  {0d11209e-173f-49a4-ba0c-c15657a72b3e}, !- Handle
  1.13.1;                                 !- Version Identifier

  {2759562d-6e36-40de-aa86-5c2198a9d34c}, !- Handle
  ,                                       !- Calendar Year
  Sunday;                                 !- Day of Week for Start Day

  {5bae42aa-910b-413c-9bf1-37c522919800}, !- Handle
  {f2bcda2c-f4d6-4279-821f-a49f8887f27c}, !- Name
  ,                                       !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  ,                                       !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {c9532ad7-da0a-45f9-96ed-ea62ab17db64}, !- Handle
  Core_mid,                               !- Name
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  -0,                                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  5.4876,                                 !- X Origin {m}
  4.5732,                                 !- Y Origin {m}
  19.816,                                 !- Z Origin {m}
  ,                                       !- Building Story Name
  ,                                       !- Thermal Zone Name
  Yes;                                    !- Part of Total Floor Area

  {503cbf06-b696-47b8-902a-5f4f090ce948}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_top_ZN_6_Floor,              !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {ad63a923-b138-4343-b031-0f686a9aa91f}, !- Space Name
  Adiabatic,                              !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0.9144, 39.5918, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0.9144, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 0;                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {32a16ddd-3d4f-4c9b-b883-8d736da632a9}, !- Handle
  {e5946b70-1397-4a33-abd3-bd441772fb74}, !- Name
  ,                                       !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  ,                                       !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {ad63a923-b138-4343-b031-0f686a9aa91f}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_top_ZN_6,                    !- Name
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  -0,                                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  4.5732,                                 !- X Origin {m}
  4.5732,                                 !- Y Origin {m}
  43.5952,                                !- Z Origin {m}
  ,                                       !- Building Story Name
  ,                                       !- Thermal Zone Name
  ,                                       !- Part of Total Floor Area
  ;                                       !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name

  {b0c56acc-38cf-4518-a38a-bb6ee3ad18ab}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_2_Wall_East_Window,    !- Name
  FixedWindow,                            !- Sub Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {9f946c4f-a94d-4946-87a0-204ee59b1052}, !- Surface Name
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Shading Control Name
  ,                                       !- Frame and Divider Name
  1,                                      !- Multiplier
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 0, 2.5,                         !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 0.914719999999999,           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 48.738, 0.914719999999999,      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 48.738, 2.5;                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {9f946c4f-a94d-4946-87a0-204ee59b1052}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_2_Wall_East,           !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {7e340c82-5b29-41c5-9ccd-9a28338e4ae1}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 48.7381, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 48.7381, 2.744;                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {645d04e0-4f17-4ec0-b149-bb89a6ef1e82}, !- Handle
  {c58c4205-467f-4713-83e6-ba5d90c3ccc5}, !- Name
  ,                                       !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  ,                                       !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {7e340c82-5b29-41c5-9ccd-9a28338e4ae1}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_2,                     !- Name
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  -0,                                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  68.534,                                 !- X Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Y Origin {m}
  19.816,                                 !- Z Origin {m}
  ,                                       !- Building Story Name
  ,                                       !- Thermal Zone Name
  Yes;                                    !- Part of Total Floor Area

  {370e7613-b020-4b6d-9a06-8f9b943f6665}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_1_Ceiling,             !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fbcda114-4a6f-4d17-ba38-7d71c7b8bbff}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {9cd5a643-1952-4351-bac4-6ce973890b8f}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 0, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  68.534, 4.5732, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.744;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {7abf3751-f702-4fe6-ae5f-b74b2eb0bca6}, !- Handle
  {63be9286-20a5-4b90-af53-491a50d24ece}, !- Name
  ,                                       !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  ,                                       !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {fbcda114-4a6f-4d17-ba38-7d71c7b8bbff}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_1,                     !- Name
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  -0,                                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  0,                                      !- X Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Y Origin {m}
  19.816,                                 !- Z Origin {m}
  ,                                       !- Building Story Name
  ,                                       !- Thermal Zone Name
  Yes;                                    !- Part of Total Floor Area

  {9393ffb6-9c9d-4309-b9b2-f354ef4e756c}, !- Handle
  {2059b0de-e5e6-4652-a970-45663ff37e21}, !- Name
  ,                                       !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  ,                                       !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {d6fae17a-2423-4ae7-b189-02f65601f395}, !- Handle
  MidFloor_Plenum,                        !- Name
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  -0,                                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  0,                                      !- X Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Y Origin {m}
  22.56,                                  !- Z Origin {m}
  ,                                       !- Building Story Name
  ,                                       !- Thermal Zone Name
  No,                                     !- Part of Total Floor Area
  ,                                       !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
  ;                                       !- Building Unit Name

  {9cd5a643-1952-4351-bac4-6ce973890b8f}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_1_Ceiling Reversed,    !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d6fae17a-2423-4ae7-b189-02f65601f395}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {370e7613-b020-4b6d-9a06-8f9b943f6665}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  68.534, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {9fc7900b-60c5-4318-be68-c2a994c9c978}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_mid_ZN_6_Wall_West,          !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {2c6ae4f5-d65e-4636-8802-7d13d7260722}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {82f55c5e-745b-4c15-a423-60bddbf56c5a}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 39.5918, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.744;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {9681051a-f3a5-4053-856c-37ade7c423f7}, !- Handle
  {a1f7c33d-fde9-44c4-a87c-eed965ea6b84}, !- Name
  ,                                       !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  ,                                       !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {2c6ae4f5-d65e-4636-8802-7d13d7260722}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_mid_ZN_6,                    !- Name
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  -0,                                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  4.5732,                                 !- X Origin {m}
  4.5732,                                 !- Y Origin {m}
  19.816,                                 !- Z Origin {m}
  ,                                       !- Building Story Name
  ;                                       !- Thermal Zone Name

  {77b940a1-bfdd-4414-ad3c-632f18882d3f}, !- Handle
  {34f5a10f-bc39-4cd3-b31a-bc0ac199216d}, !- Name
  ,                                       !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  ,                                       !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {252d5491-4adf-40c7-b2c2-5f3c366963cc}, !- Handle
  Core_bottom,                            !- Name
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  -0,                                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  5.4876,                                 !- X Origin {m}
  4.5732,                                 !- Y Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Z Origin {m}
  ,                                       !- Building Story Name
  ,                                       !- Thermal Zone Name
  Yes;                                    !- Part of Total Floor Area

  {3fc96f62-dfdc-4573-82ee-671168d1232f}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_basement_ZN_6_Ceiling-Core_bot_ZN_5-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {252d5491-4adf-40c7-b2c2-5f3c366963cc}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {9c4cd6ed-9920-48ea-acd5-53d88fdbc4ec}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  10.5906, 39.5918, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  10.5906, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 0;                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {8cee6b0e-b327-4162-99af-bdd3fad8a288}, !- Handle
  Core_top_ZN_5_Wall_North-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {bf3e28c0-5c36-4ba7-8f6b-40c5c095b5f0}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {72a13a95-e4f4-4099-bbc4-a7b9a3d27dfa}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  5.4876, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  5.4876, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  68.534, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  68.534, 0, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {0e19e1d7-0299-4b30-b129-a244565ae369}, !- Handle
  {5be8edf0-d0d8-4445-ba24-f6ac9d7df0d7}, !- Name
  ,                                       !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  ,                                       !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {bf3e28c0-5c36-4ba7-8f6b-40c5c095b5f0}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_3,                     !- Name
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  -0,                                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  -7.21911419532262e-16,                  !- X Origin {m}
  44.165,                                 !- Y Origin {m}
  43.5952,                                !- Z Origin {m}
  ,                                       !- Building Story Name
  ,                                       !- Thermal Zone Name
  Yes;                                    !- Part of Total Floor Area

  {df5f6311-1983-4839-adb4-7ba4f4e7bbb8}, !- Handle
  Core_top_ZN_5_Wall_West,                !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {c37fd6ec-d4bc-468a-8c95-3ae276d0b5cb}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {3a8bc761-afcd-446c-955c-8e3f0810fe12}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 39.5918, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.744;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {8afa0a8b-ee8f-4b3c-8e8f-0ca3fc7dde2f}, !- Handle
  {c4509ce6-cd16-4ce8-a9b0-9344e1256af6}, !- Name
  ,                                       !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  ,                                       !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {c37fd6ec-d4bc-468a-8c95-3ae276d0b5cb}, !- Handle
  Core_top,                               !- Name
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  -0,                                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  5.4876,                                 !- X Origin {m}
  4.5732,                                 !- Y Origin {m}
  43.5952,                                !- Z Origin {m}
  ,                                       !- Building Story Name
  ,                                       !- Thermal Zone Name
  Yes;                                    !- Part of Total Floor Area

  {2faf7f65-dc91-4a4d-b0f7-4f072bfecaca}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_Floor,               !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d59c9de6-0b6a-4003-83b3-9abbb0fc11e6}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {32afe101-496f-43d3-9c79-7a7981fd2075}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 4.5731, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  68.534, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  16.0782, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  16.0782, 4.5731, 0;                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {3d32fb73-f9c5-4bdc-a228-0ecec70b892f}, !- Handle
  {428b7106-8f88-4d72-aa14-46016609cb48}, !- Name
  ,                                       !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  ,                                       !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {d59c9de6-0b6a-4003-83b3-9abbb0fc11e6}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_3,                     !- Name
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  -0,                                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  0,                                      !- X Origin {m}
  44.165,                                 !- Y Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Z Origin {m}
  ,                                       !- Building Story Name
  ,                                       !- Thermal Zone Name
  Yes;                                    !- Part of Total Floor Area

