module Foobara module Persistence class InvalidRecordError < StandardError attr_accessor :record def initialize(record) self.record = record super("Cannot persist invalid record #{record}: #{record.validation_errors}") end end class EntityBase # TODO: move this under Transaction class TransactionTable class NoRecordFound < StandardError; end include Concerns::RecordTracking include Concerns::Queries attr_accessor :entity_attributes_crud_driver_table, :entity_class, :transaction def initialize(transaction, entity_class) self.transaction = transaction self.entity_class = entity_class self.entity_attributes_crud_driver_table = transaction.entity_attributes_crud_driver.table_for(entity_class) super() end def find_tracked(record_id) unless record_id # :nocov: raise ArgumentError, "Cannot use a blank primary key value" # :nocov: end if record_id.is_a?(::String) && record_id.empty? # :nocov: raise ArgumentError, "Cannot use a blank primary key value" # :nocov: end if record_id.is_a?(::Symbol) && record_id.to_s.empty? # :nocov: raise ArgumentError, "Cannot use a blank primary key value" # :nocov: end tracked_records.find_by_key(record_id) end def first found_attributes = normalize_attributes(entity_attributes_crud_driver_table.first) if found_attributes record_id = primary_key_for_attributes(found_attributes) record = tracked_records.find_by_key(record_id) || transaction.loaded(entity_class, found_attributes) record || marked_created.first end end def load(entity_or_record_id) if entity_or_record_id.is_a?(Entity) if entity_or_record_id.loaded? # :nocov: raise "#{entity_or_record_id} is already loaded!" # :nocov: end entity = tracked_records[entity_or_record_id] if entity && !entity.equal?(entity_or_record_id) # :nocov: raise "This transaction is already tracking a different entity with the same primary key." \ "Try passing in the primary key instead of constructing an unloaded entity to pass in." # :nocov: end record_id = entity.primary_key else record_id = entity_or_record_id if record_id.is_a?(::Hash) # :nocov: raise ArgumentError, "Unlikely that you meant to use a hash as a primary key" # :nocov: end unless record_id # :nocov: raise ArgumentError, "Cannot use a blank primary key value" # :nocov: end if record_id.is_a?(::String) && record_id.empty? # :nocov: raise ArgumentError, "Cannot use a blank primary key value" # :nocov: end if record_id.is_a?(::Symbol) && record_id.to_s.empty? # :nocov: raise ArgumentError, "Cannot use a blank primary key value" # :nocov: end entity = tracked_records.find_by_key(record_id) if entity&.loaded? return entity end end if entity loading(entity) do attributes = normalize_attributes(entity_attributes_crud_driver_table.find!(record_id)) unless attributes # :nocov: raise NoRecordFound, "could not find record for #{entity_class.full_entity_name}:#{record_id}" # :nocov: end entity.successfully_loaded(attributes) end else attributes = normalize_attributes(entity_attributes_crud_driver_table.find!(record_id)) unless attributes # :nocov: raise NoRecordFound, "could not find record for #{entity_class.full_entity_name}:#{record_id}" # :nocov: end transaction.loaded(entity_class, attributes) end end def load_many(record_ids_or_entities) to_load_record_ids = [] entities = {} record_ids_or_entities.each do |entity_or_record_id| if entity_or_record_id.is_a?(Entity) if entity_or_record_id.loaded? next end entity = tracked_records[entity_or_record_id] if entity && !entity.equal?(entity_or_record_id) # :nocov: raise "This transaction is already tracking a different entity with the same primary key." \ "Try passing in the primary key instead of constructing an unloaded entity to pass in." # :nocov: end record_id = entity.primary_key to_load_record_ids << record_id entities[record_id] = entity else record_id = entity_or_record_id if record_id.is_a?(::Hash) # :nocov: raise ArgumentError, "Unlikely that you meant to use a hash as a primary key" # :nocov: end # TODO: encapsulate this record_id verification unless record_id # :nocov: raise ArgumentError, "Cannot use a blank primary key value" # :nocov: end if record_id.is_a?(::String) && record_id.empty? # :nocov: raise ArgumentError, "Cannot use a blank primary key value" # :nocov: end if record_id.is_a?(::Symbol) && record_id.to_s.empty? # :nocov: raise ArgumentError, "Cannot use a blank primary key value" # :nocov: end entity = tracked_records.find_by_key(record_id) if entity if entity.loaded? entities[record_id] = entity end else entities[record_id] = entity_class.thunk(record_id) to_load_record_ids << record_id end end end entity_attributes_crud_driver_table.find_many!(to_load_record_ids).each do |attributes| attributes = normalize_attributes(attributes) record_id = primary_key_for_attributes(attributes) entity = entities[record_id] entity.successfully_loaded(attributes) entities[record_id] = entity end do |record_id_or_entity| if record_id_or_entity.is_a?