require File.expand_path '../helper', __FILE__ class SenderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup reset_config end def build_sender(opts = {}) Airbrake.configure do |conf| opts.each {|opt, value| conf.send(:"#{opt}=", value) } end end def send_exception(args = {}) notice = args.delete(:notice) || build_notice_data notice.stubs(:to_xml) sender = args.delete(:sender) || build_sender(args) sender.send_to_airbrake(notice) end def stub_http(options = {}) response = stub(:body => options[:body] || 'body') http = stub(:post => response, :read_timeout= => nil, :open_timeout= => nil, :ca_file= => nil, :verify_mode= => nil, :use_ssl= => nil) Net::HTTP.stubs(:new => http) http end should "post to Airbrake when using an HTTP proxy" do response = stub(:body => 'body') http = stub(:post => response, :read_timeout= => nil, :open_timeout= => nil, :use_ssl= => nil) proxy = stub(:new => http) Net::HTTP.stubs(:Proxy => proxy) url = "{Airbrake::Sender::NOTICES_URI}" uri = URI.parse(url) proxy_host = '' proxy_port = 88 proxy_user = 'login' proxy_pass = 'passwd' send_exception(:proxy_host => proxy_host, :proxy_port => proxy_port, :proxy_user => proxy_user, :proxy_pass => proxy_pass) assert_received(http, :post) do |expect| expect.with(uri.path, anything, Airbrake::Sender::HEADERS[:xml]) end assert_received(Net::HTTP, :Proxy) do |expect| expect.with(proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_user, proxy_pass) end end should "return the created group's id on successful posting" do stub_http(:body => '<id type="integer">3799307</id>') assert_equal "3799307", send_exception(:secure => false) end context "when using the XML API" do should "post to Airbrake with XML passed" do xml_notice = => "FooBar", :error_message => "Foo Bar").to_xml http = stub_http sender = build_sender sender.send_to_airbrake(xml_notice) assert_received(http, :post) do |expect| expect.with(anything, xml_notice, Airbrake::Sender::HEADERS[:xml]) end end should "post to Airbrake with a Notice instance passed" do notice = => "FooBar", :error_message => "Foo Bar") http = stub_http sender = build_sender sender.send_to_airbrake(notice) assert_received(http, :post) do |expect| expect.with(anything, notice.to_xml, Airbrake::Sender::HEADERS[:xml]) end end end context "when using new JSON API" do should "post to Airbrake with JSON passed" do json_notice = => "FooBar", :error_message => "Foo Bar").to_json http = stub_http sender = build_sender(:project_id => "PROJECT_ID", :host => "") sender.send_to_airbrake(json_notice) assert_received(http, :post) do |expect| expect.with(anything, json_notice, Airbrake::Sender::HEADERS[:json]) end end should "post to Airbrake with notice passed" do notice = => "FooBar", :error_message => "Foo Bar") http = stub_http sender = build_sender(:project_id => "PROJECT_ID", :host => "") sender.send_to_airbrake(notice) assert_received(http, :post) do |expect| expect.with(anything, notice.to_json, Airbrake::Sender::HEADERS[:json]) end end end context "when encountering exceptions: " do context "HTTP connection setup problems" do should "not be rescued" do proxy = stub() proxy.stubs(:new).raises(NoMemoryError) Net::HTTP.stubs(:Proxy => proxy) assert_raise NoMemoryError do build_sender.send(:setup_http_connection) end end should "be logged" do proxy = stub() proxy.stubs(:new).raises(RuntimeError) Net::HTTP.stubs(:Proxy => proxy) sender = build_sender sender.expects(:log) assert_raise RuntimeError do sender.send(:setup_http_connection) end end end context "unexpected exception sending problems" do should "be logged" do sender = build_sender sender.stubs(:setup_http_connection).raises( sender.expects(:log) send_exception(:sender => sender) end should "return nil no matter what" do sender = build_sender sender.stubs(:setup_http_connection).raises(LocalJumpError) assert_nothing_thrown do assert_nil sender.send_to_airbrake(build_notice_data) end end end should "return nil on failed posting" do http = stub_http http.stubs(:post).raises(Errno::ECONNREFUSED) assert_equal nil, send_exception(:secure => false) end should "not fail when posting and a timeout exception