require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'lib', 'ffi-rzmq') def assert(rc) raise "Last API call failed at #{caller(1)}" unless rc >= 0 end link = "tcp://" begin ctx = s1 = ctx.socket(ZMQ::XREQ) s2 = ctx.socket(ZMQ::XREP) rescue ContextError => e STDERR.puts "Failed to allocate context or socket" raise end s1.identity = 'socket1.xreq' s2.identity = 'socket2.xrep' assert(s1.setsockopt(ZMQ::LINGER, 100)) assert(s2.setsockopt(ZMQ::LINGER, 100)) assert(s1.bind(link)) assert(s2.connect(link)) poller = poller.register_readable(s2) poller.register_writable(s1) start_time = @unsent = true until @done do assert(poller.poll_nonblock) # send the message after 5 seconds if - start_time > 5 && @unsent puts "sending payload nonblocking" 5.times do |i| payload = "#{ i.to_s * 40 }" assert(s1.send_string(payload, ZMQ::NonBlocking)) end @unsent = false end # check for messages after 1 second if - start_time > 1 poller.readables.each do |sock| if sock.identity =~ /xrep/ routing_info = '' assert(sock.recv_string(routing_info, ZMQ::NonBlocking)) puts "routing_info received [#{routing_info}] on socket.identity [#{sock.identity}]" else routing_info = nil received_msg = '' assert(sock.recv_string(received_msg, ZMQ::NonBlocking)) # skip to the next iteration if received_msg is nil; that means we got an EAGAIN next unless received_msg puts "message received [#{received_msg}] on socket.identity [#{sock.identity}]" end while sock.more_parts? do received_msg = '' assert(sock.recv_string(received_msg, ZMQ::NonBlocking)) puts "message received [#{received_msg}]" end puts "kick back a reply" assert(sock.send_string(routing_info, ZMQ::SNDMORE | ZMQ::NonBlocking)) if routing_info time = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.#{}" reply = "reply " + sock.identity.upcase + " #{time}" puts "sent reply [#{reply}], #{time}" assert(sock.send_string(reply)) @done = true poller.register_readable(s1) end end end puts "executed in [#{ - start_time}] seconds" assert(s1.close) assert(s2.close) ctx.terminate