(Entity) record_id_or_entity else entities[record_id_or_entity] end end end def find_by_attribute(attribute_name, value) find_by(attribute_name => value) end def find_all_by_attribute(attribute_name, value) find_many_by(attribute_name => value) end def find_by_attribute_containing(attribute_name, value) value = entity_class.attributes_type.element_types[attribute_name].element_type.process_value!(value) tracked_records.each do |record| next if hard_deleted?(record) # TODO: what if there are multiple?? if record.read_attribute(attribute_name).include?(value) return record end end found_attributes = entity_attributes_crud_driver_table.find_by_attribute_containing( attribute_name, to_persistable(value, false) ) if found_attributes entity_class.loaded(normalize_attributes(found_attributes)) end end def find_by(attributes_filter) element_types = entity_class.attributes_type.element_types attributes_filter = attributes_filter.to_h do |attribute_name, value| [attribute_name, element_types[attribute_name].process_value!(value)] end attributes_filter = to_persistable(attributes_filter, false) tracked_records.each do |record| next if hard_deleted?(record) if entity_attributes_crud_driver_table.matches_attributes_filter?(record.attributes, attributes_filter) return record end end found_attributes = entity_attributes_crud_driver_table.find_by(attributes_filter) if found_attributes found_attributes = normalize_attributes(found_attributes) record_id = primary_key_for_attributes(found_attributes) record = find_tracked(record_id) return record if record entity_class.loaded(found_attributes) end end def find_many_by(attributes_filter) attributes_filter = entity_class.attributes_type.process_value!(attributes_filter) yielded_ids = do |yielder| tracked_records.each do |record| next if hard_deleted?(record) if entity_attributes_crud_driver_table.matches_attributes_filter?(record.attributes, attributes_filter) yielded_ids << record.primary_key yielder << record end end entity_attributes_crud_driver_table.find_many_by(attributes_filter).each do |found_attributes| found_attributes = normalize_attributes(found_attributes) record_id = primary_key_for_attributes(found_attributes) next if yielded_ids.include?(record_id) record = find_tracked(record_id) || entity_class.loaded(found_attributes) yielder << record end end end def find_all_by_attribute_containing_any_of(attribute_name, values) values = Util.array(values) return [] if values.empty? value_type = entity_class.attributes_type.element_types[attribute_name].element_type values = do |value| value_type.process_value!(value) end yielded_ids = do |yielder| tracked_records.each do |record| next if hard_deleted?(record) record_values = record.read_attribute(attribute_name) next unless record_values next if record_values.empty? # TODO: what if there are multiple?? values.each do |value| if record_values.include?(value) yielded_ids << record.primary_key yielder << record end end end values = do |value| to_persistable(value, false) end entity_attributes_crud_driver_table.find_all_by_attribute_containing_any_of( attribute_name, values ).each do |found_attributes| found_attributes = normalize_attributes(found_attributes) record_id = primary_key_for_attributes(found_attributes) next if yielded_ids.include?(record_id) record = find_tracked(record_id) || entity_class.loaded(found_attributes) yielder << record end end end def find_all_by_attribute_any_of(attribute_name, values) values = Util.array(values) return [] if values.empty? value_type = entity_class.attributes_type.element_types[attribute_name] values = do |value| value_type.process_value!(value) end yielded_ids = do |yielder| tracked_records.each do |record| next if hard_deleted?(record) record_value = record.read_attribute(attribute_name) # TODO: what if there are multiple?? if values.include?(record_value) yielded_ids << record.primary_key yielder << record end end values = do |value| to_persistable(value, false) end entity_attributes_crud_driver_table.find_all_by_attribute_any_of( attribute_name, values ).each do |found_attributes| found_attributes = normalize_attributes(found_attributes) record_id = primary_key_for_attributes(found_attributes) next if yielded_ids.include?(record_id) record = find_tracked(record_id) || entity_class.loaded(found_attributes) yielder << record end end end def track_unloaded_thunk(record) tracked(record) end def track_created(entity) if entity.persisted? # :nocov: raise "Cannot insert #{entity} because it's already persisted." # :nocov: end created(entity) end def track_loaded(entity) tracked_records << entity end def hard_delete_all! tracked_records.each do |record| record.hard_delete! unless record.hard_deleted? end entity_attributes_crud_driver_table.hard_delete_all all_hard_deleted end def count persisted_count = entity_attributes_crud_driver_table.count persisted_count + marked_created.count - marked_hard_deleted.count end def exists?