  {32149b41-adb7-4b41-ad95-c08825e09295}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_basement_ZN_6_Ceiling-Perimeter_bot_ZN_3-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d59c9de6-0b6a-4003-83b3-9abbb0fc11e6}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {b1dd3025-42eb-41bc-bddf-fec82b89cafe}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  16.0782, 4.5731, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  16.0782, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 4.5731, 0;                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {854b52f5-21fb-456c-860e-acb024deb99a}, !- Handle
  Basement_Wall_North,                    !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {5eccad29-dadd-43c0-a26c-31e00e7702be}, !- Space Name
  OtherSideCoefficients,                  !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  57.0278, 48.7381, 2.439,                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  57.0278, 48.7381, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 2.439;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {369ba6a2-fece-4fdc-b5da-a7d152f0d596}, !- Handle
  {9b0874ae-33b6-49af-8007-6cfd955bee50}, !- Name
  ,                                       !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  ,                                       !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {5eccad29-dadd-43c0-a26c-31e00e7702be}, !- Handle
  Basement,                               !- Name
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  -0,                                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  16.0794,                                !- X Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Y Origin {m}
  -2.439,                                 !- Z Origin {m}
  ,                                       !- Building Story Name
  ,                                       !- Thermal Zone Name
  Yes;                                    !- Part of Total Floor Area

  {4ac6ea44-6fad-4d22-9242-726039b5b7bb}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_Wall_South-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {2ff425f9-c1f4-46e4-a7b6-d29a1f6709fc}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {bc756393-0073-4502-8f6d-e63a633caa70}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 4.5732, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.744;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {bd5182e7-3f50-417b-ad69-5b0a16f52fb6}, !- Handle
  {182e0fed-7669-4f83-a2a7-390156cae73f}, !- Name
  ,                                       !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  ,                                       !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {2ff425f9-c1f4-46e4-a7b6-d29a1f6709fc}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_1,                     !- Name
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  -0,                                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  0,                                      !- X Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Y Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Z Origin {m}
  ,                                       !- Building Story Name
  ,                                       !- Thermal Zone Name
  Yes;                                    !- Part of Total Floor Area

  {348fd855-e97f-4cdb-a25d-8816afdd6950}, !- Handle
  Core_mid_ZN_5_Floor,                    !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {c9532ad7-da0a-45f9-96ed-ea62ab17db64}, !- Space Name
  Adiabatic,                              !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  63.0464, 39.5918, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  63.0464, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 0;                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {32afe101-496f-43d3-9c79-7a7981fd2075}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_Floor-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {5eccad29-dadd-43c0-a26c-31e00e7702be}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {2faf7f65-dc91-4a4d-b0f7-4f072bfecaca}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  52.4546, 44.165, 2.439,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  57.0278, 48.7381, 2.439,                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 2.439,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 44.165, 2.439;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {75202547-e5ac-4201-a7af-a7427cfc88fc}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_3_Wall_North_Window,   !- Name
  FixedWindow,                            !- Sub Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {0f1914d6-ade6-41b4-8464-a6e8d7b35a54}, !- Surface Name
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Shading Control Name
  ,                                       !- Frame and Divider Name
  1,                                      !- Multiplier
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.107, 4.5731, 2.5,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.107, 4.5731, 0.914719999999999,      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 4.5731, 0.914719999999999,           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 4.5731, 2.5;                         !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {0f1914d6-ade6-41b4-8464-a6e8d7b35a54}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_3_Wall_North,          !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {acc296c2-5131-4947-b8bf-97711c02ad52}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 4.5731, 2.744,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 4.5731, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 4.5731, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 4.5731, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {4bef2448-43f2-4269-a794-d6d35454c2e8}, !- Handle
  {2c1dcaae-c964-4570-be77-df6b72a65c29}, !- Name
  ,                                       !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  ,                                       !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {acc296c2-5131-4947-b8bf-97711c02ad52}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_3,                     !- Name
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  -0,                                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  0,                                      !- X Origin {m}
  44.165,                                 !- Y Origin {m}
  19.816,                                 !- Z Origin {m}
  ,                                       !- Building Story Name
  ,                                       !- Thermal Zone Name
  Yes;                                    !- Part of Total Floor Area

  {ec5ced3e-87c0-415a-9ceb-d3bad643a050}, !- Handle
  Core_bot_ZN_5_Wall_South-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {2ff425f9-c1f4-46e4-a7b6-d29a1f6709fc}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {268a7e22-63ae-4eb3-86fe-ead5ac1ec3cb}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  68.534, 4.5732, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  68.534, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  5.4876, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  5.4876, 4.5732, 2.744;                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {3d4da348-f579-48a3-a1d9-b5c14b19b5ed}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_mid_ZN_6_Wall_North-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {acc296c2-5131-4947-b8bf-97711c02ad52}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {22e35ab3-431d-400d-baa8-2de55185eb9d}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  5.4876, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  5.4876, 0, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {7e4d234e-0c7f-491f-aa72-623b5d531074}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_2_Floor,               !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fef7f608-2812-417a-a2ec-fcc3d22db84e}, !- Space Name
  Adiabatic,                              !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 48.7381, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 4.5732, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 44.165, 0;                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {f1438db1-853f-48df-8564-c718f1b533e1}, !- Handle
  {1f526dfa-0fc2-44c0-9f69-61011145fd3f}, !- Name
  ,                                       !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  ,                                       !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {fef7f608-2812-417a-a2ec-fcc3d22db84e}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_2,                     !- Name
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  -0,                                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  68.534,                                 !- X Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Y Origin {m}
  43.5952,                                !- Z Origin {m}
  ,                                       !- Building Story Name
  ,                                       !- Thermal Zone Name
  Yes,                                    !- Part of Total Floor Area
  ;                                       !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name

  {e89db012-ad3d-4ba3-8e60-2b6f83de9677}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_Wall_North_Window,   !- Name
  FixedWindow,                            !- Sub Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {a6970fb2-9438-492c-b381-0e01c4325c0f}, !- Surface Name
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Shading Control Name
  ,                                       !- Frame and Divider Name
  1,                                      !- Multiplier
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.107, 4.5731, 2.5,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.107, 4.5731, 0.91472,                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 4.5731, 0.91472,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 4.5731, 2.5;                         !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {a6970fb2-9438-492c-b381-0e01c4325c0f}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_Wall_North,          !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d59c9de6-0b6a-4003-83b3-9abbb0fc11e6}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 4.5731, 2.744,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 4.5731, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 4.5731, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 4.5731, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {4dd079cc-3c4c-49b7-8eeb-039223867855}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_1_Wall_South,          !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {6f883ada-330c-4aa9-aba9-5812022ed701}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 2.744,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 2.744;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {7d324164-b702-48e8-895a-1af87cb5d98d}, !- Handle
  {8b4f9c0f-9ee2-46fb-8ac4-bbb8ad83eb4a}, !- Name
  ,                                       !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  ,                                       !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {6f883ada-330c-4aa9-aba9-5812022ed701}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_1,                     !- Name
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  -0,                                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  -7.21911419532262e-16,                  !- X Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Y Origin {m}
  43.5952,                                !- Z Origin {m}
  ,                                       !- Building Story Name
  ,                                       !- Thermal Zone Name
  Yes,                                    !- Part of Total Floor Area
  ,                                       !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
  ;                                       !- Building Unit Name

  {37aa0144-c104-405c-94fd-41890879a3f4}, !- Handle
  Core_mid_ZN_5_Wall_North,               !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {c9532ad7-da0a-45f9-96ed-ea62ab17db64}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {40c6b486-749c-4d5e-923b-073e53a6111d}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  63.0464, 39.5918, 2.744,                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  63.0464, 39.5918, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 2.744;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {f5f24163-243c-4464-9eda-91f98c0e1751}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_4_Floor,               !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fa6dd353-dcdd-40da-857d-4470740aa0d0}, !- Space Name
  Adiabatic,                              !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 48.7381, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 0;                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {76926763-67c0-4353-a559-bf83397724a0}, !- Handle
  {eba31100-b536-4ccd-b542-a4c10e4a3a59}, !- Name
  ,                                       !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  ,                                       !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {fa6dd353-dcdd-40da-857d-4470740aa0d0}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_4,                     !- Name
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  -0,                                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  0,                                      !- X Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Y Origin {m}
  19.816,                                 !- Z Origin {m}
  ,                                       !- Building Story Name
  ,                                       !- Thermal Zone Name
  Yes;                                    !- Part of Total Floor Area

  {7231acf3-7b31-48ea-bb10-f50f61b62394}, !- Handle
  TopFloor_Plenum_Wall_North,             !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d90bdd43-239b-4cf7-ae27-6c4e6b492a91}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 1.2192,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 1.2192;                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {e422ee53-a159-424b-bad0-e6e749d45451}, !- Handle
  {4fc284cb-cdc1-4893-b7e7-999cba494f6c}, !- Name
  ,                                       !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  ,                                       !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {d90bdd43-239b-4cf7-ae27-6c4e6b492a91}, !- Handle
  TopFloor_Plenum,                        !- Name
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  -0,                                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  -7.21911419532262e-16,                  !- X Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Y Origin {m}
  46.3392,                                !- Z Origin {m}
  ,                                       !- Building Story Name
  ,                                       !- Thermal Zone Name
  No,                                     !- Part of Total Floor Area
  ,                                       !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
  ;                                       !- Building Unit Name

