group_entry, :samaccountname, :name, :cn) return [] unless name name.upcase! # do not duplicate entries. this will also prevent the possibility of infinite recursion. unless existing_groups.index { |x| x == name } || ret.index { |x| x == name } # add this group. ret <<= name # if the group belongs to parent groups, add them as well. if group_entry[:memberof] && group_entry[:memberof].respond_to?('each') group_entry[:memberof].each do |dn| parent_entry = dn).first ret += group_to_groups(parent_entry, ret + existing_groups) end end end ret end def load_ldap_user(entry, update_permissions = false, client_ip = '') # email is our unique identifier email = attrib_val(entry, :mail) return nil unless email email.downcase! # grab the SID and find the user. ret = User.find_by(email: email) pwd = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(53) # should generate a 71 character string. # max supported by has_secure_password is 72 characters. if ret # set ldap flag and change to random password. ret.ldap = true ret.password = ret.password_confirmation = pwd else # create new user with random password. ret = User.create!( name: email, email: email, password: pwd, password_confirmation: pwd, enabled: true ) if auto_activate_ldap? ret.activate else ret.send_activation_email(client_ip) end end # update the user attributes in the database. = first_attrib_val(entry, :displayname, :givenname, :name, :cn) ret.ldap = true! if update_permissions # now we need the user group memberships from ldap # once we get those, we can translate them over. groups = [] entry[:memberof].each do |dn| # load the group and get the group name (always in uppercase) group_entry = dn).first groups += group_to_groups(group_entry, groups) end # there may be one missing group still, the default group is not included in the 'memberOf' attribute. if (group_rid = attrib_val(entry, :primarygroupid)) # the primary group id is the relative ID within the domain SID for the group. # so we'll get the domain SID from the user SID and append the group RID. user_sid = UserManager.decode_sid(attrib_val(entry, :objectsid)) if user_sid domain_sid = user_sid.rpartition('-')[0] group_sid = "#{domain_sid}-#{group_rid}" # the search takes the SID in string form, not in binary form (like in other places). group_entry = "(&(objectClass=group)(objectSID=#{group_sid}))") # did we locate the group? if group_entry && group_entry.count == 1 groups += group_to_groups(group_entry.first, groups) else Rails.logger.warn "WARNING: Failed to locate group with SID=#{group_sid}" end end end # so now 'groups' contains a list of every ldap group the user belongs to. ret.system_admin = false ldap_system_admin_groups.each do |group| ret.system_admin = true if groups.include?(group) end access_groups = [] groups.each do |group| access_group = AccessGroup.find_by(name: group) access_groups << if access_group && !access_groups.include?( end ret.groups = access_groups! end ret end end end