(record_id) record = tracked_records.find_by_key(record_id) # TODO: stamp the fact that it exists on the record somehow or in the record_tracking concern. (record && !record.hard_deleted? && (!record.persisted? || record.loaded?)) || entity_attributes_crud_driver_table.exists?(record_id) end def all_exist?(record_ids) to_check_ids = record_ids.reject do |record_id| record = tracked_records.find_by_key(record_id) record && !record.hard_deleted? && (!record.persisted? || record.loaded?) end to_check_ids.empty? || entity_attributes_crud_driver_table.all_exist?(to_check_ids) end def primary_key_for_attributes(attributes) attributes[entity_class.primary_key_attribute] end def to_persistable(object, initial = true) case object when Entity if initial to_persistable(object.attributes, false) else object.primary_key end when Model to_persistable(object.attributes, false) when ::Hash object.transform_values do |value| to_persistable(value, false) end when ::Array do |element| to_persistable(element, false) end else object end end def validate! marked_created.each do |record| unless record.valid? raise InvalidRecordError, record end end marked_updated.each do |record| unless record.valid? raise InvalidRecordError, record end end end def flush_created! marked_created.each do |record| tracked_records.delete(record) flush_created_associations!(record) # TODO: do this in bulk attributes = entity_attributes_crud_driver_table.insert(to_persistable(record)) record.write_attributes_without_callbacks(attributes) # we need to update finding the tracked object by key and removing/reading it seems to be the simplest # way to accomplish that at the moment tracked_records << record record.is_persisted = record.is_loaded = true record.is_created = false record.save_persisted_attributes end marked_created.clear end def flush_created_record!(record) tracked_records.delete(record) flush_created_associations!(record) unmark_created(record) attributes = entity_attributes_crud_driver_table.insert(to_persistable(record)) record.write_attributes_without_callbacks(attributes) # we need to update finding the tracked object by key and removing/reading it seems to be the simplest # way to accomplish that at the moment tracked_records << record record.is_persisted = record.is_loaded = true record.is_created = false record.save_persisted_attributes end def flush_created_associations!(record) entity_class.associations.each_key do |association_data_path| DataPath.values_at(association_data_path, record).each do |associated_record| next unless associated_record.created? transaction = Persistence::EntityBase::Transaction.open_transaction_for(associated_record) unless transaction # :nocov: raise "No open transaction for #{associated_record}" # :nocov: end if transaction.created?(associated_record) transaction.flush_created_record!(associated_record) end end end end def flush_updated_and_hard_deleted! # TODO: use bulk operations to improve performance... marked_updated.each do |record| attributes = entity_attributes_crud_driver_table.update(to_persistable(record)) record.write_attributes_without_callbacks(attributes) record.save_persisted_attributes end marked_updated.clear # TODO: use bulk operations to improve performance... marked_hard_deleted.each do |record| entity_attributes_crud_driver_table.hard_delete(record.primary_key) record.save_persisted_attributes end marked_hard_deleted.clear end def rollback! # TODO: could pause record tracking while doing this as a performance boost # is it really safe to do this without callbacks?? What about other systems listening # to those callbacks? This feels wrong. # TODO: fix this marked_updated.each(&:restore_without_callbacks!) marked_hard_deleted.each(&:restore_without_callbacks!) marked_created.each(&:hard_delete_without_callbacks!) rolled_back end def revert! # TODO: could pause record tracking while doing this as a performance boost marked_updated.each(&:restore_without_callbacks!) marked_hard_deleted.each(&:restore_without_callbacks!) marked_created.each(&:restore_without_callbacks!) reverted end def tracking?(record) tracked_records.include?(record) end private def normalize_attributes(attributes) if attributes begin attributes = attributes.transform_keys(&:to_sym) primary_key_name = entity_class.primary_key_attribute primary_key_value = attributes[primary_key_name] attributes[primary_key_name] = entity_class.primary_key_type.cast!(primary_key_value) attributes end end end end end end end