module Alf module Support NOT_PROVIDED = # Converts `value` to a lispy expression. # # Example: # # expr = Alf.examples.compile{ # project(:suppliers, [:name]) # } # Support.to_lispy(expr) # # => project(:suppliers, [:name]) # # @param [Object] expr any ruby object denoting a lispy expression # @return [String] a lispy expression for `value` def to_lispy(expr, default = NOT_PROVIDED) ToLispy.apply(expr) rescue NotSupportedError raise if default == NOT_PROVIDED default end # Myrrha rules for converting to ruby literals ToLispy = Myrrha::coercions do |r| # Delegate to #to_lispy if it exists lispy_able = lambda{|v,rd| v.respond_to?(:to_lispy)} r.upon(lispy_able) do |v,rd| v.to_lispy end # Let's assume to to_ruby_literal will make the job r.fallback(Object) do |v, _| Support.to_ruby_literal(v) rescue v.inspect end end # ToLispy end # module Support end # module Alf