# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- class Card; module Set; module Type; module Signup; extend Card::Set # ~~~~~~~~~~~ above autogenerated; below pulled from /Users/ethan/dev/wagn/gem/card/mod/05_standard/set/type/signup.rb ~~~~~~~~~~~ format :html do def default_new_args args super args args.merge!( optional_help: :show, # , optional_menu: :never buttons: submit_button, account: card.fetch(trait: :account, new: {}), title: 'Sign up', hidden: { success: (card.rule(:thanks) || '_self'), 'card[type_id]' => card.type_id } ) return unless Auth.signed_in? && args[:account].confirm_ok? invite_args args end def invite_args args args.merge!( title: 'Invite', buttons: button_tag('Send Invitation', situation: 'primary'), ) args[:hidden][:success] = '_self' end view :new do |args| # FIXME: make more use of standard new view? frame_and_form :create, args, 'main-success' => 'REDIRECT' do [ _render_name_formgroup(help: 'usually first and last name'), _optional_render(:account_formgroups, args), (card.structure ? edit_slot : ''), _optional_render(:button_formgroup, args) ] end end view :account_formgroups do |args| sub_args = { structure: true } sub_args[:no_password] = true if Auth.signed_in? Auth.as_bot do subformat(args[:account])._render :content_formgroup, sub_args end # YUCK!!!! end view :core do |_args| return if card.new_card? # necessary? headings = [] by_anon = card.creator_id == AnonymousID headings << %( #{ card.name } #{ 'was' if !by_anon } signed up on #{ format_date card.created_at } ) if (account = card.account) headings += verification_info account else headings << 'ERROR: signup card missing account' end <<-HTML #{ process_content render_raw } HTML end def verification_info account headings = [] token_action = 'Send' if account.token.present? headings << 'A verification email has been sent ' \ "#{ "to #{account.email}" if account.email_card.ok? :read }" token_action = 'Resend' end links = verification_links account, token_action headings << links * '' if links.any? headings end def verification_links account, token_action links = [] if account.confirm_ok? links << link_to( "#{token_action} verification email", card_path("update/~#{card.id}?approve_with_token=true") ) links << link_to( 'Approve without verification', card_path("update/~#{card.id}?approve_without_token=true") ) end if card.ok? :delete links << link_to('Deny and delete', card_path("delete/~#{card.id}")) end links end end event :activate_by_token, before: :approve, on: :update, when: proc { |c| c.has_token? } do abort :failure, 'no field manipulation mid-activation' if subcards.present? # necessary because this performs actions as Wagn Bot abort :failure, "no account associated with #{name}" if !account account.validate_token! @env_token if account.errors.empty? account.token_card.used! activate_account Auth.signin id Auth.as_bot # use admin permissions for rest of action success << '' else resend_activation_token abort :success end end def has_token? @env_token = Env.params[:token] end event :activate_account do # FIXME: -- sends email before account is fully activated add_subfield :account subfield(:account).add_subfield :status, content: 'active' self.type_id = Card.default_accounted_type_id account.send_welcome_email end event :approve_with_token, on: :update, before: :approve, when: proc { Env.params[:approve_with_token] } do abort :failure, 'illegal approval' unless account.confirm_ok? account.reset_token account.send_account_verification_email end event :approve_without_token, on: :update, before: :approve, when: proc { Env.params[:approve_without_token] } do abort :failure, 'illegal approval' unless account.confirm_ok? activate_account end event :resend_activation_token do account.reset_token account.send_account_verification_email message = 'Please check your email for a new password reset link.' if account.errors.any? message = "Sorry, #{account.errors.first.last}. #{message}" end success << { id: '_self', view: 'message', message: message } end def signed_in_as_me_without_password? Auth.signed_in? && Auth.current_id == id && account.password.blank? end event :redirect_to_edit_password, on: :update, after: :store, when: proc { |c| c.signed_in_as_me_without_password? } do Env.params[:success] = account.edit_password_success_args end event :act_as_current_for_extend_phase, before: :extend, on: :create do Auth.current_id = id end # ~~~~~~~~~~~ below autogenerated; above pulled from /Users/ethan/dev/wagn/gem/card/mod/05_standard/set/type/signup.rb ~~~~~~~~~~~ end;end;end;end;