  {72a13a95-e4f4-4099-bbc4-a7b9a3d27dfa}, !- Handle
  Core_top_ZN_5_Wall_North,               !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {c37fd6ec-d4bc-468a-8c95-3ae276d0b5cb}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {8cee6b0e-b327-4162-99af-bdd3fad8a288}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  63.0464, 39.5918, 2.744,                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  63.0464, 39.5918, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 2.744;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {6b8053ca-b04c-40e5-8ba4-10cc9fc55980}, !- Handle
  Core_top_ZN_5_Wall_South-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {6f883ada-330c-4aa9-aba9-5812022ed701}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {ea4d5465-e417-4de3-87be-a97e95712b29}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  68.534, 4.5732, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  68.534, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  5.4876, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  5.4876, 4.5732, 2.744;                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {b0087f00-3fb0-4aed-8f26-2feb89aefd87}, !- Handle
  GroundFloor_Plenum_Wall_East,           !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {b30407eb-ffd6-40ad-a549-5d1cfee1d345}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 0, 1.2192,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  73.1072, 48.7381, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  73.1072, 48.7381, 1.2192;               !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {13570741-0dfe-441d-a7e6-81ef69c8431a}, !- Handle
  {d6274af7-4f62-4c87-b151-59d8086992fd}, !- Name
  ,                                       !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  ,                                       !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {b30407eb-ffd6-40ad-a549-5d1cfee1d345}, !- Handle
  GroundFloor_Plenum,                     !- Name
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  -0,                                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  0,                                      !- X Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Y Origin {m}
  2.744,                                  !- Z Origin {m}
  ,                                       !- Building Story Name
  ,                                       !- Thermal Zone Name
  No,                                     !- Part of Total Floor Area
  ,                                       !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
  ;                                       !- Building Unit Name

  {3270cf22-d4c9-4e55-a8ea-59c5909ad282}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_mid_ZN_6_ceiling,            !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {2c6ae4f5-d65e-4636-8802-7d13d7260722}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {e838050d-fc73-424e-959f-a53b31429564}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0.9144, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0.9144, 39.5918, 2.744,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.744;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {e838050d-fc73-424e-959f-a53b31429564}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_mid_ZN_6_ceiling Reversed,   !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d6fae17a-2423-4ae7-b189-02f65601f395}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {3270cf22-d4c9-4e55-a8ea-59c5909ad282}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  5.4876, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  5.4876, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 0;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {268a7e22-63ae-4eb3-86fe-ead5ac1ec3cb}, !- Handle
  Core_bot_ZN_5_Wall_South,               !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {252d5491-4adf-40c7-b2c2-5f3c366963cc}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {ec5ced3e-87c0-415a-9ceb-d3bad643a050}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 2.744,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  63.0464, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  63.0464, 0, 2.744;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {7e083f99-2b31-4363-9b2a-f6d084494fb0}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_top_ZN_6_Wall_West-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {6cd1cb1e-ec74-478a-b671-0892d887d9ed}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {ed92cf24-f8ab-4211-92b7-601209dfbe32}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 4.5732, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 2.744;                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {f99e5a14-73ce-4e5a-8c00-811ae04bffdf}, !- Handle
  {6f7faa84-7552-403e-8a38-19300e66b521}, !- Name
  ,                                       !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  ,                                       !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {6cd1cb1e-ec74-478a-b671-0892d887d9ed}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_4,                     !- Name
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  -0,                                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  -7.21911419532262e-16,                  !- X Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Y Origin {m}
  43.5952,                                !- Z Origin {m}
  ,                                       !- Building Story Name
  ,                                       !- Thermal Zone Name
  Yes;                                    !- Part of Total Floor Area

  {22589ad2-e202-40f0-8ea4-3a1465dc671e}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_3_Wall_North,          !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {bf3e28c0-5c36-4ba7-8f6b-40c5c095b5f0}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 4.5731, 2.744,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 4.5731, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 4.5731, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 4.5731, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {2ffc08d9-3d87-472d-9fb8-4d03d298cea2}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_3_Wall_North_Window,   !- Name
  FixedWindow,                            !- Sub Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {22589ad2-e202-40f0-8ea4-3a1465dc671e}, !- Surface Name
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Shading Control Name
  ,                                       !- Frame and Divider Name
  1,                                      !- Multiplier
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.107, 4.5731, 2.5,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.107, 4.5731, 0.914720000000003,      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 4.5731, 0.914720000000003,           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 4.5731, 2.5;                         !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {e6edd52a-4576-4cd3-90f0-827b1afbf872}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_Wall_South_Window,   !- Name
  FixedWindow,                            !- Sub Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {a6919b0b-58df-46c6-8fe2-a963546c6f00}, !- Surface Name
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Shading Control Name
  ,                                       !- Frame and Divider Name
  1,                                      !- Multiplier
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 2.5,                              !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0.91472,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  73.107, 0, 0.91472,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  73.107, 0, 2.5;                         !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {a6919b0b-58df-46c6-8fe2-a963546c6f00}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_Wall_South,          !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {2ff425f9-c1f4-46e4-a7b6-d29a1f6709fc}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 2.744,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 2.744;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {99fa349e-a325-406a-8cf7-4e0a1c73bbd4}, !- Handle
  Building_Roof,                          !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d90bdd43-239b-4cf7-ae27-6c4e6b492a91}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 0, 1.2192,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 48.7381, 1.2192,               !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 1.2192,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 1.2192;                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {b1dd3025-42eb-41bc-bddf-fec82b89cafe}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_basement_ZN_6_Ceiling-Perimeter_bot_ZN_3, !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {c7138cc2-589b-4e88-aa9b-6561b087ce28}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {32149b41-adb7-4b41-ad95-c08825e09295}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  16.0782, 44.165, 2.439,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  16.0782, 48.7381, 2.439,                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 2.439,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 2.439;                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {f02bb41f-83af-40d9-963d-acaea1cef39e}, !- Handle
  {a7c2d854-264e-4746-a501-2a40f0c967a4}, !- Name
  ,                                       !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  ,                                       !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {c7138cc2-589b-4e88-aa9b-6561b087ce28}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_basement_ZN_6,               !- Name
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  -0,                                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  0,                                      !- X Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Y Origin {m}
  -2.439,                                 !- Z Origin {m}
  ,                                       !- Building Story Name
  ;                                       !- Thermal Zone Name

  {31b80020-f257-4c20-a67a-014c08a7b555}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_2_Wall_North,          !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {7e340c82-5b29-41c5-9ccd-9a28338e4ae1}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {7d128996-bb86-43c1-9e95-79c15bdeb256}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 48.7381, 2.744,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 48.7381, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 44.165, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 44.165, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {d0a59f37-e292-440f-8ae6-2a115b14f8a0}, !- Handle
  Core_bot_ZN_5_Wall_West,                !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {252d5491-4adf-40c7-b2c2-5f3c366963cc}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {1c745e8a-b021-4943-9de9-ab769a4e89fa}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 39.5918, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.744;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {b0fa1412-f530-4105-9167-603b3bfe9e52}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_Floor-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {5eccad29-dadd-43c0-a26c-31e00e7702be}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {3aea0e62-e36b-4705-b26b-131867a7071a}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  57.0278, 0, 2.439,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  52.4546, 4.5732, 2.439,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 4.5732, 2.439,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.439;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {6df794e9-3c6a-4697-83e2-2f096051ecf5}, !- Handle
  Basement_Floor,                         !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {5eccad29-dadd-43c0-a26c-31e00e7702be}, !- Space Name
  OtherSideCoefficients,                  !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  57.0278, 48.7381, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  57.0278, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 0;                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {385ea05a-ccee-44ea-89e0-24075e0c0427}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_basement_ZN_6-Perimeter_bot_ZN_1-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {2ff425f9-c1f4-46e4-a7b6-d29a1f6709fc}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {57a08851-5347-4ac4-ae3f-e27199583b27}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  16.0782, 4.5732, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  16.0782, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {35256534-7dcb-487c-8754-2698ab3fb091}, !- Handle
  Core_bot_ZN_5_Wall_North-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d59c9de6-0b6a-4003-83b3-9abbb0fc11e6}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {4f514d6b-5f3a-4773-a294-0e317f993fc9}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  5.4876, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  5.4876, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  68.534, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  68.534, 0, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {e657e933-2e28-4a34-8851-c3e8ba75a417}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_mid_ZN_6_Wall_South,         !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {2c6ae4f5-d65e-4636-8802-7d13d7260722}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {602b1d84-44b4-43f4-800e-5a114c124ad1}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 2.744,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0.9144, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0.9144, 0, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {80e41be6-5e15-4045-aa9d-879ab2ec874d}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_Wall_North,          !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fa1660de-671b-44b7-b087-bcff3e03cad4}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {f4f193f2-ae84-4086-8993-59fec58adcc9}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 48.7381, 2.744,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 48.7381, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 44.165, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 44.165, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {2d88ca0e-656f-4869-98cb-4a906ba58d1b}, !- Handle
  {ba171a9b-6674-4181-847d-75804e6e95b4}, !- Name
  ,                                       !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  ,                                       !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {fa1660de-671b-44b7-b087-bcff3e03cad4}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_2,                     !- Name
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  -0,                                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  68.534,                                 !- X Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Y Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Z Origin {m}
  ,                                       !- Building Story Name
  ,                                       !- Thermal Zone Name
  Yes;                                    !- Part of Total Floor Area

