inherit_mode: merge: - Exclude - Include AllCops: Include: - '**/*.rbs' Lint: Exclude: - '**/*.rbs' Style: Exclude: - '**/*.rbs' # RBS RBS: Enabled: true Include: - '**/*.rbs' ## RBS/Layout RBS/Layout: Enabled: true RBS/Layout/CommentIndentation: Description: 'Use 2 spaces for comment indentation' Enabled: true RBS/Layout/EmptyLineAroundOverloads: Description: 'No empty line between overload' Enabled: true RBS/Layout/EndAlignment: Description: 'Align `end` keyword' Enabled: true RBS/Layout/ExtraSpacing: Description: 'Remove extra spacing' Enabled: true RBS/Layout/IndentationWidth: Description: 'Use 2 spaces for indentation' Enabled: true RBS/Layout/OverloadIndentation: Description: 'Indent overload method' Enabled: true RBS/Layout/SpaceAroundArrow: Description: 'Use space around `->`' Enabled: true RBS/Layout/SpaceAroundBraces: Description: 'Use space around `{}`' Enabled: true RBS/Layout/SpaceAroundOperators: Description: 'Use space around `|` or `&`' Enabled: true RBS/Layout/SpaceBeforeColon: Description: 'Use space before `:`' Enabled: true RBS/Layout/SpaceBeforeOverload: Description: 'Use space before overload method' Enabled: true RBS/Layout/TrailingWhitespace: Description: 'Remove trailing whitespace' Enabled: true ## RBS/Lint RBS/Lint: Severity: warning Enabled: true RBS/Lint/AmbiguousOperatorPrecedence: Description: 'Check ambiguous operator precedence' Enabled: true RBS/Lint/DuplicateOverload: Description: 'Checks that there are no repeated overload bodies' Enabled: true RBS/Lint/LiteralIntersection: Description: 'Check literal intersection' Enabled: true RBS/Lint/Syntax: Severity: fatal Description: 'Check RBS syntax' Enabled: true RBS/Lint/UselessAccessModifier: AutoCorrect: contextual Description: 'Check useless access modifier' Enabled: true RBS/Lint/UselessOverloadTypeParams: Description: 'Check redundant overload type params' Enabled: true RBS/Lint/WillSyntaxError: Description: 'Check RBS will syntax error' Enabled: true ## RBS/Style RBS/Style: Enabled: true RBS/Style/BlockReturnBoolish: Description: 'Use `bool` for block return type' Enabled: true RBS/Style/ClassicType: Description: 'Use simple type' Enabled: true RBS/Style/DuplicatedType: Description: 'Check duplicated type' Enabled: true RBS/Style/EmptyArgument: Description: 'Use `()` for empty argument' Enabled: true RBS/Style/InitializeReturnType: Description: 'Use `void` for initialize method' Enabled: true RBS/Style/OptionalNil: Description: 'Use nil instead of nil?' Enabled: true RBS/Style/RedundantParentheses: Description: 'Remove redundant parentheses' Enabled: true RBS/Style/TrueFalse: Description: 'Use bool instead of true | false' Enabled: true