require 'spec_helper' require 'stringio' module AsciiDataTools describe Configuration do it "should allow overwriting the input source, output stream, record types and user feedback stream" do input_source = mock("input source") output_stream = mock("output stream") config =[], {:input_sources => [input_source], :output_stream => output_stream, :record_types => "record types", :user_feedback_stream => "user feedback stream"}) config.output_stream.should == output_stream config.input_sources.should == [input_source] config.record_types.should == "record types" config.user_feedback_stream.should == "user feedback stream" end it "should not be valid unless the input stream is specified" do config =[], :record_types => "record types") config.should_not be_valid config.errors.should include("No input specified.") end it "should accept existing flat files as input" do File.stub!(:exists?).with("path/to/file").and_return(true) File.should_receive(:open).with("path/to/file").and_return(mock(IO)) config =["path/to/file"], :record_types => "record types") config.should be_valid end it "should reject non-existing flat files as input" do File.stub!(:exists?).with("path/to/file").and_return(false) config =["path/to/file"], :record_types => "record types") config.should_not be_valid config.errors.should include("File path/to/file does not exist!") end it "should exit when passed invalid options" do config =["-xxx"], :record_types => "record types") config.should_not be_valid config.errors.should include("invalid option: -xxx") end it "should load record types using autodiscovery by default" do AsciiDataTools.should_receive(:autodiscover).once AsciiDataTools.stub!(:record_types).and_return("record types")[]).record_types.should == "record types" end it "should use the override for record types if specified" do AsciiDataTools.should_receive(:autodiscover).exactly(0).times[], :record_types => "overriden record types").record_types.should == "overriden record types" end end describe InputSourceFactory do it "should use STDIN as the stream when - is the input argument" do source_from(["-"]).stream.should == STDIN end it "should raise an error if the path specified in the input argument does not exist" do lambda { source_from(["path/to/non-existent-file"]) }.should raise_error(/does not exist/) end it "should raise an error if the input parameters are empty" do lambda { source_from([]) }.should raise_error(/No input specified/) end it "should raise an error if the wrong number of input parameters is specified" do lambda { source_from(["x", "y"]) }.should raise_error(/2 input sources detected/i) end it "should process multiple input sources if so configured" do File.stub!(:exists?).with("path/to/file1").and_return(true) File.should_receive(:open).with("path/to/file1").and_return("IO stream 1") File.stub!(:exists?).with("path/to/file2").and_return(true) File.should_receive(:open).with("path/to/file2").and_return("IO stream 2") factory = => 2) sources = factory.input_sources_from ["path/to/file1", "path/to/file2"] sources[0].stream.should == "IO stream 1" sources[1].stream.should == "IO stream 2" end it "should reject the input pipe as an argument if so configured" do lambda { => false).input_sources_from(["-"]) }.should raise_error /STDIN/ end it "should open the file normally if the path specified in the input argument exists and the file is not gzipped" do File.stub!(:exists?).with("path/to/file").and_return(true) File.should_receive(:open).with("path/to/file").and_return("IO stream") source_from(["path/to/file"]).stream.should == "IO stream" end it "should open the file as a gzip read stream if the path specified in the input argument exists and the file is gzipped" do File.stub!(:exists?).with("path/to/file.gz").and_return(true) Zlib::GzipReader.should_receive(:open).with("path/to/file.gz").and_return("IO stream") source_from(["path/to/file.gz"]).stream.should == "IO stream" end def source_from(args) => 1, :input_pipe_accepted => true).input_sources_from(args).first end end describe Editor do it "should write input streams to files" do result_aggregator = "" editor = do |filenames| result_aggregator = filenames.inject(result_aggregator) {|agg, f| agg + } end editor[0] << "file1 " editor[1] << "file2 " editor[2] << "file3" editor.edit result_aggregator.should == "file1 file2 file3" end it "should detect when no changes were made during editing" do editor = do |filenames| end editor[0] << "hello" editor.edit editor.changed?(0).should be_false end it "should detect when a change was made during editing" do now = File.should_receive(:mtime).and_return(now, now+1) editor = do |filenames| end editor[0] << "hello" editor.edit editor.changed?(0).should be_true end end describe InputSource do it "should read a line from the input stream when prompted to read and should know when it's full or empty" do source ="some file","abc\ndef\n")) source.should have_records == "abc\n" == "def\n" source.should_not have_records end end end