  {17c5ab76-a5f2-4433-b414-301e76e8929c}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_2_Wall_North-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {bf3e28c0-5c36-4ba7-8f6b-40c5c095b5f0}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {14f33320-6d6a-4312-94a9-694259fd4aa8}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  68.534, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  68.534, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  73.1072, 4.5731, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  73.1072, 4.5731, 2.744;                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {fc24aad0-a31b-4d7e-bbaf-fc0154c26282}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_Ceiling,             !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {e00bf7aa-0083-44aa-b7cd-bd6b6b225b7a}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {15c00337-961a-40e1-8e4f-b27df8fa3a95}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 2.744,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 2.744;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {db2aad46-61bf-4d29-b6f3-49e6d1a68cc1}, !- Handle
  {fe9e26d5-52b6-448c-a4de-05bac30dadc1}, !- Name
  ,                                       !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  ,                                       !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {e00bf7aa-0083-44aa-b7cd-bd6b6b225b7a}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_4,                     !- Name
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  -0,                                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  0,                                      !- X Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Y Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Z Origin {m}
  ,                                       !- Building Story Name
  ,                                       !- Thermal Zone Name
  Yes;                                    !- Part of Total Floor Area

  {15c00337-961a-40e1-8e4f-b27df8fa3a95}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_Ceiling Reversed,    !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {b30407eb-ffd6-40ad-a549-5d1cfee1d345}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {fc24aad0-a31b-4d7e-bbaf-fc0154c26282}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 48.7381, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 0;                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {07bf6fef-804b-41f5-be4e-454ef34836c2}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_4_Wall_South-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fbcda114-4a6f-4d17-ba38-7d71c7b8bbff}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {01cd8577-649b-4433-97f2-77580c653d33}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 4.5732, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.744;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {bc756393-0073-4502-8f6d-e63a633caa70}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_Wall_South,          !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {e00bf7aa-0083-44aa-b7cd-bd6b6b225b7a}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {4ac6ea44-6fad-4d22-9242-726039b5b7bb}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 2.744,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 2.744;                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {30c6ef8c-d12f-4a7f-bd36-3ca441910b75}, !- Handle
  TopFloor_Plenum_Wall_West,              !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d90bdd43-239b-4cf7-ae27-6c4e6b492a91}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 48.7381, 1.2192,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 1.2192;                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {dfc35d03-b0cb-4f19-a1bd-09af3cd6142f}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_basement_ZN_6_Floor,         !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {c7138cc2-589b-4e88-aa9b-6561b087ce28}, !- Space Name
  OtherSideCoefficients,                  !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  16.0794, 48.7381, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  16.0794, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 0;                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {1672b55a-25bd-4581-ad38-f3dee5d19303}, !- Handle
  GroundFloor_Plenum_Ceiling,             !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {b30407eb-ffd6-40ad-a549-5d1cfee1d345}, !- Space Name
  Adiabatic,                              !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 0, 1.2192,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 48.7381, 1.2192,               !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 1.2192,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 1.2192;                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {00eefaa5-e51f-4970-8962-9e09fa14f337}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_2_Wall_East_Window,    !- Name
  FixedWindow,                            !- Sub Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {58bb2539-a045-44d3-bfe6-0813d89f521a}, !- Surface Name
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Shading Control Name
  ,                                       !- Frame and Divider Name
  1,                                      !- Multiplier
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 0, 2.5,                         !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 0.914720000000003,           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 48.738, 0.914720000000003,      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 48.738, 2.5;                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {58bb2539-a045-44d3-bfe6-0813d89f521a}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_2_Wall_East,           !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fef7f608-2812-417a-a2ec-fcc3d22db84e}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 48.7381, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 48.7381, 2.744;                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {602b1d84-44b4-43f4-800e-5a114c124ad1}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_mid_ZN_6_Wall_South-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fbcda114-4a6f-4d17-ba38-7d71c7b8bbff}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {e657e933-2e28-4a34-8851-c3e8ba75a417}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  5.4876, 4.5732, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  5.4876, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 2.744;                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {e76036e0-22b6-40c7-bea7-47386fd2f9d6}, !- Handle
  Core_bot_ZN_5_Wall_East,                !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {252d5491-4adf-40c7-b2c2-5f3c366963cc}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {3a01545e-79a9-472e-a218-6d489b8687fa}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  63.0464, 0, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  63.0464, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  63.0464, 39.5918, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  63.0464, 39.5918, 2.744;                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {850dcceb-5334-45f2-850b-04b1d956bc1d}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_4_Wall_West,           !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fa6dd353-dcdd-40da-857d-4470740aa0d0}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 48.7381, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.744;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {39afff3c-2171-4086-8198-9afe50d5f6de}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_Ceiling,             !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fa1660de-671b-44b7-b087-bcff3e03cad4}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {aefb3f49-3bf4-4d11-bdf1-c6b6cd12b093}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 48.7381, 2.744,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 44.165, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 4.5732, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {aefb3f49-3bf4-4d11-bdf1-c6b6cd12b093}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_Ceiling Reversed,    !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {b30407eb-ffd6-40ad-a549-5d1cfee1d345}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {39afff3c-2171-4086-8198-9afe50d5f6de}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 48.7381, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  68.534, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  68.534, 44.165, 0;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {3def12df-a46f-4892-a29f-d6724fd48a4a}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_3_Ceiling,             !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {bf3e28c0-5c36-4ba7-8f6b-40c5c095b5f0}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {4b8d128f-860e-4c91-82a5-01e9ebfbcda8}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  68.534, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 4.5731, 2.744,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 4.5731, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {4b8d128f-860e-4c91-82a5-01e9ebfbcda8}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_3_Ceiling Reversed,    !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d90bdd43-239b-4cf7-ae27-6c4e6b492a91}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {3def12df-a46f-4892-a29f-d6724fd48a4a}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 48.7381, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  68.534, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 0;                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {9f283888-d211-4b3c-8f35-77e42197d220}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_1_Wall_South_Window,   !- Name
  FixedWindow,                            !- Sub Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {cc5dd4e1-0641-45fa-b38f-7695a96b4b40}, !- Surface Name
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Shading Control Name
  ,                                       !- Frame and Divider Name
  1,                                      !- Multiplier
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 2.5,                              !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0.914719999999999,                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  73.107, 0, 0.914719999999999,           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  73.107, 0, 2.5;                         !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {cc5dd4e1-0641-45fa-b38f-7695a96b4b40}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_1_Wall_South,          !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fbcda114-4a6f-4d17-ba38-7d71c7b8bbff}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 2.744,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 2.744;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {cc9d7a55-717a-47af-b50e-bcf2b2a27656}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_1_Wall_East,           !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fbcda114-4a6f-4d17-ba38-7d71c7b8bbff}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {75533803-6da1-4910-8684-a45128200c26}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 0, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  68.534, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  68.534, 4.5732, 2.744;                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {2fb16ca8-8ee2-410a-8df3-acd1b690be8b}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_2_Ceiling,             !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {7e340c82-5b29-41c5-9ccd-9a28338e4ae1}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {c89d803f-2b5e-43b7-b6a4-d2b48355dda9}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 48.7381, 2.744,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 44.165, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 4.5732, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {c89d803f-2b5e-43b7-b6a4-d2b48355dda9}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_2_Ceiling Reversed,    !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d6fae17a-2423-4ae7-b189-02f65601f395}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {2fb16ca8-8ee2-410a-8df3-acd1b690be8b}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 48.7381, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  68.534, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  68.534, 44.165, 0;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {ed92cf24-f8ab-4211-92b7-601209dfbe32}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_top_ZN_6_Wall_West,          !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {ad63a923-b138-4343-b031-0f686a9aa91f}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {7e083f99-2b31-4363-9b2a-f6d084494fb0}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 39.5918, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.744;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {d789a438-144a-47b5-ab33-f1f20ce8420b}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_Floor,               !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fa1660de-671b-44b7-b087-bcff3e03cad4}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {a4a4640a-1cfb-4b6c-b9b8-c418c8ee9f40}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 48.7381, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 4.5732, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 44.165, 0;                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {dc118b87-689b-4c02-a5b6-cc66e73ec545}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_Ceiling,             !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {2ff425f9-c1f4-46e4-a7b6-d29a1f6709fc}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {2e63da53-7395-4546-98da-7451f62658df}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 0, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  68.534, 4.5732, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.744;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {2e63da53-7395-4546-98da-7451f62658df}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_Ceiling Reversed,    !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {b30407eb-ffd6-40ad-a549-5d1cfee1d345}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {dc118b87-689b-4c02-a5b6-cc66e73ec545}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  68.534, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {7e715c4e-9cc5-4451-87d6-be729c1813ff}, !- Handle
  Core_mid_ZN_5_Wall_West,                !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {c9532ad7-da0a-45f9-96ed-ea62ab17db64}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {25715af1-cfe4-400e-88a6-673b93981c3b}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 39.5918, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.744;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {3a01545e-79a9-472e-a218-6d489b8687fa}, !- Handle
  Core_bot_ZN_5_Wall_East-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fa1660de-671b-44b7-b087-bcff3e03cad4}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {e76036e0-22b6-40c7-bea7-47386fd2f9d6}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 44.165, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 44.165, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 4.5732, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 4.5732, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {343ab50e-7ea3-4296-b5eb-134f058137a6}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_Wall_West,           !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d59c9de6-0b6a-4003-83b3-9abbb0fc11e6}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {7b1f5629-efd3-4d7f-8c48-d19aac443cb0}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.083703031917e-15, 4.5731, 2.744,      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.083703031917e-15, 4.5731, 0,          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {30c02024-6547-43b9-a6a2-fea5d5ebda1a}, !- Handle
  Core_mid_ZN_5_Wall_South-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fbcda114-4a6f-4d17-ba38-7d71c7b8bbff}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {56a4d45c-4568-40ab-923d-a97092607d26}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  68.534, 4.5732, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  68.534, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  5.4876, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  5.4876, 4.5732, 2.744;                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {cd3e2ec0-9a4f-4945-b005-c866a3a97675}, !- Handle
  Core_top_ZN_5_Wall_East-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fef7f608-2812-417a-a2ec-fcc3d22db84e}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {b02b32d0-d252-4623-a617-19d08c58e473}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 44.165, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 44.165, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 4.5732, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 4.5732, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {f4f193f2-ae84-4086-8993-59fec58adcc9}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_Wall_North-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d59c9de6-0b6a-4003-83b3-9abbb0fc11e6}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {80e41be6-5e15-4045-aa9d-879ab2ec874d}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  68.534, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  68.534, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  73.1072, 4.5731, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  73.1072, 4.5731, 2.744;                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {57a08851-5347-4ac4-ae3f-e27199583b27}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_basement_ZN_6_Ceiling-Perimeter_bot_ZN_1, !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {c7138cc2-589b-4e88-aa9b-6561b087ce28}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {385ea05a-ccee-44ea-89e0-24075e0c0427}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  16.0794, 0, 2.439,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  16.0794, 4.5732, 2.439,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 2.439,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.439;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {2fa33f41-41c5-4514-a1af-682bf1d8a1e4}, !- Handle
  {13d61229-074a-4f62-a9d4-191a7202d344}, !- Name
  ,                                       !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  ,                                       !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {093cfa47-574f-4267-bd8b-17602b6b4072}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_bot_ZN_6,                    !- Name
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  -0,                                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  4.5732,                                 !- X Origin {m}
  4.5732,                                 !- Y Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Z Origin {m}
  ,                                       !- Building Story Name
  ,                                       !- Thermal Zone Name
  ,                                       !- Part of Total Floor Area
  ,                                       !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
  ;                                       !- Building Unit Name

