locales['foreman_azure_rm'] = locales['foreman_azure_rm'] || {}; locales['foreman_azure_rm']['zh_CN'] = { "domain": "foreman_azure_rm", "locale_data": { "foreman_azure_rm": { "": { "Project-Id-Version": "foreman_azure_rm 2.2.9", "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": "", "POT-Creation-Date": "2023-06-05 16:19+0200", "PO-Revision-Date": "2020-04-21 13:58+0000", "Last-Translator": "Amit Upadhye , 2022", "Language-Team": "Chinese (China) (https://app.transifex.com/foreman/teams/114/zh_CN/)", "MIME-Version": "1.0", "Content-Type": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", "Content-Transfer-Encoding": "8bit", "Language": "zh_CN", "Plural-Forms": "nplurals=1; plural=0;", "lang": "zh_CN", "domain": "foreman_azure_rm", "plural_forms": "nplurals=1; plural=0;" }, "Client ID for AzureRm": [ "AzureRm 的客户 ID" ], "Client Secret for AzureRm": [ "AzureRm 的客户 Secret" ], "Subscription ID for AzureRm": [ "AzureRm 的订阅 ID" ], "Cloud": [ "云" ], "The region you selected has no sizes associated with it": [ "您选择的区域没有与之关联的大小" ], "The selected region has no subnets": [ "所选区域没有子网" ], "The selected image has no associated compute resource": [ "所选镜像没有关联的计算资源" ], "Azure Region": [ "Azure 区" ], "Load Regions": [ "加载区" ], "is not valid, must be lowercase eg. 'eastus'. No special characters allowed.": [ "" ], "is not valid. Valid choices are %s.": [ "" ], "%{vm_size} VM Size": [ "%{vm_size} 虚拟机大小" ], "Client ID": [ "客户 ID" ], "Client Secret": [ "客户 Secret" ], "Subscription ID": [ "订阅 ID" ], "Tenant ID": [ "租户 ID" ], "Please select a Resource Group": [ "请选择一个资源组" ], "Resource Group": [ "资源组" ], "Reload Images, Sizes, vNets": [ "重新加载镜像,大小,vNet" ], "Please select a VM Size": [ "请选择一个虚拟机大小" ], "VM Size": [ "虚拟机大小" ], "Platform": [ "平台" ], "Username": [ "用户名" ], "Password": [ "密码" ], "SSH Key": [ "SSH 密钥" ], "Premium OS Disk": [ "高级操作系统磁盘" ], "Override OS Disk Size (GB)": [ "覆盖 OS 磁盘大小 (GB)" ], "Leave empty to use default image size": [ "留空以使用默认镜像大小" ], "Azure's Default": [ "Azure 的默认" ], "OS Disk Caching": [ "操作系统磁盘缓存" ], "Default ReadWrite": [ "默认读写" ], "Custom Script Command": [ "自定义脚本命令" ], "To perform commands as root, prefix it with 'sudo'": [ "要以 root 用户身份执行命令,在其前面加上 'sudo' 前缀" ], "Comma seperated file URIs": [ "逗号分隔的文件 URI" ], "Azure Tags": [ "" ], "Comma seperated list of name=value pairs for tags on this VM in Azure": [ "" ], "NVIDIA driver / CUDA": [ "NVIDIA 驱动程序 / CUDA" ], "Deploy NVIDIA GPU driver and CUDA (Azure Extension Microsoft.HpcCompute/NvidiaGpuDriver{Linux,Windows}/1.3)": [ "部署 NVIDIA GPU 驱动程序和 CUDA (Azure Extension Microsoft.HpcCompute/NvidiaGpuDriver{Linux,Windows}/1.3)" ], "Please select an image": [ "请选择一个镜像" ], "Image": [ "镜像" ], "Select": [ "选择" ], "Azure Subnet": [ "Azure 子网" ], "Public IP": [ "公共 IP" ], "Static Private IP": [ "静态私有 IP" ], "Size (GB)": [ "大小 (GB)" ], "Additional number of disks can be added based on VM Size. For more details, please refer to Microsoft Azure's documentation": [ "可以根据 VM 大小添加更多数量的磁盘。有关更多详细信息,请参考 Microsoft Azure 的文档。" ], "Data Disk Caching": [ "数据磁盘缓存" ], "Name": [ "名称" ], "Size": [ "大小" ], "Region": [ "区域" ], "State": [ "状态" ], "Actions": [ "操作" ], "Properties": [ "属性" ], "The user that will be used to SSH into the VM for completion": [ "使用 SSH 连接到虚拟机来完成的用户" ], "Password to authenticate with - used for SSH finish step.": [ "进行验证的密码 - 用于 SSH 完成步骤。" ], "Azure Image Name": [ "Azure 镜像名" ], "For custom or shared gallery image, use prefix 'custom://' or 'gallery://'. For public and RHEL-byos images, prefix the uuid with 'marketplace://'. (e.g. 'marketplace://OpenLogic:CentOS:7.5:latest' or 'custom://image-name')": [ "对于自定义或共享 gallery 镜像,使用前缀 'custom://' 或 'gallery://'。对于公共和 RHEL-byos 镜像,为 uuid 加 'marketplace://' 前缀。(例如 'marketplace://OpenLogic:CentOS:7.5:latest' 或 'custom://image-name')" ], "Does this image support user data input?": [ "这个镜像是否支持用户数据输入?" ], "Action with sub plans": [ "有子计划的操作" ], "Import facts": [ "导入事实" ], "Import Puppet classes": [ "导入 Puppet 类" ], "Remote action:": [ "远程操作:" ], "Azure Resource Manager as a compute resource for Foreman": [ "Azure Resource Manager 作为 Foreman 的计算资源" ] } } };