occurs" do http = stub_http http.stubs(:post).raises(TimeoutError) assert_nothing_thrown do send_exception(:secure => false) end end should "not fail when posting and a connection refused exception occurs" do http = stub_http http.stubs(:post).raises(Errno::ECONNREFUSED) assert_nothing_thrown do send_exception(:secure => false) end end should "not fail when posting any http exception occurs" do http = stub_http Airbrake::Sender::HTTP_ERRORS.each do |error| http.stubs(:post).raises(error) assert_nothing_thrown do send_exception(:secure => false) end end end end context "SSL" do should "post to the right url for non-ssl" do http = stub_http url = "{Airbrake::Sender::NOTICES_URI}" uri = URI.parse(url) send_exception(:secure => false) assert_received(http, :post) {|expect| expect.with(uri.path, anything, Airbrake::Sender::HEADERS[:xml]) } end should "post to the right path for ssl" do http = stub_http send_exception(:secure => true) assert_received(http, :post) {|expect| expect.with(Airbrake::Sender::NOTICES_URI, anything, Airbrake::Sender::HEADERS[:xml]) } end should "verify the SSL peer when the use_ssl option is set to true" do url = "{Airbrake::Sender::NOTICES_URI}" uri = URI.parse(url) real_http =, uri.port) real_http.stubs(:post => nil) proxy = stub(:new => real_http) Net::HTTP.stubs(:Proxy => proxy) File.stubs(:exist?).with(OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE).returns(false) send_exception(:secure => true) assert(real_http.use_ssl?) assert_equal(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER, real_http.verify_mode) assert_equal(Airbrake.configuration.local_cert_path, real_http.ca_file) end should "use the default DEFAULT_CERT_FILE if asked to" do config = config.use_system_ssl_cert_chain = true sender = assert(sender.use_system_ssl_cert_chain?) http = sender.send(:setup_http_connection) assert_not_equal http.ca_file, config.local_cert_path end should "verify the connection when the use_ssl option is set (VERIFY_PEER)" do sender = build_sender(:secure => true) http = sender.send(:setup_http_connection) assert_equal(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER, http.verify_mode) end should "use the default cert (OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE) only if explicitly told to" do sender = build_sender(:secure => true) http = sender.send(:setup_http_connection) assert_equal(Airbrake.configuration.local_cert_path, http.ca_file) File.stubs(:exist?).with(OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE).returns(true) sender = build_sender(:secure => true, :use_system_ssl_cert_chain => true) http = sender.send(:setup_http_connection) assert_not_equal(Airbrake.configuration.local_cert_path, http.ca_file) assert_equal(OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE, http.ca_file) end should "connect to the right port for ssl" do stub_http send_exception(:secure => true) assert_received(Net::HTTP, :new) {|expect| expect.with("", 443) } end should "connect to the right port for non-ssl" do stub_http send_exception(:secure => false) assert_received(Net::HTTP, :new) {|expect| expect.with("", 80) } end should "use ssl if secure" do stub_http send_exception(:secure => true, :host => '') assert_received(Net::HTTP, :new) {|expect| expect.with('', 443) } end should "not use ssl if not secure" do stub_http send_exception(:secure => false, :host => '') assert_received(Net::HTTP, :new) {|expect| expect.with('', 80) } end end context "network timeouts" do should "default the open timeout to 2 seconds" do http = stub_http send_exception assert_received(http, :open_timeout=) {|expect| expect.with(2) } end should "default the read timeout to 5 seconds" do http = stub_http send_exception assert_received(http, :read_timeout=) {|expect| expect.with(5) } end should "allow override of the open timeout" do http = stub_http send_exception(:http_open_timeout => 4) assert_received(http, :open_timeout=) {|expect| expect.with(4) } end should "allow override of the read timeout" do http = stub_http send_exception(:http_read_timeout => 10) assert_received(http, :read_timeout=) {|expect| expect.with(10) } end end end