  {92f1bdc6-8a88-4f8b-8f56-459c0cde2a0a}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_4_Floor,               !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {6cd1cb1e-ec74-478a-b671-0892d887d9ed}, !- Space Name
  Adiabatic,                              !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 48.7381, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 0;                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {40c6b486-749c-4d5e-923b-073e53a6111d}, !- Handle
  Core_mid_ZN_5_Wall_North-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {acc296c2-5131-4947-b8bf-97711c02ad52}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {37aa0144-c104-405c-94fd-41890879a3f4}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  5.4876, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  5.4876, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  68.534, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  68.534, 0, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {82f55c5e-745b-4c15-a423-60bddbf56c5a}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_mid_ZN_6_Wall_West-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fa6dd353-dcdd-40da-857d-4470740aa0d0}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {9fc7900b-60c5-4318-be68-c2a994c9c978}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 4.5732, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 2.744;                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {a5466819-3f44-4950-baf0-a60b274311bc}, !- Handle
  Core_mid_ZN_5_Wall_East,                !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {c9532ad7-da0a-45f9-96ed-ea62ab17db64}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {fd68e341-4522-43fa-accb-af403e5de68e}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  63.0464, 0, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  63.0464, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  63.0464, 39.5918, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  63.0464, 39.5918, 2.744;                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {906abcb1-f796-496a-adea-6cbd2b8f0848}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_3_Wall_West-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fa6dd353-dcdd-40da-857d-4470740aa0d0}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {c091cb6f-13c9-417b-b5ee-d16b20b5c8f1}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 44.165, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 2.744;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {391dc8f1-8a29-442c-b115-ef910343caeb}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_basement_ZN_6_Wall_East,     !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {c7138cc2-589b-4e88-aa9b-6561b087ce28}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {2b4012bf-b312-44ff-8dd0-16e5aff0039b}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  16.0794, 0, 2.439,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  16.0794, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  16.0794, 48.7381, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  16.0794, 48.7381, 2.439;                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {cd82722e-12c4-46ad-889a-fe57b633f269}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_Ceiling,             !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d59c9de6-0b6a-4003-83b3-9abbb0fc11e6}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {09c70e4b-3161-43c2-b1ce-5ce5af4967de}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  68.534, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 4.5731, 2.744,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 4.5731, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {09c70e4b-3161-43c2-b1ce-5ce5af4967de}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_Ceiling Reversed,    !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {b30407eb-ffd6-40ad-a549-5d1cfee1d345}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {cd82722e-12c4-46ad-889a-fe57b633f269}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 48.7381, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  68.534, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 0;                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {a6dba811-9b59-4ec7-8d6a-0657c3bc91df}, !- Handle
  GroundFloor_Plenum_Wall_North,          !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {b30407eb-ffd6-40ad-a549-5d1cfee1d345}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 48.7381, 1.2192,               !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 48.7381, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 1.2192;                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {c091cb6f-13c9-417b-b5ee-d16b20b5c8f1}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_3_Wall_West,           !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {acc296c2-5131-4947-b8bf-97711c02ad52}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {906abcb1-f796-496a-adea-6cbd2b8f0848}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 4.5731, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 4.5731, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {ee165c5b-1b34-41e6-b0c7-9ecf243bdb47}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_3_Wall_West,           !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {bf3e28c0-5c36-4ba7-8f6b-40c5c095b5f0}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {4de0981c-2b7b-4c24-a0bb-adec3062534c}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 4.5731, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 4.5731, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {2b685259-9d7c-4e7f-b235-b2bd94d7b39f}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_2_Ceiling,             !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fef7f608-2812-417a-a2ec-fcc3d22db84e}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {ce93ff6b-5cbe-43e3-9913-d746d073e993}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 48.7381, 2.744,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 44.165, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 4.5732, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {ce93ff6b-5cbe-43e3-9913-d746d073e993}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_2_Ceiling Reversed,    !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d90bdd43-239b-4cf7-ae27-6c4e6b492a91}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {2b685259-9d7c-4e7f-b235-b2bd94d7b39f}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 48.7381, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  68.534, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  68.534, 44.165, 0;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {0c865d1c-590b-4fb1-9211-4e15b707301e}, !- Handle
  Int-Per3S-NE-PPAutoCreateOther,         !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fef7f608-2812-417a-a2ec-fcc3d22db84e}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {2b4a080c-6c41-4063-838c-6a7e4b99f33e}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 4.5732, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 4.5732, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {3a8bc761-afcd-446c-955c-8e3f0810fe12}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_top_ZN_6_Wall_East,          !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {ad63a923-b138-4343-b031-0f686a9aa91f}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {df5f6311-1983-4839-adb4-7ba4f4e7bbb8}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0.9144, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0.9144, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0.9144, 39.5918, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0.9144, 39.5918, 2.744;                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {12de9777-3d26-4388-94e5-b2833f350f9f}, !- Handle
  GroundFloor_Plenum_West,                !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {b30407eb-ffd6-40ad-a549-5d1cfee1d345}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 48.7381, 1.2192,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 1.2192;                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {12a4eefc-4a85-4ded-ae00-cc009940d469}, !- Handle
  Core_bot_ZN_5_Ceiling,                  !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {252d5491-4adf-40c7-b2c2-5f3c366963cc}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {f35acc88-98da-4be2-8a5e-50f5631563fb}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  63.0464, 0, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  63.0464, 39.5918, 2.744,                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.744;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {f35acc88-98da-4be2-8a5e-50f5631563fb}, !- Handle
  Core_bot_ZN_5_Ceiling Reversed,         !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {b30407eb-ffd6-40ad-a549-5d1cfee1d345}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {12a4eefc-4a85-4ded-ae00-cc009940d469}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  68.534, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  68.534, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  5.4876, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  5.4876, 44.165, 0;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {7d128996-bb86-43c1-9e95-79c15bdeb256}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_2_Wall_North-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {acc296c2-5131-4947-b8bf-97711c02ad52}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {31b80020-f257-4c20-a67a-014c08a7b555}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  68.534, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  68.534, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  73.1072, 4.5731, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  73.1072, 4.5731, 2.744;                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {2ae6067a-57a7-4598-9254-ed761f2f9add}, !- Handle
  TopFloor_Plenum_Wall_South,             !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d90bdd43-239b-4cf7-ae27-6c4e6b492a91}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 48.7381, 1.2192,               !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 48.7381, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 1.2192;                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {71b9c101-bd5f-4944-9806-64a258e5536f}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_mid_ZN_6_Floor,              !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {2c6ae4f5-d65e-4636-8802-7d13d7260722}, !- Space Name
  Adiabatic,                              !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0.9144, 39.5918, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0.9144, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 0;                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {ea4d5465-e417-4de3-87be-a97e95712b29}, !- Handle
  Core_top_ZN_5_Wall_South,               !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {c37fd6ec-d4bc-468a-8c95-3ae276d0b5cb}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {6b8053ca-b04c-40e5-8ba4-10cc9fc55980}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 2.744,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  63.0464, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  63.0464, 0, 2.744;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {523da0c9-6263-4626-ad5b-eeae3a2a440b}, !- Handle
  Basement_Wall_East,                     !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {5eccad29-dadd-43c0-a26c-31e00e7702be}, !- Space Name
  OtherSideCoefficients,                  !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  57.0278, 0, 2.439,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  57.0278, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  57.0278, 48.7381, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  57.0278, 48.7381, 2.439;                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {e4148073-8a8c-4060-96e2-b7770d9c53e8}, !- Handle
  GroundFloor_Plenum_Wall_South,          !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {b30407eb-ffd6-40ad-a549-5d1cfee1d345}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 1.2192,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 1.2192;                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {1d3d0aef-7299-4e26-a1b0-fb1e559fa4f7}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_bot_ZN_6_Wall_South,         !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {093cfa47-574f-4267-bd8b-17602b6b4072}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {ff2f7ee3-5bf1-48cb-b63a-9a1d8116864b}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  -3.33066907387547e-16, 0, 2.744,        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  -3.33066907387547e-16, 0, 0,            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0.9144, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0.9144, 0, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {ae5af028-c230-4b0f-a3ce-0ec5f71fe457}, !- Handle
  MidFloor_Plenum_Wall_North,             !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d6fae17a-2423-4ae7-b189-02f65601f395}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 48.7381, 1.2192,               !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 48.7381, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 1.2192;                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {653a73e1-2713-4171-a291-8f2a76d32df9}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_1_Wall_South_Window,   !- Name
  FixedWindow,                            !- Sub Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {4dd079cc-3c4c-49b7-8eeb-039223867855}, !- Surface Name
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Shading Control Name
  ,                                       !- Frame and Divider Name
  1,                                      !- Multiplier
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 2.5,                              !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0.914720000000003,                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  73.107, 0, 0.914720000000003,           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  73.107, 0, 2.5;                         !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {56a4d45c-4568-40ab-923d-a97092607d26}, !- Handle
  Core_mid_ZN_5_Wall_South,               !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {c9532ad7-da0a-45f9-96ed-ea62ab17db64}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {30c02024-6547-43b9-a6a2-fea5d5ebda1a}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 2.744,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  63.0464, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  63.0464, 0, 2.744;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {41796f93-7772-4e4a-aea7-fdb147f3cb48}, !- Handle
  Core_bot_ZN_5_Floor-PPAutoCreateOther,  !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {5eccad29-dadd-43c0-a26c-31e00e7702be}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {3295d8c7-2c80-4179-8c37-2145fa3d7d79}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  52.4546, 4.5732, 2.439,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  52.4546, 44.165, 2.439,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 44.165, 2.439,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 4.5732, 2.439;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {b8123f25-1a9d-44e2-a255-68dd5d517203}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_basement_ZN_6_Wall_West,     !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {c7138cc2-589b-4e88-aa9b-6561b087ce28}, !- Space Name
  OtherSideCoefficients,                  !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 48.7381, 2.439,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.439;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {9458e43b-b7b0-46f5-82b4-529de66fc6c8}, !- Handle
  Large Office,                           !- Name
  ,                                       !- Building Sector Type
  0,                                      !- North Axis {deg}
  ,                                       !- Nominal Floor to Floor Height {m}
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  ,                                       !- Standards Number of Stories
  ,                                       !- Standards Number of Above Ground Stories
  ,                                       !- Standards Building Type
  ,                                       !- Standards Number of Living Units
  ,                                       !- Relocatable
  ;                                       !- Nominal Floor to Ceiling Height {m}

