Represents a single application instance.

[R] app_root The root directory of this application, i.e. the directory that contains ‘app/’, ‘public/’, etc.
[R] listen_socket_name The name of the socket on which the application instance will accept new connections. See #listen_socket_type on how one should interpret this value.
[R] listen_socket_type The type of socket that #listen_socket_name refers to. Currently this is always ‘unix’, which means that #listen_socket_name refers to the filename of a Unix domain socket.
[R] owner_pipe The owner pipe of the application instance (an IO object). Please see RequestHandler for a description of the owner pipe.
[R] pid The process ID of this application instance.
Public Class methods
  • Returns the Ruby on Rails version that the application requires.
  • Returns :vendor if the application has a vendored Rails.
  • Returns nil if the application doesn‘t specify a particular version.

Raises VersionNotFound if the required Rails version is not installed.

    # File lib/phusion_passenger/application.rb, line 55
55:         def self.detect_framework_version(app_root)
56:                 if"#{app_root}/vendor/rails/railties")
57:                         # NOTE: We must check for 'rails/railties' and not just 'rails'.
58:                         # Typo's vendor directory contains an empty 'rails' directory.
59:                         return :vendor
60:                 end
62:                 environment_rb ="#{app_root}/config/environment.rb")
63:                 environment_rb =~ /^[^#]*RAILS_GEM_VERSION\s*=\s*["']([!~<>=]*\s*[\d.]+)["']/
64:                 gem_version_spec = $1
65:                 if gem_version_spec.nil?
66:                         return nil
67:                 end
69:                 search_results ='rails', gem_version_spec), true)
70:                 found_version = do |x|
71:                         x.version.version
72:                 end.sort.last
73:                 if found_version.nil?
74:                         # If this error was reported before, then the cache might be out of
75:                         # date because the Rails version may have been installed now.
76:                         # So we reload the RubyGems cache and try again.
77:                         Gem.clear_paths
78:                         search_results ='rails', gem_version_spec), true)
79:                         found_version = do |x|
80:                                 x.version.version
81:                         end.sort.last
82:                 end
84:                 if found_version.nil?
85:                         raise"There is no Ruby on Rails version " <<
86:                                 "installed that matches version \"#{gem_version_spec}\"",
87:                                 gem_version_spec)
88:                 else
89:                         return found_version
90:                 end
91:         end
new(app_root, pid, listen_socket_name, listen_socket_type, owner_pipe)

Creates a new instance of Application. The parameters correspond with the attributes of the same names. No exceptions will be thrown.

     # File lib/phusion_passenger/application.rb, line 95
 95:         def initialize(app_root, pid, listen_socket_name, listen_socket_type, owner_pipe)
 96:                 @app_root = app_root
 97:                 @pid = pid
 98:                 @listen_socket_name = listen_socket_name
 99:                 @listen_socket_type = listen_socket_type
100:                 @owner_pipe = owner_pipe
101:         end
Public Instance methods

Close the connection with the application instance. If there are no other processes that have connections to this application instance, then it will shutdown as soon as possible.

See also AbstractRequestHandler#owner_pipe.

     # File lib/phusion_passenger/application.rb, line 108
108:         def close
109:                 @owner_pipe.close rescue nil
110:         end