Sprite Factory (v1.4.1)
The sprite factory is a ruby library that can be used to generate
[CSS sprites](http://www.alistapart.com/articles/sprites). It combines
individual image files from a directory into a single unified sprite image
and creates an appropriate CSS stylesheet for use in your web application.
The library provides:
* both a ruby API and a command line script
* many customizable options
* support for multiple layout algorithms - horizontal, vertical or [packed](http://codeincomplete.com/posts/2011/5/7/bin_packing/)
* support for any stylesheet syntax, including [CSS](http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/) and [Sass](http://sass-lang.com/).
* support for any image library, including [RMagick](http://rmagick.rubyforge.org/) and [ChunkyPNG](https://github.com/wvanbergen/chunky_png).
* support for pngcrush'n the generated image file
* compatible with Rails 3.1 asset pipeline
$ gem install sprite-factory
An image library is also required. SpriteFactory comes with built in support for
[RMagick](http://rmagick.rubyforge.org/) or [ChunkyPng](https://github.com/wvanbergen/chunky_png).
RMagick is the most common image libary to use, installation instructions for ubuntu:
$ sudo aptitude install imageMagick libMagickWand-dev
$ sudo gem install rmagick
ChunkyPng is lighter weight but only supports .png format:
$ gem install chunky_png
SpriteFactory can also be easily extended to use the image library of your choice.
Use the `sf` command line script specifying the location of your images.
$ sf images/icons
This will combine the individual image files within that directory and generate:
* images/icons.png
* images/icons.css
You can also use the SpriteFactory class directly from your own code:
require 'sprite_factory'
The original image name is used for the CSS class to show that image in HTML:
When using a framework such as Rails, you would usually DRY this up with a helper method:
def sprite_tag(name)
image_tag('s.gif', :class => name)
>> NOTE: `s.gif` is the traditional name of a 1x1 pixel transparent .gif used as a
dummy `src` when the true image comes from a css background attribute. Technically,
for css sprites, you could just use a `div` with a class instead of an `img`, but
to keep the markup semantic it is common to use an `img` tag with a dummy `src=s.gif`.
Much of the behavior can be customized by overriding the following options:
- `:layout` - specify layout algorithm (horizontal, vertical or packed)
- `:style` - specify stylesheet syntax (css, scss or sass)
- `:library` - specify image library to use (rmagick or chunkypng)
- `:selector` - specify custom css selector (see below)
- `:csspath` - specify custom path for css image url (see below)
- `:output_image` - specify output location for generated image (default: <input folder>.png)
- `:output_style` - specify output location for generated stylesheet (default: <input folder>.<style>)
- `:pngcrush` - pngcrush the generated output image (if pngcrush is available)
- `:padding` - add padding to each sprite
- `:width` - fix width of each sprite to a specific size
- `:height` - fix height of each sprite to a specific size
- `:nocss` - suppress generation of output style file (`run!` returns css content as a string instead)
Options can be passed as command line arguments to the `sf` script:
$ sf images/icons --style sass --layout packed
Options can also be passed as the 2nd argument to the `#run!` method:
SpriteFactory.run!('images/icons', :style => :sass, :layout => :packed)
You can see the results of many of these options by viewing the sample page that
comes with the gem in `test/images/reference/index.html`.
>> NOTE: only the common options are available via the command line script (to keep it simple). Specifically,
the advanced `width`, `height`, `padding` and `nocss` options are only available via the Ruby interface.
The generated image can be laid out in a horizontal or a vertical strip by
providing a `:layout` option (defaults to horizontal). A **new option in v1.2.0** is
to use a **:packed** layout which will attempt to generate an optimized packed
square-ish layout.
For more details on the bin-packing algorithm used:
* You can find a [description here](http://codeincomplete.com/posts/2011/5/7/bin_packing/)
* You can find a [demo here](http://codeincomplete.com/posts/2011/5/7/bin_packing/example/)
Customizing the CSS Selector
By default, the CSS generated is fairly simple. It assumes you will be using ``
elements for your sprites, and that the basename of each individual file is suitable for
use as a CSS classname. For example:
img.high { width: 16px; height: 16px; background: url(images/icons.png) 0px 0px no-repeat; }
img.medium { width: 16px; height: 16px; background: url(images/icons.png) -16px 0px no-repeat; }
img.low { width: 16px; height: 16px; background: url(images/icons.png) -32px 0px no-repeat; }
If you want to use different selectors for your rules, you can provide the `:selector` option. For
SpriteFactory.run!('images/icons', :selector => 'span.icon_')
will generate:
span.icon_high { width: 16px; height: 16px; background: url(images/icons.png) 0px 0px no-repeat; }
span.icon_medium { width: 16px; height: 16px; background: url(images/icons.png) -16px 0px no-repeat; }
span.icon_low { width: 16px; height: 16px; background: url(images/icons.png) -32px 0px no-repeat; }
Customizing the CSS Image Path
Within the generated CSS file, it can be tricky to get the correct path to your unified
sprite image. For example, you might be hosting your images on Amazon S3, or if you are
building a Ruby on Rails application you might need to generate URL's using the `#image_path`
helper method to ensure it gets the appopriate cache-busting query parameter.