  {a0e6024c-be07-4785-819f-b6fdb27ad027}, !- Handle
  ,                                       !- Do Zone Sizing Calculation
  ,                                       !- Do System Sizing Calculation
  ,                                       !- Do Plant Sizing Calculation
  ,                                       !- Run Simulation for Sizing Periods
  ,                                       !- Run Simulation for Weather File Run Periods
  0.04,                                   !- Loads Convergence Tolerance Value
  0.2,                                    !- Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value {deltaC}
  FullInteriorAndExterior,                !- Solar Distribution
  25,                                     !- Maximum Number of Warmup Days
  6;                                      !- Minimum Number of Warmup Days

  {15f1ac19-3a1f-423d-badc-7b23d812e699}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_basement_ZN_6_Wall_South,    !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {c7138cc2-589b-4e88-aa9b-6561b087ce28}, !- Space Name
  OtherSideCoefficients,                  !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 2.439,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  16.0794, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  16.0794, 0, 2.439;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {25715af1-cfe4-400e-88a6-673b93981c3b}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_mid_ZN_6_Wall_East,          !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {2c6ae4f5-d65e-4636-8802-7d13d7260722}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {7e715c4e-9cc5-4451-87d6-be729c1813ff}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0.9144, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0.9144, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0.9144, 39.5918, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0.9144, 39.5918, 2.744;                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {31e10464-4fa8-4e93-ba94-4baf8d634d35}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_bot_ZN_6_Wall_North,         !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {093cfa47-574f-4267-bd8b-17602b6b4072}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {f243f1a1-7523-4049-82df-fb7a88c11118}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0.9144, 39.5918, 2.744,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0.9144, 39.5918, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  -3.33066907387547e-16, 39.5918, 0,      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  -3.33066907387547e-16, 39.5918, 2.744;  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {561780d0-96ef-47fb-b60d-7ddaed864176}, !- Handle
  MidFloor_Plenum_Wall_South,             !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d6fae17a-2423-4ae7-b189-02f65601f395}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 1.2192,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 1.2192;                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {37760421-293e-4754-8028-4b540f335473}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_4_Wall_West_Window,    !- Name
  FixedWindow,                            !- Sub Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {89cd241e-4345-48f8-b4f3-b90e490a2fd3}, !- Surface Name
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Shading Control Name
  ,                                       !- Frame and Divider Name
  1,                                      !- Multiplier
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 48.738, 2.5,                         !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 48.738, 0.914720000000003,           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0.914720000000003,                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.5;                              !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {89cd241e-4345-48f8-b4f3-b90e490a2fd3}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_4_Wall_West,           !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {6cd1cb1e-ec74-478a-b671-0892d887d9ed}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 48.7381, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.744;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {72e33bf8-9116-47b0-86bf-f86191145cb4}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_Wall_East_Window,    !- Name
  FixedWindow,                            !- Sub Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {92390dde-10ab-4bbb-8134-e4b47023b18b}, !- Surface Name
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Shading Control Name
  ,                                       !- Frame and Divider Name
  1,                                      !- Multiplier
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 0, 2.5,                         !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 0.91472,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 48.738, 0.91472,                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 48.738, 2.5;                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {92390dde-10ab-4bbb-8134-e4b47023b18b}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_Wall_East,           !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fa1660de-671b-44b7-b087-bcff3e03cad4}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 48.7381, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 48.7381, 2.744;                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {ff2f7ee3-5bf1-48cb-b63a-9a1d8116864b}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_bot_ZN_6_Wall_South-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {2ff425f9-c1f4-46e4-a7b6-d29a1f6709fc}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {1d3d0aef-7299-4e26-a1b0-fb1e559fa4f7}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  5.4876, 4.5732, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  5.4876, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 2.744;                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {bed5f8a4-e69b-4793-be96-397d0f1ffb09}, !- Handle
  MidFloor_Plenum_Wall_West,              !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d6fae17a-2423-4ae7-b189-02f65601f395}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 48.7381, 1.2192,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 1.2192;                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {f243f1a1-7523-4049-82df-fb7a88c11118}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_bot_ZN_6_Wall_North-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d59c9de6-0b6a-4003-83b3-9abbb0fc11e6}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {31e10464-4fa8-4e93-ba94-4baf8d634d35}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  5.4876, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  5.4876, 0, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {7b1f5629-efd3-4d7f-8c48-d19aac443cb0}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_Wall_West-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {e00bf7aa-0083-44aa-b7cd-bd6b6b225b7a}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {343ab50e-7ea3-4296-b5eb-134f058137a6}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 44.165, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  8.16740606383402e-15, 48.7381, 0,       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  8.16740606383402e-15, 48.7381, 2.744;   !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {3ca4f15a-47d9-4a55-88ea-98e1de03d901}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_Wall_West,           !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {e00bf7aa-0083-44aa-b7cd-bd6b6b225b7a}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 48.7381, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.744;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {01110437-3107-4eb6-a0ce-f0f61aaf530e}, !- Handle
  MidFloor_Plenum_Wall_East,              !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d6fae17a-2423-4ae7-b189-02f65601f395}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 0, 1.2192,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  73.1072, 48.7381, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  73.1072, 48.7381, 1.2192;               !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {14f33320-6d6a-4312-94a9-694259fd4aa8}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_2_Wall_North,          !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fef7f608-2812-417a-a2ec-fcc3d22db84e}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {17c5ab76-a5f2-4433-b414-301e76e8929c}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 48.7381, 2.744,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 48.7381, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 44.165, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 44.165, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {d0eeff73-74d3-44d4-b90f-8feffcaee87b}, !- Handle
  MidFloor_Plenum_Ceiling,                !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d6fae17a-2423-4ae7-b189-02f65601f395}, !- Space Name
  Adiabatic,                              !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 0, 1.2192,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 48.7381, 1.2192,               !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 1.2192,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 1.2192;                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {1a84f0e4-456d-4063-8bcc-c90413170b86}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_1_Ceiling,             !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {6f883ada-330c-4aa9-aba9-5812022ed701}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {b3f6f1fd-0815-4301-b3d0-a738b3f3a35d}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 0, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  68.534, 4.5732, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.744;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {b3f6f1fd-0815-4301-b3d0-a738b3f3a35d}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_1_Ceiling Reversed,    !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d90bdd43-239b-4cf7-ae27-6c4e6b492a91}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {1a84f0e4-456d-4063-8bcc-c90413170b86}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  68.534, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {32a4810d-617d-45fa-9ece-047fa4a0a1bc}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_4_Ceiling,             !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fa6dd353-dcdd-40da-857d-4470740aa0d0}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {cd27150b-ff78-46e8-a3d7-be7f7aa6d83f}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 2.744,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 2.744;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {cd27150b-ff78-46e8-a3d7-be7f7aa6d83f}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_4_Ceiling Reversed,    !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d6fae17a-2423-4ae7-b189-02f65601f395}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {32a4810d-617d-45fa-9ece-047fa4a0a1bc}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 48.7381, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 0;                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {1cd952a4-9b94-4796-b97c-49230af9b37e}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_3_Floor,               !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {acc296c2-5131-4947-b8bf-97711c02ad52}, !- Space Name
  Adiabatic,                              !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 4.5731, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  68.534, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 4.5731, 0;                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {a4a4640a-1cfb-4b6c-b9b8-c418c8ee9f40}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_Floor-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {5eccad29-dadd-43c0-a26c-31e00e7702be}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {d789a438-144a-47b5-ab33-f1f20ce8420b}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  57.0278, 0, 2.439,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  57.0278, 48.7381, 2.439,                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  52.4546, 44.165, 2.439,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  52.4546, 4.5732, 2.439;                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {4d3683f5-3076-4f45-8532-ace3866cd78b}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_1_Floor,               !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {6f883ada-330c-4aa9-aba9-5812022ed701}, !- Space Name
