Then /^I go back$/ do performAction('go_back') end Then /^I press the menu key$/ do performAction('press_menu') end Then /^I press the enter button$/ do performAction('send_key_enter') end Then /^I swipe left$/ do performAction('swipe', 'left') end Then /^I swipe right$/ do performAction('swipe', 'right') end Then /^I select "([^\"]*)" from the menu$/ do |item| performAction('select_from_menu', item) end Then /^I select tab number (\d+)$/ do | tab | performAction('select_tab', tab) end # @param - the "tag" associated with the tab, or the text within the tab label Then /^I select the "([^\"]*)" tab$/ do | tab | performAction('select_tab', tab) end Then /^I scroll down$/ do performAction('scroll_down') end Then /^I scroll up$/ do performAction('scroll_up') end