module WWWJDic::Utils::Raisers

This module contains some utility method to raise errors according to (possibly) common conditions.


Marco Bresciani


(C) 2014 Marco Bresciani


GNU General Public License version 3

Public Instance Methods

raiser_array(name = 'error.value', value = nil, array = nil) click to toggle source

Raises an ArgumentError according to parameters, unless the array contains the exact value.

   # File lib/wwwjdic/utils/raisers.rb
49 def raiser_array(name = 'error.value', value = nil, array = nil)
50   raise ArgumentError, I18n.t(name, value: value) if !value.nil? && !(array.include? value)
51 end
raiser_downcase(name = 'error.value', value = nil, array = nil) click to toggle source

Raises an ArgumentError according to parameters, unless the array contains a downcased value.

   # File lib/wwwjdic/utils/raisers.rb
55 def raiser_downcase(name = 'error.value', value = nil, array = nil)
56   raise ArgumentError, I18n.t(name, value: value) if !value.nil? && !(array.include? value.downcase)
57 end
raiser_to_i(name = 'error.value', value = nil, array = nil) click to toggle source

Raises an ArgumentError according to parameters, unless the array contains the number of the value.

   # File lib/wwwjdic/utils/raisers.rb
61 def raiser_to_i(name = 'error.value', value = nil, array = nil)
62   raise ArgumentError, I18n.t(name, value: value) if !value.nil? && !(array.include? value.to_i)
63 end