  Adiabatic,                              !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  68.534, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {e93ad152-a5a4-4315-a202-31ae06a7d990}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_Wall_East-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fa1660de-671b-44b7-b087-bcff3e03cad4}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {238dc296-54b7-4c82-9728-433ea9cee952}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  5.10468460167268e-16, 4.5732, 2.744,    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  5.10468460167268e-16, 4.5732, 0,        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 4.08374768133815e-15, 0,        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 4.08374768133815e-15, 2.744;    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {c721c59d-459a-4ccb-8759-6f4a63ce20c6}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_bot_ZN_6_Wall_West-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {e00bf7aa-0083-44aa-b7cd-bd6b6b225b7a}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {b531b2fe-9de1-4032-9f51-f0c2e2f54078}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 4.5732, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 2.744;                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {70932616-f0d9-4b53-a4f6-a775af6d3f66}, !- Handle
  Core_mid_ZN_5_Ceiling,                  !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {c9532ad7-da0a-45f9-96ed-ea62ab17db64}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {03880883-060c-4872-8afb-b404635fa6aa}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  63.0464, 0, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  63.0464, 39.5918, 2.744,                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.744;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {03880883-060c-4872-8afb-b404635fa6aa}, !- Handle
  Core_mid_ZN_5_Ceiling Reversed,         !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d6fae17a-2423-4ae7-b189-02f65601f395}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {70932616-f0d9-4b53-a4f6-a775af6d3f66}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  68.534, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  68.534, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  5.4876, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  5.4876, 44.165, 0;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {64a5623d-c204-46f9-9047-4ef95bd4b60d}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_Wall_West_Window,    !- Name
  FixedWindow,                            !- Sub Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {3ca4f15a-47d9-4a55-88ea-98e1de03d901}, !- Surface Name
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Shading Control Name
  ,                                       !- Frame and Divider Name
  1,                                      !- Multiplier
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 48.738, 2.5,                         !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 48.738, 0.91472,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0.91472,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.5;                              !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {1c745e8a-b021-4943-9de9-ab769a4e89fa}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_bot_ZN_6_Wall_East-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {093cfa47-574f-4267-bd8b-17602b6b4072}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {d0a59f37-e292-440f-8ae6-2a115b14f8a0}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0.9144, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0.9144, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0.9144, 39.5918, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0.9144, 39.5918, 2.744;                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {b94133bc-3fe7-492b-b356-ea44e7457049}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_bot_ZN_6_Floor-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {c7138cc2-589b-4e88-aa9b-6561b087ce28}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {144f9764-f31b-4aee-bd51-8124b9619e1b}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  5.4876, 4.5732, 2.439,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  5.4876, 44.165, 2.439,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 2.439,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 2.439;                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {8e3a320e-c0eb-44a5-94cc-129acf7f6580}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_3_Floor,               !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {bf3e28c0-5c36-4ba7-8f6b-40c5c095b5f0}, !- Space Name
  Adiabatic,                              !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 4.5731, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  68.534, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 4.5731, 0;                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {1d02d50d-c397-465b-9b93-3c77a8d9ccca}, !- Handle
  Basement_Wall_South,                    !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {5eccad29-dadd-43c0-a26c-31e00e7702be}, !- Space Name
  OtherSideCoefficients,                  !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 2.439,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  57.0278, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  57.0278, 0, 2.439;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {9e160bff-45eb-4d52-8093-eb0fffa69be4}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_3_Ceiling,             !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {acc296c2-5131-4947-b8bf-97711c02ad52}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {c520f813-40b0-40c5-89d7-226de1f3b6a2}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  68.534, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 4.5731, 2.744,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 4.5731, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {c520f813-40b0-40c5-89d7-226de1f3b6a2}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_3_Ceiling Reversed,    !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d6fae17a-2423-4ae7-b189-02f65601f395}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {9e160bff-45eb-4d52-8093-eb0fffa69be4}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 48.7381, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  68.534, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 0;                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {4f514d6b-5f3a-4773-a294-0e317f993fc9}, !- Handle
  Core_bot_ZN_5_Wall_North,               !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {252d5491-4adf-40c7-b2c2-5f3c366963cc}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {35256534-7dcb-487c-8754-2698ab3fb091}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  63.0464, 39.5918, 2.744,                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  63.0464, 39.5918, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 2.744;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {3f55d2a2-ab1b-400e-bdcf-547854f915c5}, !- Handle
  TopFloor_Plenum_Wall_East,              !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d90bdd43-239b-4cf7-ae27-6c4e6b492a91}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 0, 1.2192,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  73.1072, 48.7381, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  73.1072, 48.7381, 1.2192;               !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {7d014ebe-7217-4d20-a2f0-7dba0912b1e1}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_1_Floor,               !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fbcda114-4a6f-4d17-ba38-7d71c7b8bbff}, !- Space Name
  Adiabatic,                              !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  68.534, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {75533803-6da1-4910-8684-a45128200c26}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_1_Wall_East-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {7e340c82-5b29-41c5-9ccd-9a28338e4ae1}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {cc9d7a55-717a-47af-b50e-bcf2b2a27656}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 4.5732, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 4.5732, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {814b60dc-836e-421b-99c0-f8a854e3e4e5}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_basement_ZN_6_Wall_North,    !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {c7138cc2-589b-4e88-aa9b-6561b087ce28}, !- Space Name
  OtherSideCoefficients,                  !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  16.0782, 48.7381, 2.439,                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  16.0794, 48.7381, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 2.439;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {9c4cd6ed-9920-48ea-acd5-53d88fdbc4ec}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_basement_ZN_6_Ceiling-Core_bot_ZN_5, !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {c7138cc2-589b-4e88-aa9b-6561b087ce28}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {3fc96f62-dfdc-4573-82ee-671168d1232f}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  16.0794, 4.5732, 2.439,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  16.0794, 44.165, 2.439,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  5.4876, 44.165, 2.439,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  5.4876, 4.5732, 2.439;                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {9b67c111-2466-4846-bb06-ca0f12ce1160}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_top_ZN_6_Wall_South-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {6f883ada-330c-4aa9-aba9-5812022ed701}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {2166ea71-a18a-4db4-a3d4-b2bdbbbe94a0}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  5.4876, 4.5732, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  5.4876, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 2.744;                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {b02b32d0-d252-4623-a617-19d08c58e473}, !- Handle
  Core_top_ZN_5_Wall_East,                !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {c37fd6ec-d4bc-468a-8c95-3ae276d0b5cb}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {cd3e2ec0-9a4f-4945-b005-c866a3a97675}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  63.0464, 0, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  63.0464, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  63.0464, 39.5918, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  63.0464, 39.5918, 2.744;                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {ce56dec2-c159-4712-8c2a-ce4ff28913cc}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_4_Ceiling,             !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {6cd1cb1e-ec74-478a-b671-0892d887d9ed}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {37bc0c90-ed10-4371-9c96-59abdfd51213}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 2.744,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 2.744;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {37bc0c90-ed10-4371-9c96-59abdfd51213}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_4_Ceiling Reversed,    !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d90bdd43-239b-4cf7-ae27-6c4e6b492a91}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {ce56dec2-c159-4712-8c2a-ce4ff28913cc}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 48.7381, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 0;                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {01cd8577-649b-4433-97f2-77580c653d33}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_4_Wall_South,          !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {fa6dd353-dcdd-40da-857d-4470740aa0d0}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {07bf6fef-804b-41f5-be4e-454ef34836c2}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 2.744,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 2.744;                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {144f9764-f31b-4aee-bd51-8124b9619e1b}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_bot_ZN_6_Floor,              !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {093cfa47-574f-4267-bd8b-17602b6b4072}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {b94133bc-3fe7-492b-b356-ea44e7457049}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0.9144, 39.5918, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0.9144, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  -3.33066907387547e-16, 0, 0,            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  -3.33066907387547e-16, 39.5918, 0;      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {2b4012bf-b312-44ff-8dd0-16e5aff0039b}, !- Handle