By default, the SpriteFactory generates simple url's that contain only the basename of the
unified sprite image, but you can control the generation of these url's using the `:csspath`
For most CDN's, you can prepend a simple string to the image name:
:csspath => "http://s3.amazonaws.com/")
# generates: url(http://s3.amazonaws.com/icons.png)
For more control, a simple token replacement can be performed using the $IMAGE token. For example, to embed ERB
into the generated style file and let Rails generate the paths you can use:
:csspath => "<%= image_path('$IMAGE') %>")
# generates: url(<%= image_path('icons.png') %>)
>> _this assumes Rails will post-process the css file with ERB (e.g. using sprockets in the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline)_
For full control, you can provide a lambda function and generate your own paths:
:csspath => lambda{|image| image_path(image)})
# generates: url(/images/icons.png?v123456)
Customizing the entire CSS output
If you want **complete** control over the generated styles, you can pass a block to the `run!` method.
The block will be provided with information about each image, including the generated css attributes.
Whatever content the block returns will be inserted into the generated css file.
SpriteFactory.run!('images/timer') do |images|
rules = []
rules << "div.running img.button { cursor: pointer; #{images[:running][:style]} }"
rules << "div.stopped img.button { cursor: pointer; #{images[:stopped][:style]} }"
The `images` argument is a hash, where each key is the basename of an image file, and the
value is a hash of image metadata that includes the following:
* `:style` - the default generated style
* `:cssx` - the css sprite x position
* `:cssy` - the css sprite y position
* `:cssw` - the css sprite width
* `:cssh` - the css sprite height
* `:x` - the image x position
* `:y` - the image y position
* `:width` - the image width
* `:height` - the image height
(*NOTE*: the image coords can differ form the css sprite coords when padding or fixed width/height options are specified)
Using sprite-factory with the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline
The sprite-factory gem (>= v1.4.0) plays nice with the upcoming Rails 3.1 asset pipeline with a few simple steps:
Add the sprite-factory to your Gemfile, including your chosen image library dependency:
group :assets do
gem 'sprite-factory', '>= 1.4.0'
gem 'chunky_png'
Store your images in Rails 3.1 `app/assets/images` sub-folders, e.g
Create a Rake task for regenerating your sprites, e.g. in `lib/tasks/assets.rake`
require 'sprite_factory'
namespace :assets do
desc 'recreate sprite images and css'
task :resprite => :environment do
SpriteFactory.library = :chunkypng # use chunkypng as underlying image library
SpriteFactory.csspath = "<%= asset_path '$IMAGE' %>" # embed ERB into css file to be evaluated by asset pipeline
SpriteFactory.run!('app/assets/images/avatars', :output_style => 'app/assets/stylesheets/avatars.css.erb')
SpriteFactory.run!('app/assets/images/icons', :output_style => 'app/assets/stylesheets/icons.css.erb')
# ... etc ...
Run the rake task
bundle exec rake assets:resprite
* sprite images in `app/assets/images`
* sprite styles in `app/assets/stylesheets` - automatically picked up by the asset pipeline and included in your generated application.css
You can find out more here:
* [Sprite Factory 1.4.1 and the Rails Asset Pipeline](http://codeincomplete.com/posts/2011/8/6/sprite_factory_1_4_1/)
Extending the Library
The sprite factory library can be extended in a number of other ways.
* provide a custom layout algorithm in the `SpriteFactory::Layout` module.
* provide a custom style generator in the `SpriteFactory::Style` module.
* provide a custom image library in the `SpriteFactory::Library` module.
_(see existing code for examples of each)._
See [LICENSE](https://github.com/jakesgordon/sprite-factory/blob/master/LICENSE) file.
Thanks to my employer, [LiquidPlanner](http://liquidplanner.com) for allowing me to take this idea from our
online project management web application and release it into the wild.
If you have any ideas, feedback, requests or bug reports, you can reach me at
[jake@codeincomplete.com](mailto:jake@codeincomplete.com), or via
my website: [Code inComplete](http://codeincomplete.com/posts/2011/4/29/sprite_factory/).