  Basement_Wall_West,                     !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {5eccad29-dadd-43c0-a26c-31e00e7702be}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {391dc8f1-8a29-442c-b115-ef910343caeb}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 48.7381, 2.439,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.439;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {22e35ab3-431d-400d-baa8-2de55185eb9d}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_mid_ZN_6_Wall_North,         !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {2c6ae4f5-d65e-4636-8802-7d13d7260722}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {3d4da348-f579-48a3-a1d9-b5c14b19b5ed}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0.9144, 39.5918, 2.744,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0.9144, 39.5918, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 2.744;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {b25d4550-6a59-4374-90a1-50637c8ac382}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_top_ZN_6_ceiling,            !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {ad63a923-b138-4343-b031-0f686a9aa91f}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {9d1615ff-a9a5-439e-b9bd-70adc5331801}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0.9144, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0.9144, 39.5918, 2.744,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.744;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {9d1615ff-a9a5-439e-b9bd-70adc5331801}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_top_ZN_6_ceiling Reversed,   !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d90bdd43-239b-4cf7-ae27-6c4e6b492a91}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {b25d4550-6a59-4374-90a1-50637c8ac382}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  5.4876, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  5.4876, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 0;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {3aea0e62-e36b-4705-b26b-131867a7071a}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_Floor,               !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {2ff425f9-c1f4-46e4-a7b6-d29a1f6709fc}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {b0fa1412-f530-4105-9167-603b3bfe9e52}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  68.534, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  16.0782, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  16.0782, 4.5732, 0;                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {f7ff901a-2dd1-4408-bf30-6ed3cc0e7eaf}, !- Handle
  Core_top_ZN_5_Floor,                    !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {c37fd6ec-d4bc-468a-8c95-3ae276d0b5cb}, !- Space Name
  Adiabatic,                              !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  63.0464, 39.5918, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  63.0464, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 0;                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {4de0981c-2b7b-4c24-a0bb-adec3062534c}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_3_Wall_West-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {6cd1cb1e-ec74-478a-b671-0892d887d9ed}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {ee165c5b-1b34-41e6-b0c7-9ecf243bdb47}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 44.165, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 2.744;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {b531b2fe-9de1-4032-9f51-f0c2e2f54078}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_bot_ZN_6_Wall_West,          !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {093cfa47-574f-4267-bd8b-17602b6b4072}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {c721c59d-459a-4ccb-8759-6f4a63ce20c6}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  -3.33066907387547e-16, 39.5918, 2.744,  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  -3.33066907387547e-16, 39.5918, 0,      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  -3.33066907387547e-16, 0, 0,            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  -3.33066907387547e-16, 0, 2.744;        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {2b4a080c-6c41-4063-838c-6a7e4b99f33e}, !- Handle
  Int-Per3S-NE,                           !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {6f883ada-330c-4aa9-aba9-5812022ed701}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {0c865d1c-590b-4fb1-9211-4e15b707301e}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 0, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  68.534, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  68.534, 4.5732, 2.744;                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {ddf078bb-6913-4464-a251-3975f54cdc9b}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_Floor-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {c7138cc2-589b-4e88-aa9b-6561b087ce28}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {69fcca71-6ec3-43d0-8607-fdaca10df727}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 2.439,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 2.439,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 2.439,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 48.7381, 2.439;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {0208ba39-4d9e-48bc-baaa-aa63fa562928}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_bot_ZN_6_Ceiling,            !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {093cfa47-574f-4267-bd8b-17602b6b4072}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {75c88fd3-ebc1-4c31-8d28-9e805fc36558}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0.9144, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0.9144, 39.5918, 2.744,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  -3.33066907387547e-16, 39.5918, 2.744,  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  -3.33066907387547e-16, 0, 2.744;        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {75c88fd3-ebc1-4c31-8d28-9e805fc36558}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_bot_ZN_6_Ceiling Reversed,   !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {b30407eb-ffd6-40ad-a549-5d1cfee1d345}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {0208ba39-4d9e-48bc-baaa-aa63fa562928}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  5.4876, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  5.4876, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 0;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {e5ea47ca-e0f0-4a14-9561-81ab7eb67866}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_top_ZN_6_Wall_North-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {bf3e28c0-5c36-4ba7-8f6b-40c5c095b5f0}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {f507b375-72b9-4b6c-b5f9-c14cf6d8d91e}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 0, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  5.4876, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  5.4876, 0, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {69fcca71-6ec3-43d0-8607-fdaca10df727}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_Floor,               !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {e00bf7aa-0083-44aa-b7cd-bd6b6b225b7a}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {ddf078bb-6913-4464-a251-3975f54cdc9b}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 48.7381, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 0;                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {a9a0e5a8-dd8a-4960-8e6d-314d1f701b28}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_2_Floor,               !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {7e340c82-5b29-41c5-9ccd-9a28338e4ae1}, !- Space Name
  Adiabatic,                              !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 48.7381, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 4.5732, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 44.165, 0;                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {926ce309-292a-4de2-9d82-9c49364d5ded}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_4_Wall_South-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {6f883ada-330c-4aa9-aba9-5812022ed701}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {ef49b372-c364-4575-b4d6-9c6199c631a7}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4.5732, 4.5732, 2.744,                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.744;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {dfb239da-931c-4e96-9a28-c712409a4bc4}, !- Handle
  Core_top_ZN_5_Ceiling,                  !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {c37fd6ec-d4bc-468a-8c95-3ae276d0b5cb}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {bced3516-b2e1-43fb-bd02-c586c8984d05}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  63.0464, 0, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  63.0464, 39.5918, 2.744,                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 2.744,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.744;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {bced3516-b2e1-43fb-bd02-c586c8984d05}, !- Handle
  Core_top_ZN_5_Ceiling Reversed,         !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {d90bdd43-239b-4cf7-ae27-6c4e6b492a91}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {dfb239da-931c-4e96-9a28-c712409a4bc4}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  68.534, 44.165, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  68.534, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  5.4876, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  5.4876, 44.165, 0;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {f507b375-72b9-4b6c-b5f9-c14cf6d8d91e}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_top_ZN_6_Wall_North,         !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {ad63a923-b138-4343-b031-0f686a9aa91f}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {e5ea47ca-e0f0-4a14-9561-81ab7eb67866}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0.9144, 39.5918, 2.744,                 !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0.9144, 39.5918, 0,                     !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 39.5918, 2.744;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {2166ea71-a18a-4db4-a3d4-b2bdbbbe94a0}, !- Handle
  DataCenter_top_ZN_6_Wall_South,         !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {ad63a923-b138-4343-b031-0f686a9aa91f}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {9b67c111-2466-4846-bb06-ca0f12ce1160}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 2.744,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0.9144, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0.9144, 0, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {3295d8c7-2c80-4179-8c37-2145fa3d7d79}, !- Handle
  Core_bot_ZN_5_Floor,                    !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {252d5491-4adf-40c7-b2c2-5f3c366963cc}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {41796f93-7772-4e4a-aea7-fdb147f3cb48}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  0,                                      !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  63.0464, 39.5918, 0,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  63.0464, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  10.5906, 0, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  10.5906, 39.5918, 0;                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {238dc296-54b7-4c82-9728-433ea9cee952}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_Wall_East,           !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {2ff425f9-c1f4-46e4-a7b6-d29a1f6709fc}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {e93ad152-a5a4-4315-a202-31ae06a7d990}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  73.1072, 4.08374768133815e-15, 2.744,   !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  73.1072, 4.08374768133815e-15, 0,       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  68.534, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  68.534, 4.5732, 2.744;                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {45ca7631-89f8-4111-80fe-2bb397cca517}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_mid_ZN_4_Wall_West_Window,    !- Name
  FixedWindow,                            !- Sub Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {850dcceb-5334-45f2-850b-04b1d956bc1d}, !- Surface Name
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Shading Control Name
  ,                                       !- Frame and Divider Name
  1,                                      !- Multiplier
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 48.738, 2.5,                         !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 48.738, 0.914719999999999,           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0.914719999999999,                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 2.5;                              !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {ef49b372-c364-4575-b4d6-9c6199c631a7}, !- Handle
  Perimeter_top_ZN_4_Wall_South,          !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {6cd1cb1e-ec74-478a-b671-0892d887d9ed}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {926ce309-292a-4de2-9d82-9c49364d5ded}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 2.744,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 0,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4.5732, 4.5732, 2.744;                  !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {fd68e341-4522-43fa-accb-af403e5de68e}, !- Handle
  Core_mid_ZN_5_Wall_East-PPAutoCreateOther, !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {7e340c82-5b29-41c5-9ccd-9a28338e4ae1}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {a5466819-3f44-4950-baf0-a60b274311bc}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 44.165, 2.744,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 44.165, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 4.5732, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 4.5732, 2.744;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {b0eaecf4-1175-401e-9aec-08ebfb4c0691}; !- Handle